06-29-2004, 04:42 AM
What Exactly is Yu Yevon? Im Confused.
Was he a Man? Is it ever Explained how he becomes that Small Spider-like thing?


06-29-2004, 04:51 AM
Yu Yevon looks like the blueberry and cola jelly im eating.

06-29-2004, 01:57 PM
wasn't he supposed to be a summoner, i can't really remember.

06-30-2004, 01:55 AM
Oh..that was Yu Yevon? I thought it was an octopus. (insert sarcasm here)

Honestly though, one of the shittest last bosses of any game I've ever played. Ant that whole Auto-life thing, waiting for him to kill himself � where was the challenge?

Bahamut ZERO
06-30-2004, 07:18 AM
Stolen from a site someplace...

You learn that Yu Yevon is a summoner from way back that crafts the souls of the dead into an unholy armour - i.e. Sin. Yu Yevon hides within that armour and when it's destroyed he just uses the aeon that destroyed it to make a new one.

Apparently when conversing to Mika before he decided to kill himself. In a manner of speaking~

06-30-2004, 07:46 AM
i dont think they made Yu Yevon very hard to beat because of how difficult the dark aeons and some of the monsters in the arena. the end boss would be a challange if it was penace.

07-01-2004, 03:25 AM
It was a seriously lame final boss. One of these days, I might just go back and play the end of the game again and let it get an attack off so I can see how tough it is, rather than killing it before it gets a turn.

07-01-2004, 03:37 AM
.........*Yu Yevon uses an attack*
*(Insert character here) takes 23HP of damage.*

07-01-2004, 04:32 AM
The real final boss was technically Braska's Final Aeon. After that, you pretty much already won the game.

But Yu Yevon did feel like he got inserted... like how Ultimecia and Adel did in FF8.

07-03-2004, 01:16 PM
Yu Yevon was just a show boss. The aeons lend their strength to protect you. It's pure storyline. The only way to lose against Yu Yevon is to petrify your own characters.

07-05-2004, 05:14 AM
yu yevon looks like an insect to me

07-09-2004, 05:21 AM
i thought that he was just a little evil spirit. that never got sent so he got horns or legs whatever u wanna call them

Ereptor Eximius
07-16-2004, 06:54 PM
The only way to lose against Yu Yevon is to petrify your own characters.

Yay! something to do when I'm bored!!

08-15-2004, 02:06 AM
Yu Yevon was a summoner 1000 years ago in the real Zanarkand that was chosen to be Yunalesca's final aeon and was then used to create a mega baddy because he went a little nuts and got angry. This was after the tragedy of Shuyin and Lenne. He is in a way, a fayth. A deceised body but with it's unsent spirit still living and fighting to protect itself with its given powers as a sort of fiend/aeon/ still intact(and we all know that part). It is something that keeps on summoning. More specifically, it keeps on summoning the dream that is Zanarkand since he lived there, and his summons were so powerful and blunt that the fayth had to keep dreaming up, and that's why they wanted a calm, uneventful sleep. He also keeps on summoning the aeons as shields. It's part of a dream I think, or a chain to it, one that isn't controlled, and was something to change the fate of Spira I think. We don't know why he became what he became. Maybe something to represent his evilness or something like that. A big black blob filled with all the sorrow of Spira. It's very complicated. Wait, now I can't remember if Yu Yevon was Yunalesca's father or husband. Wasn't there this other guy who's name started with a Z? I guess if it was his daughter then that was why Yunalesca stayed an unsent to carry on the final summoning. Also I guess because she was the first (or second) to defeat Sin.

08-15-2004, 02:18 AM
and he keeps on summoning the dream that is zanarkand because he was from there. that's why the fayth asks tidus to destroy him in order to rest. isn't he the one using the fayth outside of zanarkand? that big one?

08-16-2004, 01:37 AM
o ok that makes so much more sense. where did u find that out, was it said in the game. if it was i wasn't paying atention and now i feel dumb o well what can ya do

08-16-2004, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by heavens_final_samurai
o ok that makes so much more sense. where did u find that out, was it said in the game. if it was i wasn't paying atention and now i feel dumb o well what can ya do

Me or god is dead? Well, a lot of it was from the game, and you have to analyze it and put it altogether. And there were some sites that had even more in depth info.

08-16-2004, 02:10 AM

08-16-2004, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by ReallyHotGuyNamedHiter

I don't think that's Yu Yevon because remember, he's kind of inside Sin for protection. Do you mean O'aka?

