06-15-2004, 04:30 PM
Which game has the better chocobo system? Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy IX? Let's take a look at the aspects of each:

Final Fantasy VII:

<li>You catch chocobos by equipping a materia and then running on chocobo tracks on the World Map and getting into a battle</li>
<li>Starting on Disc 2, you can catch and keep up to six chocobos of various types and give them names of up to six letters. You can also breed them to get new types of chocobos with special abilities.</li>
<li>Breeding chocobos lets you access new areas with caves containing valuable materia and access to the Ancient Forest earlier than you could get it otherwise.</li>
<li>Special chocobo types included chocobos that could cross mountains and rivers (green and blue), one that could cross both (black) and one that could cross all that and oceans. (Gold) Additionally, ones that could caught ranged in usefulness from Awful to Wonderful.</li>
<li>The main mini-game was Chocobo Racing at the Gold Saucer. Chocobos would be raced to win prizes or GP, plus ugprade their rank to improve their suitability for breeding.</li>

Final Fantasy IX:

<li>Your chocobo is given to you. You then "call" it by finding chocobo tracks on the World Map.</li>
<li>You always have one chocobo, Choco, which the moogle Mene gives to you. You can then use him to find items and upgrade his abilities by searching for "Chocograph" locations on the World Map.</li>
<li>Raising Choco's abilities gives you access to new Chocograph locations, as well as mountain cracks and dive spots. You also get new locations to play the game "Chocobo Hot and Cold," as well as access to Mognet Central and the very special Chocobo Paradise.</li>
<li>Choco pretty much could gain all of the abilities of FFVII's chocobos when you found the right Chocograph locations and he entered the "Chocobo Dreamland." However, there was something very special about Choco: once he was upgraded to "Gold," he could fly!</li>
<li>The main mini-game was Chocobo Hot and Cold. There was a token gil fee to enter, but the prizes and gil found generally more than made up for the fee. Not only that, but you could earn points which could be traded in for even better prizes. Not only that, but Choco had a sidequest / plot involving his upgrades, Mene, and the Chocobo Paradise.</li>

Now that I've covered the important details, which do I think myself is better? I go for FFIX for a few reasons: Chocobo racing can get really boring after a while, Choco's flying is really cool, and Choco Hot and Cold is a really fun, rewarding game. Music-wise, I think both games are about equal in strength for chocobo music.

06-15-2004, 07:06 PM
I liked FFVII chocobos better because i thought it was easier than FF9.FF9 has Hot and Cold, I thought that was so hard and I can't get the Ultima Weopon unless I do it...I only have a red chocobo.I think it just takes too long!In FF7 it probably was equally long but I had fun while doing it. In FF9 you have to do the quest or you don't get the Ultimate weopon.In FF7 you at good items, but hey aren't stuff you really need.Its just really fun for me to do FFVII's chocobo side quest.

06-17-2004, 03:53 AM
Theyre both pretty cool in my opinion. They had fun things to do.

06-17-2004, 12:54 PM
I voted for FF VII. It is genarally more fun and challenging. FF IX is just taking your chocobo around digging for things. FF IX is still a challenge though.

Manga Legend
10-09-2006, 02:33 PM
I think they are both worth doing. I am still having trouble finding all the cracks and dive spots in Final Fantasy IX.

Chocobo racing in Final Fantasy VII was good for earning GP to pay for the battle arena so it linked in pretty well.

10-09-2006, 03:03 PM
My Gawd. This thread is so old, I don't even remember posting it. I suppose I should be honored though that somebody would choose to resurrect it after over two years of inactivity.

10-09-2006, 06:46 PM
Don't revive ancient threads.

10-13-2006, 05:39 AM
I think that FFIX had the best Chocobo system, definitly

10-13-2006, 05:54 AM
Don't revive ancient threads.

J. Peterman
10-13-2006, 06:58 AM

10-13-2006, 04:51 PM
LOL. The cat's already out of the bag, don't you think Xander? If people want to talk about which chocobo system they like better here now, they may as well, rather than starting another thread, given that this one is on the first page now.

10-13-2006, 04:57 PM
I haven't played FF9 much so I don't know about the chocobos but I love racing them in FF7 but I wish had for race tracks so I put equal

10-13-2006, 05:02 PM
I'll say that the FFIX chocobo system quite easily topples over the FFVII chocobo system. In my opinion anyway.

10-13-2006, 05:08 PM
Both of them are nice.

