Master Nabeshin
06-25-2004, 01:50 AM
Hey, the idea of this thread is for coming up with ideas for alternative costumes for Final Fantasy VII characters. Or, another sub-purpose; trade tips for making FFVII costumes (materials, where to buy etc.). I have no tips right now. I do have a few ideas for new costumes, though. I think it would be cool for Cid to don a sleeveless trenchcoat and a leather vest underneath, with black pants (probably combat-style) and black boots. He would have pilot's gloces, and maybe some thick, steel bracelets. I have an idea for Tifa, as well. I think that she'd look cool in lowrider jeans and a tight denim vest. You know, as a bartender costume. Well, that's all I feel like writing for now.

07-15-2004, 08:20 AM
may i please tell you that an 'ass' is a donkey-like animal. If you are referring that the 'costumes kick anus', then i suggest you use the word 'arse', the correct spelling.

i hate when people get that wrong.,......