06-15-2004, 12:21 AM
I can't pick so i decided to ask.

06-15-2004, 05:42 AM
Depends reslly in FFX i'd say Yuna but for FFX-2(although shes dressed like a lil hoe) i;d hve to say rikku

Depends reslly in FFX i'd say Yuna but for FFX-2(although shes dressed like a lil hoe) i;d hve to say rikku

06-15-2004, 09:26 AM
Yuna's MUCH sexier

hb smokey
06-15-2004, 03:15 PM
They are both dressed pretty ho-ish in FFX-2.

But as for the question, I would have to say Yuna. She just seems like the sexier of the two.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-16-2004, 11:21 AM
I think Yuna is sexier. She looks more like a woman. Rikku is still more looking like a kid. ;)

That�s not against Rikku, but Yuna looks more grown up. And I think Lulu is pretty sexy too. sexpot

06-16-2004, 01:09 PM
YUNA!!! She and lulu ar the best;)

hb smokey
06-16-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by bcat
<B> YUNA!!! She and lulu ar the best;) </B>

Why do you think that?

Note: Don't mind me asking you to prove your point all the time. That is just something I do. If you say Yuna is the sexiest or something along that nature, but don't explain why, then expect me to ask you why.

06-16-2004, 08:08 PM
In FFX I think Yuna is clearly the choice. She's more grown up.

In FFX-2, I hate Yuna's look cause the perverts at squaresoft went a too far, so I'll say Rikku, mainly because of her new and cool hairstyle.

hb smokey
06-17-2004, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by ziggypop
<B> In FFX-2, I hate Yuna's look cause the perverts at squaresoft went a too far </B>

How so?

Aerith Gainsborough
06-17-2004, 05:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by ziggypop

In FFX-2, I hate Yuna's look cause the perverts at squaresoft went a too far

I kind of understand what you are trying to say. But why do you like Rikkus dress so much? To me, this is the ugliest in the hole game (well the thief dresses are the ugliest). What is she wearing? It looks like a bra and a thing what looks like a mini skirt....

Oh well, that�s all a matter of taste, but you can�t say they went to far on Yuna�s if Rikku looks even worst (or the same at least)....;)

06-17-2004, 05:54 AM
nr.1 YUNA!!!
nr.2 Rikku
nr.3 lulu (o)(o)

06-17-2004, 08:27 AM
The only reason they made Rikku and Yuna slutty(mostly Yuna) in FFX-2 is because a lot of sad little boys at home who don't get out much and spend their days fantasising about video game characters wrote in to squaresoft complaining that these characters weren't sexy/hot enough and suggested that they have them wearing hardly any clothes.

Now,that's sad(pathetic)

Aerith Gainsborough
06-17-2004, 10:00 AM
Hey Rikku_gal that�s a good one...:D

Jep, and sex sells.....;) Really sad....but that�s the way it is....:(

06-17-2004, 11:01 AM
Well considering this is NOT the FFX-2 forum. Im gonna go for Rikku anyway. I think shes well cute, and more upbeat than Yuna. Yuna bores me tbh..

06-17-2004, 11:16 PM
sure im sexier than all of them :D

06-21-2004, 10:17 PM
What is she wearing? It looks like a bra and a thing what looks like a mini skirt....

I bet she's wearing a bra a thong and a belt. and some wierd,ripped sleeves that have a lot of...bows tied on them?sorta ridiculous if ya ask me...

Out of Yuna and Rikku in FFX I like both, but i'd have to go with rikku beacause yuna pulled her skirt up too high..

06-22-2004, 07:48 AM
Rikku's too young....perverts

Vivi FF
06-22-2004, 01:59 PM
Rikku by far! And I'm not a pervert cause she's 15/17 (depending on game), and I'm 16.

06-22-2004, 11:29 PM
you're cool then

06-22-2004, 11:40 PM
uhh why would i be a pervert?i am younger than rikku,im i am a judge people too quickly.bsides, i said i didnt like rkkus ho look in FFX-2,FFX is better cuz shes all happy and cute!

06-23-2004, 08:07 AM
Yuna talks like she is an idiot, her voice is so stupid, and rikku looks better out of her crazy diving suit!!

But hell they are all made out of polygons and actually not real so......

06-23-2004, 12:08 PM
:cool: i love almost all the sexy ff girls:cool:

06-25-2004, 11:57 AM
Rikku wins hands down.

