06-23-2004, 05:55 AM
do you think you have completed ff7 100% how strong are your characters let us know!

06-23-2004, 06:01 AM
Can you say "Level 99 Aeris"?

06-23-2004, 06:08 AM
WHAT!? that is really good i got pissed off wit her she died just when i could learn her limit level 4, <----proper gutted

06-23-2004, 06:10 AM
.....not the limit breaks again. LOL just kidding Cloud010101.
On every Character ive gotten them to lvl99 and ot all their limit breaks. and ive managed to get Just bout everyones stats u to 255. Morphing taking a long time though.

06-23-2004, 06:12 AM
well then how about cloud at level 99, 9999 hp, 999 mp, ultimate sword, master summon, master magic, master command, W-item, W-summon, W-magic, immune to every status allignment, does 9999 hit points each time he hits, mega all materia and mastered, all limit levels i could go on.
and i am training every character to be like this! ultimate team or what!

u just reminded me i gotta do that damn! i already got some stats on people at 255

06-23-2004, 06:15 AM
Sounds quite nice.

Another thing is to have a Mastered KOTR. That takes so long. You wont need it with your setup but it is nice.

06-23-2004, 06:24 AM
easy to level that up but it takes soo long like you said but its great to do it

06-23-2004, 06:27 AM
yeah it took me forever to level kotr and get it mastered i just took that with me along with master summon to fight ruby weapon i got 50,000 and double ap armour i mastered it along with all the W-materias

06-23-2004, 06:30 AM
Yeah, same kind of thing like that happened with me when i defeated Ruby. I only defeated Ruby because all i had left was Red XIII and i had randomly put KOTR on him. it possible to get Aeris stats to 255 WOTHOUT a cheat device? cause i dont think so.

06-23-2004, 08:49 AM
hey u neva know there could be some way knowing this game, anything can happen

06-23-2004, 12:47 PM
You guys have some serious stamina and patience!

Aeris Level 99 ??

I could never be bothered to do that!

How long did it take you to do that? Days? Weeks? Months?

And where the hell did you train?

06-23-2004, 01:01 PM
Thats a good question Cloud123..?

Anyway yeah my charecters were all lvl 99 and stuff then I beat everything but I messed up a few times doing stuff. So I started the game over recently and now my guys are right on time. I'm at Sephiroth and Cloud has Omnislash and Barret has Catastroph. I have everyone Ultimate weapon and I have the option to get everyones max limits. i think I'm level 60? or somewhere around there. Probably higher.

06-24-2004, 07:11 PM
it is possible to get aeris' stats to 255, because i got all characters at lv 99 with 9999 hp 999 mp 255 on all stats and all limit breaks and ultimate weapons and master magic, master summons and master command and all mastered support and independent materia on them, (but I don't have Aeris for the materia part, only the level, stats, limit breaks and ultimate weapon part) and 3 gold chocobos to top it off, without any cheating devices. oh yeah all characters have ribbons, so they are all immune to status effects.

06-25-2004, 05:29 AM
well in have 2 chocobos...........................

Aerith Gainsborough
06-25-2004, 09:55 AM
Well, I�m always doing everything in the game. But my characters are not too strong, because it�s not really that important to me. Cloud is the one with the highest stats, because he needs to fight the weapons and the fighting arena at the Gold Saucer. But the ohters are.......just the average, I think. ;)

To me, most important is to get some master materias from the Cosmo Canyon (in my last game I had 1 x red, 3 x green, 3 x yellow masters without the onces you�ll get in Kalm). I want 3 filled out enemy skills, beat the weapons, get all the limits and ultimative weapons for everybody (beside Aeris�, Im too stupid for that), golden Chocobos and and and........:D

But the fun part to myself is, trying to get everything in the whole story in a short time. Well, as short as possible. Sounds probably stupid, but when I first played it, it took me more than 120 hours. I didn�t even have a golden Chocobo. :rolleyes:

Now, a whole game with everything in it (and I don�t drop parts or so) should be done in between 60-70 hours. :)

That�s always my goal. To get everything without playing for too many hours. :p

06-25-2004, 10:24 AM
i know a way of gettin a free gold chocobo without all the breeding and training, first beat ruby weapon (hes in the desert aroung gold saucer) then after you beat him you'l receive the rose or ruby harp cant remeber what its called then go to the calm traveller in the far corner house (he's upstairs) trade him the harp and he will give you a gold chocobo in return, you actually see it come up the stairs which is weird!!

Also if you give him the earth harp(which you get from emerald weapon) you get 3 mastered materias, summon, command and magic

If you give him the guide book (by morphing the ghost ship in the underwater reactor corridor thingy, where theres fish and sharks swimming about abouve you) then he will give you the underwater materia which will get rid of the 120 min timer when fighting emerald, i didnt need this when i was fighting him cos id forgot to equip it so i just carried on fighting and still beat him cos cloud got all of his lucky 7's and i kept using KOTR cos i had mastered summon.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-25-2004, 10:38 AM
@ Cloud010101

Yeah, I�m always getting the golden Chocobo and the extra master materia too. When I get this Chocobo, I just leave it there, because I don�t need it anymore. I do my Chocobo breeding right after Cloud is back from the lifestream. Till I get the one in Kalm, it�s useless to me. ;)

...he will give you the underwater materia which will get rid of the 120 min timer when fighting emerald

120 min timer? No, it�s only 20 min.... ;)

I get it too, but I don�t need it, because my fight with Emerald only takes about 15 minutes. :)

Dot Centaur
06-26-2004, 12:39 AM
After the obsession of beatin Ruby and Emerald Weapon, my characters were ultimate!

06-26-2004, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
@ Cloud010101

Yeah, I�m always getting the golden Chocobo and the extra master materia too. When I get this Chocobo, I just leave it there, because I don�t need it anymore. I do my Chocobo breeding right after Cloud is back from the lifestream. Till I get the one in Kalm, it�s useless to me. ;)

...he will give you the underwater materia which will get rid of the 120 min timer when fighting emerald

120 min timer? No, it�s only 20 min.... ;)

I get it too, but I don�t need it, because my fight with Emerald only takes about 15 minutes. :)

Hey, whats your setup for beating him? Mine is usuall just a random one that i throw together.... Aire Tam from Aire Tam Storm is just Materia backwards.