But I slightly prefer FF7. Hot and Cold was getting on my nerves a lot.

10-13-2006, 05:11 PM
I`ll go for FFIX.

Apart from looking and handling much better they had much more of a likeable personality in FFIX. In FFVII they were just pests, looking to fight a Chocobo in battle took ages while when you didn`t want one they always popped up.

Swedish Fish
10-13-2006, 10:09 PM
IX, no question. Chocobo Hot & Cold took up hours of my time. The one thing that I do wish is that there were more Chocograph digging locations. The same old scenery got a tad boring.

10-13-2006, 11:56 PM
Don't revive ancient threads.
c'mon now...this isn't bad spam.
7 & 9 are differently good: not like first person and third person playing but almost. I do like the nine version more because of it's scavenger hunt style, but it does seem drawn out especially when looking around the Forgotten Continent, those canyons all look the same..
Seven is like playing black jack: get your hand: chocobo you gorged w/reagan/sylkis greens and your opponents: either a chore of a race when climbing to rank S for those elixer/megalixer items or magic counter/counter attack materia or mashing the dash buttons trying to make a productive race against Joe and his black choco. Rounds just as quick too.

10-14-2006, 12:45 AM
Probably the FFVII chocobos........although the races were either insanely difficult or ridculously easy.

If you gold chocobo basically it was almost a given that you would win, whereas anything but a gold chocobo would be difficult to win with in S Class.

Still the races were enjoyable. Especially when you had a chocobo that was slightly less gifted than the others so it was a challenge but also not too difficult.

FFIX's minigames were cool too and took up loads of my game time, but I have a slight preference for thje FFVII minigames.

As I've said before though, neither of those side-quests even come near to FFX's blitzball.

fastidious percolator
10-14-2006, 01:34 AM
I'ld rather wanna vote for FFVII Chocobos, although they looked kinda cooler in FFIX.

But the mini-games (as the many in) Final Fantasy VII were more challenging than Final Fantasy IX's, anyways.

But if it's only about aesthetics, then FFIX for the win. ;D Obviously.

10-14-2006, 04:09 AM
The mini-games in FFVII's chocobos weren't challenging so much as boring, repetitive and needlessly tedious.

10-14-2006, 10:28 AM
At first, the idea of racing chocobos was appealing but soon came too repetitive as aforementioned, and then I lost interest. Final Fantasy IX's chocobo system is so much more entertaining and rewarding (the total opposite of FFVII's), so it definitely has my vote.

Manga Legend
10-16-2006, 03:39 PM
The rewards for racing chocobos in FFVII were far better than IX`s. The GP you win is useful for the battle arena and the magic counter materia and cats bell are brilliant. The only useful things I found in FF IX was Zidanes Ultima weapon and Ragnarok.

10-21-2006, 07:21 PM
I chose FFIX as the Chocobo Forest, Lagoon and that Sky Castle place (sorry, can't remember the name) are really cool and immaculately detailed. Also the music (Aloha de Chocobo and Ukele Le Chocobo) rocks!

10-27-2006, 02:07 AM
The mini-games in FFVII's chocobos weren't challenging so much as boring, repetitive and needlessly tedious.

I agree, having to race mulitple Chocobos up to A and S class got boring fast, and the items you recieved at that point in the game were useless.

11-01-2006, 07:40 AM
...and the items you recieved at that point in the game were useless.
and just what do you hope to quick-heal your party with when fending off boredom and curiousity by going after Emerald or Ruby weapon? Gyshal Greens?

11-01-2006, 05:14 PM
W-Item + Megalixir


11-01-2006, 05:27 PM
then how about sneak-attack and counter? still useless?

11-01-2006, 05:35 PM
Yes because my characters were high enough levels to where a Pre-Empitive Strike was unnecessary, and the same goes for Counter.

Look you can't change my mind over what Chocobo system was better by asking idiotic questions.

11-01-2006, 06:30 PM
I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to support the game's application of that particular minigame, because what would you think if the chocobo race wasn't included? Or if they let you participate in it for the escape from Desert Prison but never again? Yes it is not detrimental in any way if you don't participate, but the chocobo race is one of many arcade games in Gold Saucer that provide a constructive break away from the primary mission. The tediousness does outweigh that constructiveness, but this is a bad comparison in the use of chocobos in a final fantasy seeing as IX had the whole world to work with like VIII.

11-01-2006, 11:50 PM
I never said that the FFVII chocobo minigames should not have existed, I was just comparing it to IX's.

