06-22-2004, 01:13 PM
So I was thinking, how many of you really do like Final Fantasy, how many of you are actual fans, and how many of you actually know everything about Final Fantasy.

So heres the thing..

I want to know which Final Fantasys you have actually played, not heard of, not seen a friend play it, and not read a review of it, actually played it.

Also which consoles you have played them on, for example, if you played Final Fantasy I on the NES or the later re-make on the Playstation one.

And a minor thing I need to know, Did you complete it?

Heres My list:

Final fantasy I (NES) Final fantasy II (NES) Final fantasy III (NES) Final fantasy IV (SNES) Final fantasy V (SNES) Final Fantasy VI (SNE/Playstation One) Final fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX (Playstation one) Final Fantasy X (Playstation 2)
Mystic Quest (Game Boy) Final fantasy Legends 1 and 2 (Game Boy)

This is just to test how much Final Fantasy experience you have, not knowledge, because that can come easily.

06-23-2004, 12:28 PM
I have destroyed Final Fantasy VII (all my charecters were level 99 and I had a maxed Gold Chocobo). i beat Final Fantasy VIII it was good. I never beat FF IX because I didn't like it after the first disc (I never liked it from the start). I beat Final Fantasy X and it was awesome. I'm in the process of beating X-2 and I'm playing XI but it is hugeeeee. I'm going to wait until late in the summer to go at it hardcore (cuz I'll be bored). lol Oh yeah and i beat Final Fantasy III for SNES.

06-24-2004, 04:59 AM
The list...?
Final Fantasy I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,X-2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantsay Tactics Advance
Got bored of... Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Aerith Gainsborough
06-24-2004, 09:10 AM
Final Fantasy IV (remake for PS 1)
Final Fantasy V (remake for PS 1)
Final Fantasy VI (remake for PS 1)
Final Fantasy VII (Original, no platinum, PS1)
Final Fantasy VIII (Original, no platinum, PS1)
Final Fantasy IX (Original, no platinum, PS 1)
Final Fantasy X (Original, no platinum, PS 2)
Final Fantay X-2 (Original, no platinum, PS 2)

I completed them, beside FF IV. I came to the end-boss, but I could never finish it, because I had problems with my controll-pad. Then I got tired of it and didn�t want to play it again. :(

I never bought FF II and FF III, because I couldn�t really play IV....and they�re not getting any better (grafics and other things). I�m not sure, if I could buy FF I (don�t think so). ;)

I hope I didn�t forget anything. :)

06-24-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough

I never bought FF II and FF III, because I couldn�t really play IV....and they�re not getting any better (grafics and other things). I�m not sure, if I could buy FF I (don�t think so).

Don't worry, as you wouldn't have been able to buy FFII and III on the NES anyway as they were never available outside Japan. Most people who have played FFII and III on the Famicom (the Japanese NES) have only played ROMs and not the real thing.

Of course, the US SNES versions of FFIV and VI were renamed FFII and III respectively for their US releases, but that only confuses matters even more.

As for what ones I've played myself, here's my list (not including illegal ROM versions):

FFI (NTSC NES - import) - played it for about five minutes at a game store.
FFI (PAL PSX European 'Origins' version)
FFII (PAL PSX European 'Origins' version)
FFIV 'Easy Type' (NTSC SNES US 'FFII' - import)
FFIV 'Hard Type' (PAL PSX European 'Anthology')
FFV (PAL PSX European 'Anthology')
FFV (NTSC PSX US 'Anthology' - import)
FFVI (NTSC PSX US 'Anthology' - import)
FFVI (PAL PSX version)
FFVII (PC version)
FFX (PAL PS2 - 'International' edition)
FF Tactics (NTSC PSX US version)
FF Tactics Advance (GBA - Australian version)
FF Mystic Quest (SNES NTSC)
FF Legend II (Gameboy - although it isn't really a FF, but instead one of the SaGa games).

Ones I have completed though, are FFVI, VII, VIII, IX and Tactics, as these days I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find time to actually sit down and finish them!

Out of that list, I own pretty much all of the games listed, with the exception of FFI NES version and FF Mystic Quest, which my mate Xiahou Dun owns. Not to mention I'll be getting FF Crystal Chronicles for the Gamecube and FFXI for the PC too, but that's another story....

06-24-2004, 03:20 PM
Final Fantasy I- beat several times (Nintendo and PSX)
Final Fantasy II- beat once (PSX)
Final Fantasy III- I have yet to play that one. I'll have to get the rom one of these days.
Final Fantasy IV- Beat twice (SNES and PSX)
Final Fantasy V- played, but never beat (PSX)
Final Fantasy VI- I've beaten it too many time to count (SNES ans PSX)
Final Fantasy VII- beat once, I've replayed it since, just never beat it beginning to end (PC and PSX)
Final Fantasy VIII- beat twice (PSX)
Final Fantasy IX- beat 3 or so times (PSX)
Final Fantasy X- beat 2 times (PS2)
Final Fantasy X-2- beat only once so far :( (PS2)
Final Fantasy XI- played extensively (PS2)
Final Fantasy Tactics- I've played it lots, but I haven't beat it (PSX)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance- same as above (GBA)

I also played a rom of Mystic Quest for a bit, just to see how awful it really was, but that was shortlived.