08-16-2004, 02:46 AM
No, ReallyHotGuyNamedHiter is referring to Final Fantasy IX's final boss and sort of comparing how in Final Fantasy IX you didn't really see him until the end and the same is really true of Yu Yevon in FFX.

08-16-2004, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
No, ReallyHotGuyNamedHiter is referring to Final Fantasy IX's final boss and sort of comparing how in Final Fantasy IX you didn't really see him until the end and the same is really true of Yu Yevon in FFX.

but in 9 nectron or who ever he is just kinda shows up out of no were in the final battle but u learn of yu yeven a little ways before so it isn't quite the same

08-16-2004, 05:53 AM
Fair enough. I wasn't saying that I necessarily I agreed totally, just that that is what he was trying to get at.

09-01-2004, 10:53 PM
I heard that Yu Yevon Was Yunalesca's Father?

09-01-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by *Tifa*Aeris*lover*
I heard that Yu Yevon Was Yunalesca's Father? Not exactly,Yunalesca used her husband,Lord Zaon as the Final Summoning and he became Yu Yevon.

09-02-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by *Tifa*Aeris*lover*
I heard that Yu Yevon Was Yunalesca's Father?

That's the part that is kinda confusing. A lot of people say that Yu Yevon was a real person that had a lot of power and was Yunalesca's father, therefore her being a summoner. But it is true that Zaon was her husband, also a summoner wasn't he? Or was he a soldier or priest? One of those. Whatever the cause, Yu Yevon became an evil being that kept on summoning.

09-02-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Tidus__Yuna
Not exactly,Yunalesca used her husband,Lord Zaon as the Final Summoning and he became Yu Yevon.

that's wrong.
yu yevon was a summoner in zanarkand and during the war between zanarkand and bevelle i think he summoned sin and destroyed a lot of cities, then he summoned the dream that is zanarkand using the fayth of all the people that died during the war (i think). i also read (in the game perhaps, can't remember) that he was yunalesca's father. yunalesca,with zaon, defeated sin and zaon became the next sin and so on, so on..

and during all this yu yevon was hiding inside sin and each time someone defeated sin e used the final aeon to summon another sin.
only when tidus and company went inside sin could they kill yu yevon and end the dream and sin.

09-02-2004, 03:20 AM
Oh ok thanks 4 the info:D

09-02-2004, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by god is dead

that's wrong.
yu yevon was a summoner in zanarkand and during the war between zanarkand and bevelle i think he summoned sin and destroyed a lot of cities, then he summoned the dream that is zanarkand using the fayth of all the people that died during the war (i think). i also read (in the game perhaps, can't remember) that he was yunalesca's father. yunalesca,with zaon, defeated sin and zaon became the next sin and so on, so on..

and during all this yu yevon was hiding inside sin and each time someone defeated sin e used the final aeon to summon another sin.
only when tidus and company went inside sin could they kill yu yevon and end the dream and sin.

I think that's right. I guess Sin was a new aeon or something or because of the destruction that was so powerful he became the thing inside Sin. Maybe Sin was an aeon that was made of...mmm, I dunno, the dead from years and years before the war. My guess is that he summoned Sin to take over the war and end it, but maybe he just overdid it and wanted more power in the process. What started the war anyways? I can't remember. And did his summoning have anything to do with Vegnugun? Maybe he summoned in haste so that they did not need to use Vegnagun and made this whole thing about machina being bad. Then I guess that's when the curse started to happen ( the question is why and how ) and Yunalesca had to fight her own father and use her husband to do it. And then along the years until Yuan's time, Bevelle never said that a guardian had to be sacrificed. My thoughts aren't at as clear tonight so sorry if I sound confusing or said something incorrect. ^_^

09-02-2004, 04:54 AM
Vegnagun? Uh, no, remember Vegnagun was created to combat Sin. But Vegnagun was uncontrollable and indiscriminatory and so they had to lock it away.

09-02-2004, 05:22 AM
yu yevon was easy all i did was have kimhari cast doom on it

09-02-2004, 08:50 PM
i want to know y vegnegun wasnt used to fight sin? it may have been powerful enough to destroy it

09-02-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Ac-ace0
i want to know y vegnegun wasnt used to fight sin? it may have been powerful enough to destroy it

Originally posted by Agent0042
But Vegnagun was uncontrollable and indiscriminatory and so they had to lock it away.

