06-23-2004, 06:36 AM
how hard or easy did you find ff7 the first time you played it?

06-23-2004, 06:38 AM
i think i had most of my characters under level 60, no ultimate weapon or good materia, i really sucked but i still managed to beat Sephiroth and to this day i have no idea how i managed to do so.

But other thatn that id give the game a 7/10 difficulty rating for my first go.

06-23-2004, 07:41 AM
Final Fantasy 7 is soooooo easy, you just have to battle some times and you come all the way.

To be honest I never entered Sephiroth without training but I beat him with just pushing the O button and everything is crushed in my path so I guess that if my characters are weaker,
it would still be possible to defeat him with a little effort...

hb smokey
06-23-2004, 09:12 AM
Yeah, I found FFVII to be fairly easy to finish, just like most of the recent titles in the series.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-23-2004, 09:37 AM
When we (a buddy of mine an me) first played the game, it wasn�t too easy, because we didn�t know a thing about a secret or whatever. I mean, that was back in 1997 and not that many people knew about FF7. :(

We didn�t know a thing about this game and while we played it, we were always thinking you�ll catch Sephi somehow. So, we just went quickly through the story, because we thought he�ll run away if we don�t.....:laugh:

Yeah, I know, sounds funny. And it was. Because all that, we had no special items, had only one Ribbon, the whole group was a kind of weak and when we came to Sephi.....he was just so hard to kill....:)

But still the whole game was not too hard, even the first time we played it. I would say it was right in between. ;)

06-23-2004, 12:41 PM
Although it was the first time I played RPG, I didn't have any difficulity during the gameplay.

I was thinking this game has got avarage diffcult gameplay but when I played FFV, it was nothing compared to it.
I think everytime the company makes a new sequal, the difficulity gets less and less.

I still can remember that I gave up playing FFIV after 4hours or something cause I just got used to FFVII.

06-23-2004, 12:42 PM
It took me ages to complete FF7 for the first time.

Being such a final fantasy novice when i fist played it, i went straight through the game without spending time to collect items, materia and weapons that would have been valuable later on.

I barely even trained and when it came to Sephiroth after struggling through the game with low level characters and crappy items, materia, weapons etc. he was just to damn hard!

So, i had to leave The North Crater and fight alot of battles to make my characters slighty stronger.

I did eventually beat him!

06-23-2004, 01:18 PM
it took me about 3 years to complete FFVII the way I wanted it done. I started playing with a bunch of my friends and we were al lreally young and messed up a lot along the way (not saving alot of the huge materia. It was way funner though knowing that it wasn't done perefectly.And one day after all my guys were level 99 and had all of their ultimate weapons I went and fought Sephiroth. I beat him too fast. The first time I took him on (2 years prior to that) I lost and it was a really ahrd fight. It was almost better not to have a huge high level charecter. It was fun though.

it took me about 3 years to complete FFVII the way I wanted it done. I started playing with a bunch of my friends and we were al lreally young and messed up a lot along the way (not saving alot of the huge materia. It was way funner though knowing that it wasn't done perefectly.And one day after all my guys were level 99 and had all of their ultimate weapons I went and fought Sephiroth. I beat him too fast. The first time I took him on (2 years prior to that) I lost and it was a really ahrd fight. It was almost better not to have a huge high level charecter. It was fun though.

It was hard in a way but easy in the end.

it took me about 3 years to complete FFVII the way I wanted it done. I started playing with a bunch of my friends and we were al lreally young and messed up a lot along the way (not saving alot of the huge materia. It was way funner though knowing that it wasn't done perefectly.And one day after all my guys were level 99 and had all of their ultimate weapons I went and fought Sephiroth. I beat him too fast. The first time I took him on (2 years prior to that) I lost and it was a really ahrd fight. It was almost better not to have a huge high level charecter. It was fun though.

It was hard in a way but easy in the end.

06-23-2004, 10:45 PM
It was fairly easy unless you were trying to get Knights of Round. I had a very hard time because the Chocobo Lure I had was only at 1 or 2 stars. Another thing I had a problem with was a few of the bosses. But besides thoes things it was pretty easy

06-24-2004, 02:29 AM
Yeah, well they make the games easy so everybody can play through the story!!!

06-24-2004, 07:42 PM
well, i think cloud had his raganrok and was at lvl 47 and that was the highest when i beat it the first time, with a couple mastered materia, but that was my best character other than tifa because of her multiple hits with her limit breaks. sorry for the confusion, I just checked my memory cards and I looked to see where it was and the level 62 was my second time through.

06-25-2004, 05:17 AM
The first time i played it was when i borrowed it off ma mate, i got up to the part where you fight that machine in the lift of the shinra building, i was about 12 at this time prob younger!, and i kept using my potions everytime i got hit (well i didn't know what i was doing), well eventually i gave up and gave the game back to him, couple of days later we fell out n we never talked to each other since.

so i got this ova mate he bought the game (copy obviously cos u can chip your psx at that time), and we played through i thought the game was really cool, we got up to the bit where you have the save point outside the shinra building, n if you noticed on the save location it is called Shinra Bldg we laughed our heads off at it trying to say the BLDG bit, proper funny at the time, i thought this game was so cool that i got ma mum to buy me a playstation with this game for ma b-day, which was a week later, i got it and nobody hardly ever seen me cos i was on it so much! and this time i didnt make the same mistake about the potions!

i loved that game so much i still have that very game to this day, still playing that mother fucker, and still works like new!!!!!

i played the game for ages, there was bits in the that game i find really easy now that i found absolutely hard back in the day, when i first played it!!! i got up to sephy and hard ma arsed whooped buoy!! i was like what!!!, oh yeah and i did cry when aeris died!!! i used her so much!!!

any way i didnt go back to train ma characters up so i could beat him, i didnt really know how it worked playing ma first time and everything, i just kept trying and trying and trying, oh yeah i eventually did it, TOOK ME FUCKING AGES THOUGH!!!!!

yeah so thats how hard i found it and how i found the game!!
i play it that much im still playing it now! im up to the north crater im actually levelling up ma character and learning everything they can, every materia i have, i have mastered it unbelievable!

06-25-2004, 12:02 PM
At first that game was fucking hard but i got a hold of myself. that was the first time i ever saw a three disc game for playstation. but i kicked it's ass

Shinra Turk
08-14-2004, 12:00 AM
The only thing you really need, is to level up and know the 4 cardinal directions.

Lunatic HighVII
08-17-2004, 02:57 AM
The first time I played, I was very very young. I also couldn't get used to the circle button being the select button, so I was very slow during battles. Believe it or not (its quite sad) I got blown up by the reactor :embarrassed: But now i completely destroy the game, and make sure ive missed nothing, and done everything possible to do.

fascist socialist
08-17-2004, 03:25 AM
Hmm, don't know where this page originally was... but I assume it was at least a couple pages back.

Normally we only ask you to look at the first 2 pages to see if there's a similar thread, and if you don't find one, another can be opened up. It's pretty confusing when the majority of a thread was posted a while back... people start quoting, and there's a good chance that some of the posters haven't even been here since they made that post.

So I'm gonna close this thread, but feel free to make a fresh thread in a couple of days.