06-16-2004, 02:30 PM
I thought this short series was absolutely brilliant, Himura Kenshin has to be one of the coolest anime characters out there. I was dissapointed by the proceeding last 2 episodes after the forth one. The animation changed, and it felt like a completely new series..

06-16-2004, 04:50 PM
Well, it WAS a completely new series. It was produced a few years after the first one (the one with four episodes).

The fun thing is, while the first four episodes tell Kenshin's genuine past, as the author showed it in the manga volumes 19-21, the last two aren't true to the manga AT ALL.

You see, the TV series only follows the manga until the end of the Kyoto Saga, and leaves out the later plot involving Enishi. That's 11 volumes of the 28-volumes series, and a vital part because it contains so much character development for Kenshin, for Kaoru, for Yahiko and hmmm... for Aoshi, too. It concludes the manga in a wonderful way.

And then they produce this OVA. They waste one whole episode on old scenes from the original series, and then compress the 11-volumes story arch with Enishi into a tiny sorry excuse for a revenge story, leaving out everything that makes the plot interesting, characters etc, ... and then commit the worst of crimes towards Kenshin-dom, by deciding to invent their own tear-jerking ending, ignoring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING the author intended. People acting out of character!

The first OVA about Kenshin's past is truly excellent. It's a masterpiece, everything working together in perfection, music, art. The story from the manga is adapted well, although the artwork is changed and a few minor details are also changed, but all this only helps to make it into a beautiful anime.
It's sad that the makers of the second OVA decided to do something as horrible.

Sephiroth Masamune
06-18-2004, 07:42 AM
i'm watching the series just now am on to the kyoto arc, and am really wanting to see all the OVA's

07-16-2004, 05:22 PM
If you're talking about the 4-episode OVA about how Kenshin became the Hitokiri Battosai in the first place, then that OVA was the best Kenshin I saw. The other one that was supposed to involved Enishi-Revenge Arc was a disappointment. Even the manga was much better. I think it was all a hassle on the production part...that OVA didn't really get into the Revenge Arc like the manga did.

07-20-2004, 05:54 AM
yep yep i also like that ova�s they are just great, i�ve also seen some of the episodes but have just to say it ova are much better (in any ways). what do you think about the way it�s drawen? *just get jelous* ^^

07-30-2004, 08:05 PM
If you're talking about the manga, the drawing was great. It shows a lot of details into the storyline and the Enishi-Revenge Arc was a little more deepen in the manga with a twist. Overall, the manga and the 4 episode OVA was a bit much better than the other OVA reflecting on Kenshin's life.

07-30-2004, 09:39 PM
nono don�t mean the manga that was also very good i think i just mean that anime episodes they whern�t as good as the ova or the manga, that was a bit sad but i liek the music ^^

Silver Clawquara
08-02-2004, 12:23 AM
[COLOR=darkblue][FONT=arial][SIZE=1][I]So does anyone write stories at all? Or poems? I'm bored so someone talk to me, or post some idiodic reply. Bored so bored. So if ya wan to talk about somethin please answer me.

No End
Many times I have walked,
down the same path in life.
Will I ever come to the end,
or will I walk forever endlessly,
across the desert sands.
Maybe there is no end,
maybe I will wander forever.
That's me the Wanderer,
the one that's life never ends.
So now I will wander forever,
with a journey but no end.

08-02-2004, 06:27 AM
What was the point to that? It was completely off topic...

Now get out of here and take your Vogon poetry with you.

08-07-2004, 12:16 PM
i�ve never seen the last ova in a good quality, but what do you think about that fight?