Dot Centaur
06-25-2004, 02:51 AM
Let's see, I've played;

Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2

I've beaten all of the above, but still playing FFV. I still need to get FF Origins, then I'll have FFI and FFII Yay!

Aerith Gainsborough
06-25-2004, 03:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by Enkidoh

Don't worry, as you wouldn't have been able to buy FFII and III on the NES anyway as they were never available outside Japan.

Oh, I meant FF-I and FF-II (PAL PSX European 'Origins' version). I thought that was part II + III. See, i don�t have a clue about these parts, because I never took care about them....:(

I don�t think the quality is that good, is it? I mean, is it actually worth playing it? :confused: I have really no idea, sorry about that.

06-25-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough

Oh, I meant FF-I and FF-II (PAL PSX European 'Origins' version). I thought that was part II + III. See, i don�t have a clue about these parts, because I never took care about them....

I don�t think the quality is that good, is it? I mean, is it actually worth playing it? I have really no idea, sorry about that.

No problem.

As for whether it's worth playing FFI & II on the PSX, personally I think it depends on yourself really. If you've grown on the later FF games which feature realistic graphics, deep battle systems and long, entwining plots, then FF Origins may seem a bit of a let down.

For instance, on the surface FFI may seem a little basic, as it has very little story, and zero characterisation. However, it has some brilliant music (Matoya's Cave has become a cult-favourite tune amongst older die-hard fans of the series), plus the twist at the very end, and a slightly disturbing ending where history repeats the story from the beginning, are quite unsettling (or is it a cunning way to create replay value??).

FFII on the other hand, has a more involving storyline, with lots of twists and turns gurannteed to keep players guessing until the very end, and the music is to die for. It's a pity the unique battle system, although tweaked from the original Famicom version of FFII , still needs a lot of attention.

As for the graphics, although they are greatly updated from the old limited 8-bit colour pallette of the NES, are SNES level, so if you're expecting realistic polygonal-textured graphics you're out of luck. Still, fans of the SNES FF games would feel right at home with FF Origins.

Personally I love them, but then, I'm a huge fan of the older FF games anyway, and the chance to experience these two classics, despite the flaws, is well worth investing the time and money in.

Top Cat
06-25-2004, 02:42 PM
FFX-2 (PS2)

Some GB ones that I can't remember.

I'm goona get FFXI when it FINALLY comes out in August.

06-25-2004, 08:05 PM
i have

FF10 PS2
FF10-2 PS2

i have completed from FF7 downwards, the reason being i only just got the other 5 about 2 weeks ago and have not had chance to even start them all.

06-26-2004, 10:48 PM
I have played every FF on pretty much ALL systems except FFXI, which is the only one i haven't played.

07-02-2004, 09:43 PM
I've played and complete VI - X-2
Played IV to almost end and lost save AHHHHHHHHH annoying or what

Then had to contrate on Girl friend and life (exams)

But now I've start from scract when X-2 came out and are working backwards.
done X-2 X IX VIII
i'm on FFVII now disc 1 ( i know a lot about this game considering my sixth complete i'll have to do it agian one day just to make it 7)

Then it's ffvi (well i've complete this one a while back i don't think i could be bothered good game and story just it's really hard until you get ragnorak summon then it's ultma ultima ultima all the way)

Then V ok never played so this will be after vii

Then IV go though th whole game agian will be painful thank god for speed up on emu (i know emu are wrong but i can't get a copy over here in the uk (i did buy PSX version but lost it))

then III , II, I

Then most painfully Cystal cronical what a crap final fantasy oh well if you complete this game single player your a die hard fan

then FFXII should be out (lot of ff staff rehired for that it could be better than 7 )

then I going to do Tactics , mystic quest, and other Gameboy games then i shall sleep and start agian in about a year while waiting for FFXIII

and i've got 100% in FFX-2
Hard ass killed Ruby, Emerald and Ultma (VII)
ULTMA and Omeag (VIII come where the challenge)

IX your day are numbered

X some dark aeons (not ever going to bother when all sub quests take 60 hours +

X-2 only termor to go i've been so close

07-06-2004, 12:08 AM
uh i got the one with faris (just started rom) and 6 7 and 8 tactics and tactics advance ive beat tactics but am on the last boss on all the rest (dont feel like levelin up ya know)