She has much cooler eyes (just look at them their all twerly and cool) but Yuna's eyes suck.

and anyways I'm sure they change colour half way through the game (someone check it out ASAP)

07-05-2004, 01:54 PM
OKay, just to set the record straight, everyone here who is debating on which video game character is hotter, is a perverted nerd that can't get a g/f and jerks off while playing FF. 4 the record, im only posting here, cuz this is plain pathetic, and i like making fun of ppl like u

hb smokey
07-05-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by SquallBuster
<B> OKay, just to set the record straight, everyone here who is debating on which video game character is hotter, is a perverted nerd that can't get a g/f and jerks off while playing FF. 4 the record, im only posting here, cuz this is plain pathetic, and i like making fun of ppl like u </B>

Ok, just to set the record straight, we are having something we like to call <I> fun. </I> Also, you have to use your imagination when you play video games, so that we can bring characters like Yuna and Rikku to life. Now of course they aren't real. But just because we find them attractive does in no way mean that we are perverted nerds. Video games are meant for fun, and that is what we are doing.

If this is plain pathetic, simply just don't come here. Why are you posting if you can't use your imagination?

07-05-2004, 06:42 PM
I have imagination, in fact, lots of it. BUt i mean, bringing video game girls 2 life? y don't u just watch porn, way easier, and u don't hafta "imagine" they're real, cuz they r

hb smokey
07-05-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by SquallBuster
<B> bringing video game girls 2 life? y don't u just watch porn, way easier, and u don't hafta "imagine" they're real, cuz they r </B>

Why does it sound to me like you think all of us intentionally turn to video game chicks to please our sexual fantasies? I'm sorry, but if you actually think that is why we are discussing this, then <I> that </I> is just plain pathetic.

Besides, not all of us who are discussing this are guys either.

07-05-2004, 10:01 PM
Really, it sure sounds like it, look at these quotes and decide 4 urself:

nr.3 lulu (o)(o)

Hmm referring to computer generated boobs

I bet she's wearing a bra a thong

Imagining wut they r wearing?

we are having something we like to call fun

So whackin off 2 video game characters is FUN now? Wow I must have been asleep a loooooooooong time....

N e wayz, most ppl in here r perverts, but u Smokey, ur not really. I'm just sayin its kinda gross fantasizing

hb smokey
07-05-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by SquallBuster
<B> So whackin off 2 video game characters is FUN now? Wow I must have been asleep a loooooooooong time....</B>

And you would know what we do in our spare time how?

I mean seriously, it is pretty immature to say something like that.

<B> N e wayz, most ppl in here r perverts, but u Smokey, ur not really. I'm just sayin its kinda gross fantasizing </B>

We aren't perverts, we are dreamers. We like to describe who is sexier, because that is what the topic is about. Just because some thing Yuna is sexier, and vice versa, doesn't mean we are fantasizing about them when we discuss it.

The Sage
07-05-2004, 10:18 PM
omg what's wrong with you people they're kids
and SquallBuster is right too

FFX-2 on the other hand...

07-06-2004, 09:32 AM
uh for me i choose rikku.

07-06-2004, 09:59 AM
This is directed to SquallBuster

ppl ppl...... We are not all perverts, it's just that sexier can have a lot of different meanings. It's just ppl who have no imagination that think that the guys down here are thinking with their dicks and what ever they have down there. (note: this is refering to the guys, males, boys NOT GIRLS!)

As for me, I go with Yuna. Rikku looks kinda slutty in ffx2. Very slutty. Yuna..... ah....... she is the dream girl that i want..... but that dream will never come true...... sigh....... life is so sad.... I think i will go cry in my glass of milk........

07-06-2004, 11:07 PM
What do you think?

07-08-2004, 04:02 AM
"So whackin off 2 video game characters is FUN now? Wow I must have been asleep a loooooooooong time.... "said squall blaster

did i miss some thing. i dont remeber any one saying " i wack off to rikku, yuna just doesn't do it for me" or any thing like that. were did u get that idea.
any ways i say lu lu all the way( but i definately dont wack to her)

07-17-2004, 06:15 PM
anyone who says yuna is hotter than rikku iz mad rikku rulz yina sucks:)

07-20-2004, 03:48 AM!

btw: I agree w/ CloudX

07-20-2004, 04:39 AM
Neither. Both of them aren't real...