Because without the Chocobo Breeding, I would have enjoyed VII much less.

11-02-2006, 12:31 AM
The mini-games in FFVII's chocobos weren't challenging so much as boring, repetitive and needlessly tedious.

I agree, having to race mulitple Chocobos up to A and S class got boring fast, and the items you recieved at that point in the game were useless.
First, try not repeating another's opinion and attempting to tag it as your own.
Second, if you can't support an opinion, you leave yourself open to all sorts of conjecture. And when you do respond, as I've seen you do in previous squabblings with high rank members, without doing that which you should've done in your initial post, you force the discussion on an irreperable tangent.

11-02-2006, 12:41 AM
Ok...that was for the "idiotic questions" remark Edit: And quit editting or posting while I'm trying to reply I keep sounding like an assehole when people do that :'( (yes there is a considerable difference in post time but t'is the truth I say)

Because again, you said the items were useless; some of those items if obtained as soon as they were available are actually helpful in levelling characters and materia, as well as being a saving grace when you get KO'd and the major boss has only a couple hundred or thousand hp left that could have been taken care of by a magic counter or counter ability.

11-02-2006, 12:56 AM
The chocobos in FFVII are so cute!
And I actually kind of liked racing them...>> I just didn't like waiting for the other dumb slow chocobos at the end....
It's interesting that you catch the chocobos too....

FFIX had like...the most addicting minigame in the world.
I got like, 3 Robe of Lords from that game.....>>
I love Chocobo Hot&Cold...All you need to do is to get the hang of it-- There's only one treasure that's on the entire map at a time...(that took me a little bit to figure out >>)
And then you go from there. =]
And having only 1 chocobo kind of made me attached to Choco....So I'm voting for FFIX!

11-02-2006, 01:23 AM
First, try not repeating another's opinion and attempting to tag it as your own.
Second, if you can't support an opinion, you leave yourself open to all sorts of conjecture. And when you do respond, as I've seen you do in previous squabblings with high rank members, without doing that which you should've done in your initial post, you force the discussion on an irreperable tangent.

I really don't see how I "copied" Agent. I did nothing but agree, expand on his statement and added a new piece of information as my own.
Then when you present that the items are actually not useless, I backed up my statement with two posts.
If you can't respect that then fuck off asshole, I don't need you stalking me on the forums and bitching everytime I lay down an opinion.

Edit button is there for a reason, douche.

Manga Legend
11-22-2006, 06:05 PM
Well I raced Chocobo`s to get the GP to go in the Battle Arena. If anyone can think of a better way to get GP then let me know. The treasures that you can find with the Gold Chocobo are priceless too.

I found the treasures you could find in IX were pretty useless by the time you got them, Final Fantasy VII chocobo treasure is very useful.

The Anti-Existence
11-22-2006, 08:33 PM
Well, let's see. You have to race, go talk to a dude who constantly forgets everything he says, then buys nuts and then go find special nuts before you can get a Gold Chocobo. In IX, You have to dig and find Chocographs then go out into the world and find them and gradually gain lots of good items, cards and even the evolution of your Chocobo. This allows you to o to cool new arenas to dig such as the Lagoon and finally the Sky Garden.

Yes. Much better. IX wisn without a doubt.

Desert Wolf
11-22-2006, 09:30 PM
Well as good as FF7s was its was all work and no play wheres concerning FF9's chocobo game, Jack certainly wasn't a dull boy. FF9 gets my vote.

11-23-2006, 01:16 AM
I liked both, but liked IX better. I was always playing that mini game even after I got all the chocographs and pieces found all the treasure and got the gold chocobo.
VII I liked the racing and breeding...I didn't like that it took forever and that you had to waste so much money on buying food for them. I also didn't like that you couldn't just call them out to you and that you had to fight random battles just to get a chocobo only to find it was "aweful."
IX had so many extra places to go and I like how it was just set up, from changing abilities, to finding different treasures and that you can FLY! I just wish they had more chocographs to find!

11-23-2006, 01:40 AM
Well as good as FF7s was its was all work and no play wheres concerning FF9's chocobo game, Jack certainly wasn't a dull boy. FF9 gets my vote.
Wordy mcword. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And Final Fantasy VII's was work all the way. Whereas FFIX's was good old fun.

I just wish they had more chocographs to find!
Maybe something for a rerelease version? Now that's one game I would love to see a rerelease of.