06-23-2004, 10:13 PM
I have even more info on the remake of Final Fantasy VII. The game title will be, Final Fantasy E7. The game might possibly be internet capable so people can play each of the 9 Characters of AVALANCHE! I doubt it will be for PS2 but we can still hope! Heres what I plan to do. I'll have 8 people on this forum play one character each. You can pick any character besides Cloud (I'm Cloud) untill the game comes out. Then any other 8 people can play through the game with me to look for errors or bugs in the game. When the game is done, you can play as anyone including Cloud with anyone who likes FFE7. I might have other people here be Reno, Rude, Sephiroth and every other character in the game so when your fighting the evil dudes, it won't be so easy and the hero won't always win. Also when your buying items from stores, they wont say the same stupid thing everytime or if your talking to an ordinary person or anyone at that, you can ask them any question and they'll answer your question since there a real person controlling the character! Its just an idea, it might not come out like this if I can't pull it off. I need to get more info on this. Tell me if you want to test E7 and what character you want to be, uncluding Sephiroth. If you want to be Sephiroth, you have to be extremely skilled to do the testing with him. I don't want the bad guy easily defeated!

06-24-2004, 12:31 AM
Do you plan on making this yourself? Or is this liek an actual game coming out?

06-24-2004, 12:35 AM
I wish Squaresoft would do it but I'm programing this myself. It won't be out for a while because it takes very long to create graphics at this level. They have to be just right so it takes a very long time

06-24-2004, 12:38 AM
i dont know if you understand how hard this is going to be. You (one man) are undertaking a project that takes over a hundred people to work on. And it takes them a while as well. Plus you plan on doing this with a pice of software you found on the net? i mean in theory it sounds cool as hell but it just sounds impossible or it would take like 5 years (by then you'll prob lose intrest or your software would be outdated and there will ahve already been a game made.

06-24-2004, 12:51 AM
Most programmers have over 100 people because they dont know how to do a certain thing such as debuging. The software I have is over $300 and is pretty cool. There are also people on GameSpace who can help you with a problem you having with your game. So actually there are people helping me. It will take a long time and they give you free updates for the software so I really dont have to worry about that. I'm not really sure about what system it wil be for though. Most likely PC. Another thing is the Internet Capabilities. I want to know if you could possibly have it a PS2 internet capible game. But even if you can't, you could put it on PC. I'll ask the programmers there about that.

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
<B> I'm programing this myself. It won't be out for awhile. </B>

It won't be out for a while, because it is rather amusing that you believe that you are going to create a re-make of one of the greatest games of all time!

06-24-2004, 01:51 AM
I honestly don't care what anybody says. Even if it does take long I really can do it. I guarantee it

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
<B> I honestly don't care what anybody says. Even if it does take long I really can do it. I guarantee it </B>

Hey, I never said that you <I> couldn't </I> do it. I just said I think it is funny that you actually believe that you will do it. I'm not trying to be mean about it or anything, but I know how difficult it is to make a video game, let alone get it on the shelves.

06-24-2004, 02:10 AM
Why do you think its funny? I'm not really trying to get it on the shelves either. It just a game I'm making for fun. I want to recreate it so people will experience Final Fantasy VII in a more graphical way as well as gameplay. I'll even prove it to you when I'm finished with the demo. It won't take as long as the game itself

Rabid Monkey
06-24-2004, 02:21 AM
I really don't see the point in this, and cloud, you don't have to reply after EVERY post.

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
<B> Why do you think its funny? </B>

You know, it's really not that type of funny where I am on the ground laughing my butt off, thinking that you are a complete retard for trying this. It's just the type of funny, where when I first read about it, it made me laugh for some reason. I don't know...

<B> I'm not really trying to get it on the shelves either. </B> [/quote]

If you did, just think of all the money you would make. Although, you can never forget that your version of a FFVII re-make is going to be, like, 57 times more better than the original FFVII! So that will make you filthy rich.

<B> It just a game I'm making for fun. I want to recreate it so people will experience Final Fantasy VII in a more graphical way as well as gameplay. </B> [/quote]

To be quite honest, most people enjoy FFVII the way it is, graphically and gameplaylly. Yes, gameplaylly is a word I just made within the last four seconds. Anywho, it would be nice to see a boost in graphics and all that, but you can do whatever you want man. Good luck with it though, you will need it.

<B> I'll even prove it to you when I'm finished with the demo. It won't take as long as the game itself </B> [/quote]

Well, I certainly hope that your demo comes out before the game.