06-23-2004, 11:48 PM
This is a section where people can provide their hardass evaluation of FF games, cutting through the hype and reputations and seeing if the game is really any good, and how it stacks up against other FF's.
I'd like to kick it off with FF7, the most famous of the bunch, and will later progress to other Final Fantasy's.

So, lets look at FINAL FANTASY SEVEN with a critical eye, objectively, without any personal love you may have for the game or characters. What are the Highs and Lows of FF7?

Give the good:
the bad:
and the ugly:

06-23-2004, 11:54 PM
The good: Replayabilty value, Characters, Storyline, weapon designs, monsters, Fmv, materia system, music ....... nearly the whole game. :)

The bad: chocobo Racing. mein gott! i hated racing! it was the same thing over and over again, just to scrape enough Bp to get omnislash!

The ugly: the game is nearly unplayable on a Win 98! I remember that my sis fought Dyne 20 times in a row and could not get past the Racing of the Chocobo! The game hangs everytime a movie comes out!

Well that's my view. how abt yours?

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 01:58 AM
The Good:

Characters-some of the most popular in the series.

Storyline- arguably the best, and definately the most compelling.

Music-overall, it is a really good soundtrack.

Deepness-this game doesn't only center around one main plot. If you look at it, you could consider FFVII to be three games in-one.

Sephiroth killing Aeris-now don't all of you Aeris fans come out and tear my head off! Yeah, it did suck when she died, as it caught me totally by surprise. However, this event is probably the most important one in the game, as it glues all the pieces to the story together. Whether or not you admit it, FFVII is the game it is today, partly due to Aeris dying.

The Bad:

Knights of the Round-yeah, we all know that this summon is by-far the best in the game, and one of the best ever. But it takes too much effort to acquire this one thing.

Omnislash-again, this limit is awesome! But again, it takes too much time to acquire it.

The Ugly:

Yuffie is a thief-the only thing I hated about this girl was when she steals your Materia. Not only that, but you have to trek a dangerous path, without the ability to heal yourself. Then, after you finally get the Materia back, the party actually accepts her, like nothing happened! Meh.

Cait Sith-What can I say about this cattish-character? He is just so awful! I hate the way he looks, I hate the way he dances in battle. I hate when he betrays the party. I hate him.

Replay Value-Let's face it, there is really no need or want for me to replay this game, even though it is really great. Once you have beaten it, there is nothing left to do, especially if you start a new file. Yeah, you can go through and acquire all those special weapons, or those hidden Materia, but what is the point? If you want to earn everything, get it before you beat the game for the first time.

Gold Chocobo-I actually thought that trying to breed this Chocobo would not be as hard as I heard it to be. But, it was. Yeah, I had the Mountain and River Chocobo, however, there was one huge problem. They were both male! So yeah, I just gave up on it after that. But wait, I could earn a special item from defeating one of those huge Weapons? Bah, humbug!

Aerith Gainsborough
06-24-2004, 08:52 AM
The good:

The storyline (close to reality sometimes!), the characters, the music, the materia system... :)

The bad:

the chocobo breeding, the 2 long flashbacks inbetween (Kalm, Lifestream), there�re just too long, all the fights you have to do if you want master materia from Cosmo Canyon...:(

The ugly:

I don�t know....I don�t see ugly things in the game..... :erm:

06-24-2004, 12:38 PM
Everything is good except for a few things.

Good things.....

The Story: nothing to say about it, it's just great.

Battle system: it's speedy and since this battle system uses "Active Time", it's hell exciting.

Materia System: this is so clever, it's hard to imagine they'll make newe better "Equiping system" than this.

Characters: Everyone is attracting including sub-characters.

Music: Each music is made to punktuate any scenes, beautiful!

Bad things.....

The difficulity...... in a whole gameplay, it is really easy compared to other FFs however I thought it was set in good rate but in the late of the game you feel bored of killing weak monsters( I'm not talking about 2 weapons here!) beautiful materia combinations that you have made up are not really necessary due to enemies weakness.

little individual in battling roles, what distinction you can make between the characters, when it comes to a fight, is almost only Limit Breaks and each ones Final weapons, I didn't find it cool, however you can use any favourite characters without considering their roles in a battle.