06-23-2004, 12:07 AM
When I note the timeline of Final Fantasy, I noticed that...

FF1 was released on the Famicom
FF2 was released on the Famicom
FF1 & 2 was released on the Famicom in one cart
FF1 & 2 gets re-released on the Wonderswan
FF1 & 2 then gets re-released on the PSX as FFOrigins
FF1 gets re-released on the Cell Phone

and finally

FF1 & 2 get re-released on the GBA as Final Fantasy I&II Advance.

Question is: Within all of these re-releases (the US only got one re-release and a new release of an old Japanese game), have you at least played FF1 and FF2?

hb smokey
06-23-2004, 12:23 AM
I am going to buy Final Fantasy I and II Advance when it comes out, because I have never played these games. Yeah, that is sad for me to say.

06-23-2004, 12:47 AM
I first played FF1 on the nintendo ages and ages ago.

I never played FF2 until Orgins, I must confess.

I'm still super excited about the GBA release though- any excuse to show off my sexy sp is more then welcome, and I've always wanted to play the older FF games on a handheld system.

06-23-2004, 06:50 AM
ive played it on all versions but the Wonderswan, Cellphone and GBA versions.

Bahamut ZERO
06-23-2004, 09:36 AM
I've only played the Origins versions of the games on the PSX.

Well, okay, LEGALLY I've only played the Origins versions of the games on PSX...

06-23-2004, 12:42 PM
Incidentally, the new GBA versions of FFI & II are apparently very different from the earlier versions, and could almost be considered totally different games.... almost.

FFI for instance is apparently having it's entire magic system replaced with a 'traditional' MP system as used in later FF games, meaning you could now cast spells willy-nilly without having to watch how many times you've cast them in order to survive boss encounters. I've heard items like Phonex Downs and Ethers also are being added to the game, which would hopefully make it a lot easier (so no more hair-raising trips thorugh the Marsh Cave...).

FFII on the other hand has been given a totally new make-over. The storyline for one, deviates from the original FFII, with the focus shifting to several special characters who originally were just in the background of the story (like Scott and Gordon), plus Square have dumped an optional hard boss battle in the form of the Phantom Train from FFVI later in the game which is meant to rival the Weapons from the later FF games.

Considering it was possible in FFVI to take out the Phantom Train in one hit by simply throwing a Phoenix Down at the ghostly locomotive, then it's inclusion in this 'new' remake of FFII seems highly dubious in my opinion. Here's hoping they at least toughen it up this time around...