06-16-2004, 04:57 AM
Well I'm playing FF7 again for like 100,000,000, ..... well I lost count but I'm right In the first disk and I'm at that part where they *possible minor spoilers* kidnap Aeris and you go up the elevators with Tifa and Barret and you have to sneek past the guards. I just hate this fucking part because it takes soooo.. long and if you screw up you start all over.

Well my point is don't you wish that you can just completly take out a minor part or mini-game from FF7 and if so what part? ;)

06-16-2004, 05:08 AM
I would probably take out that part after you rescue Aeris. That part where they're in the truck and you have to guard it...that's completely nerve racking....

Aerith Gainsborough
06-16-2004, 05:58 AM
I hate the two big flashbacks (thats how I call them). :(

The one in Kalm, when you first see abort Cloud, Sephi, Soldier and whatever. The other one in the lifestream.

These are important parts in the game, but I don�t like it playing them anymore. They�re just too long and really get on my nerves. :eye:

quote: Originally posted by Cascara

you go up the elevators with Tifa and Barret and you have to sneek past the guards. I just hate this fucking part because it takes soooo.. long and if you screw up you start all over.

Is that the part where the soldiers turn there head an you have to pick the right moment to run???

If it is, this shouldn�t take too long. And if the soldiers get you, you�ll get into a fight. But as far as I know only three times. So if you don�t want to sneak past the guards, just go, fight and after a few times it will be over. ;)

06-16-2004, 06:31 AM
How about the whle having to beat Ruby Weapon thing and what not? lol

Nah whats really frustrating is like what Aerith Gainsborough said about he two flashback thingys.. they are soooo annoying

06-16-2004, 06:32 AM
I kinda like the flash backs

hb smokey
06-16-2004, 09:04 AM
How about having to fight to Wutai after Yuffie steals your Materia? That place is such a great location to level up, but you can't do it just yet, because you don't have nearly as much healing magic. But, also, you want to stay there and fight, since it is such a great place to get your party stronger.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-16-2004, 10:34 AM
But in Wutai Yuffie only steals your shit on the first CD. So if you really hate this area just go there later on. Then she wont steal your stuff anymore. ;)

The best healer in this area is Aeris. When you have her last limit (or the one before) you should be safe! :)

I hate doing this stuff with Yuffie sometimes, but I don�t want to drop it. But you can choose if you want to go through....

You can�t drop the flashbacks or make them shorter. :(

06-16-2004, 10:41 AM
i wounder why ff7 is the only one iv played when they actually kill off a character , and y havent they done it again? (plz correct me if im wrong)

hb smokey
06-16-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Ac-ace0
<B> i wounder why ff7 is the only one iv played </B>

I wonder why you didn't answer the question? Then maybe someone will answer yours.

06-17-2004, 06:55 AM