09-03-2004, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042

Yup, and I think it had something to do to start with the whole machina being bad thing. Or maybe it also had to do to keep the people under control and to keep the dream running. I can't really remember much now. Wait, no, it wasn't used to fight Sin it was used to fight in the war as I recall. And then Sin kind of stopped it all, and then they forbid the use of machina. And since it was Bevelle that did so, they kept Vegnagun in close hiding. We know this because Vegnagun was made during a time when Sin didn't exist.

09-04-2004, 12:56 AM
Sorry, you're right, I goofed on that. Well, not that it wasn't too indiscriminate to be used to combat Sin, that much is true. But is correct that it was created before Sin.

I'm not sure I buy though that it wasn't used to combat Sin just because they forbade machina though. Maechen specifically said that they didn't use it because of the fact that it didn't discren friend or foe.

09-04-2004, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Sorry, you're right, I goofed on that. Well, not that it wasn't too indiscriminate to be used to combat Sin, that much is true. But is correct that it was created before Sin.

I'm not sure I buy though that it wasn't used to combat Sin just because they forbade machina though. Maechen specifically said that they didn't use it because of the fact that it didn't discren friend or foe.

Hmm, that makes sense. I agree now on that. Oh, and Ac-ace0, I love your sig!

09-15-2004, 07:45 PM
For whoever was asking who he was summoning, it was the souls of the dead from Zanarkand. They gave themselves up to be summoned to protect their city after the attacks from Bevelle.

If you remember the part where they walk past all the people on the walls on stuff, those were the bodies of the ones that were dreaming. I think it's between Mt. Gagazet and Zanarkand. Tidus passes out there and has some sort of dream.

My question is, Jecht was a dream just like Tidus, not from 1,000 years ago, but a dream from the present. So, how did Jecht get there to begin with? Are they related to Yunalesca and Lord Zaon somehow, allowing them to cross over into the real world?

09-16-2004, 01:50 AM
i remeber them saying ject became real when he touched sin. but then what who was that sin that blew up dream zanarkin in the first fmv and then wouldnt tidus be real also because he touched sin i mean he was inside sin?

08-26-2007, 12:51 AM
Alrighty, listen closely.

It was before Sin had appeared, there was a war between Bevelle and Zanarkand. Zanarkand was uttterly destroyed, and then they moved onto Mt. Gagazet. The fayths has gathered on Mt. Gagazet, and when the Bevelle Soldiers arrived, they heard a song. They thought it was a "song from the otherworld" and started to panic and run. Then Sin appeared, as if to pursue the Bevelle soldiers. It was said that out of those fayths, Yevon, Lady Yunalesca's father, and the founder of the teachings in the game, had summoned Sin using that song. Yunalesca sarted the tradition on destroying Sin, thus the rebirth of Sin started when she used her husband Zaon as an aeon to defeat it. Yevon hid away inside Sin and used the Final Aeon to make a new one, etc.
Bluntly, Yu Yevon if the unsent spirit of Yunalesca's father, the immortal who created Sin, and the one who is making dream Zanarkand by calling upon the energy of the fayths of Zanarkand's memories and dreams.

*Note. This is ALL said and anaylzed from the game.

Uhh...ilovequistis, if you mean how did Jecht become Sin, it was because he become a fayth to be the Final Summoning Aoen for Lord Braska, thus turning him into Sin.

08-26-2007, 01:27 AM
I don't really think that Yu Yevon has anything to do with Yunalesca. Zeon become faith in order to destroy Sin, so Yu Yevon existed while he was still alive.

My opinion is that Yu Yevon is just a summoner from Zanarkand who died during the war with Bevele. He refused to die, and as game said, he stayed in Spira with one purpose only - to keep on summoning. Bunch of dead souls joined with him and he became powerfull enough to create shell known as Sin. Since dead envy the living, their purpose was only to destroy. Dead souls are similar (or the same) as faith. When there is no more faith to give him power, Yu Yevon is just weak little creature that can be squashed like a bug (or a spider). At least that's what I think...

08-26-2007, 03:48 AM

08-26-2007, 03:48 AM
lol 2 year-old thread, but felt like saying a load of shit everyone else had already said.


08-26-2007, 04:06 AM
Indeed, congratulations on reviving a thread that really hasn't had any activity in quite a long time. And yeah, just to repeat a bunch of stuff people have already said. Also... closed.