06-28-2004, 10:15 AM
Well, I'm not taking the blow too hard (I got Mega Man Aniversary Collection to keep me warm).

But with the 8 hour update (which will last from 10 AM to 6 PM PST if I recall), what do we expect from this update and what will you do right after you get back on?

06-28-2004, 01:36 PM
We expect from the update:

-Improvements to conflict
-Mannequins in MH
-Some new stuff.. I think
-Fireworks stack to 99
-a lot more

it was in the latest Development Update thingy.
I can get you the exact info if you want.

When I get on, I'm going to check on my plants :D

Evad D'Aragon
06-28-2004, 01:48 PM
I know that the fireworks stacks will go from 12 to 99, most likely for people who want to celebrate Canada's Birthday on July 1st and America's Birthday on July 4th.

Besides that, probably just a few preparatoy updates for the next expansion, I know they are slowly preparing the game files for it.

As for what I'll do when I get back know that already, a promise is a promise. I logged in San d'Oria after my little trip in the Kuzotz region. I almost got to level 37 but our White Mage had to leave. Which sucked really, because we were really picking up a insane pace, as we made about 3000 exp in 30 minutes...But life is life. If we wouldn't have had that much trouble finding people to complete our party ( Nobody wants to go or knows where the Altepa deserts are yet so far it has been my favorite leveling place from level 30 to 36, by far. )

And since I will be there and that Warchief Vatgit is in for a instant killing, if know one can help, we might as well get your Kazham key in the Yughutt Grotto...I'm not a Thief so the drop might be slow but I can garantee you that nothing will kill you with me as your bodyguard. Heck, I went there as a level 24 Warrior/Monk with a level 24 Red Mage/Black Mage LS friend and if it wouldn't have been for the slow drop we would have gotten it, we did get our key in the Palborough Mines. And so, if I'm with you killing those Orcs will be easier so the drop should be quicker...I hope :p

And by the fair, you have the Mega Man Anniversary Collection :( I'm a huge Mega Man fan, especially the X series, and especially of Zero lol