Furious Rose
07-20-2004, 04:49 AM
Geeze people just because something isn't real doesn't mean it can't be sexy!!(I mean how many people think Pamela Andersons boobs are sexy)!! Also if you look at what us girls wear these days Rikku and Yuna's clothes look less and less slutty! I must say SquallBuster you are a ignorant fool. Only Childish babies would come and insult people like you did. If you are over 8 I would be suprised. For me I think Rikku is sexier because I just luv the way she is. I just luv her happy and cheerful attitude!(Just like me:) ) I will it is a little perverted to lust after animated characters but it is in no way perverted to think they are sexy.

07-20-2004, 04:51 AM
I can honestly say I find Yuna and Rikku about as sexy as my big toe.:(

07-20-2004, 09:08 AM
You must hav rather an attractive big toe.

07-20-2004, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Ziggy
You must hav rather an attractive big toe.
Why thank you! At risk of sounding egoistical... I must say, yes I do.

07-20-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie
Geeze people just because something isn't real doesn't mean it can't be sexy!!(I mean how many people think Pamela Andersons boobs are sexy)!! Also if you look at what us girls wear these days Rikku and Yuna's clothes look less and less slutty! I must say SquallBuster you are a ignorant fool. Only Childish babies would come and insult people like you did. If you are over 8 I would be suprised. For me I think Rikku is sexier because I just luv the way she is. I just luv her happy and cheerful attitude!(Just like me:) ) I will it is a little perverted to lust after animated characters but it is in no way perverted to think they are sexy.
lol it is so true im mean pamila anderson doesn't even need a bra her boobs just stay there lol. but yea i agree

07-20-2004, 04:17 PM
It's quite fun to hear you all squabble over FFX.;) What I don't understand is that, SquallBuster, or whatever, has to think we're all perverts... If he knows us that well then he must be a stalker... right?

Isn't it our right to pick which character we think is 'better looking'? It basically has the same meaning as 'sexier,' no?

An imagination is a wonderful thing to have... not to judge you, SquallBuster, but at the words you have 'spoken' you sound like an old man who has too much time on his hands or an unimaginative young jerk who likes to judge others too quickly... but that's only at what i've seen you say... I don't exactly 'know' you...

Anyways, I think Yuna is sexier, but that is also comming from a girl ;) I like everything about Yuna and she relates to me... tho, I think she goes from totally innocent in FFX to uninnocent(is that even a word?) in FFX-2. The outfit is killer in FFX-2! lol :D

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 12:52 AM
i only thought yuna was hot in the wedding clip and rikku is alright cept in fmv form then looks real weird

07-27-2004, 02:05 AM
Does anyone agree with me tha Yuna looks better with her hair up than down?she looked gorgeous in the wdding scene.i love her dress!

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
Does anyone agree with me tha Yuna looks better with her hair up than down?she looked gorgeous in the wdding scene.i love her dress!

no kidding she was hot like that!!!

07-27-2004, 02:19 AM
im adding u too my buddy list ff7 forever ! rikku is cutsey and sweet in FFX and in FFX-2 her clothes are waaaay to reavaeling.(spelling?) so i think i'll change my choice to yuna.

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
im adding u too my buddy list ff7 forever ! rikku is cutsey and sweet in FFX and in FFX-2 her clothes are waaaay to reavaeling.(spelling?) so i think i'll change my choice to yuna.

sure you can add me i'll add you and riku is ok in ff x-2 just looks like a slut

07-27-2004, 09:50 PM
Yuna > over rikku by a lot. Yuna too sexy and hot..... rikku is alright

ff7 forever
07-28-2004, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by MVP
Yuna > over rikku by a lot. Yuna too sexy and hot..... rikku is alright

you have good taste in women MVP

Tidus/Shuyin ^_^
07-28-2004, 05:09 PM
blue u guys are kinda strange talking about animated girls... get a life.... sry but ur all perverts and idiots who like animated girls.... nerds...

ff7 forever
07-30-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Tidus/Shuyin ^_^
blue u guys are kinda strange talking about animated girls... get a life.... sry but ur all perverts and idiots who like animated girls.... nerds...

ok sure you the one who had Yuna: i love you so whose the loser now fag shit

07-30-2004, 05:39 AM
ok well tidus/shuyin im hotter that u so it all works out.

mr. Cheese
07-30-2004, 01:16 PM
im goin 2 try an put this as nice as i can so here goes. Im not havin go at ne1 who has wrote on this thread its just in a middle of a scene like the weddin scene i dont just think wow yuna looks fit i just cant

07-30-2004, 01:24 PM
well i would sy yuna first out of the 2 but lenne is still the best and this is only a laugh some people like squallbuster take this too serious

mr. Cheese
07-30-2004, 01:35 PM
im not takeing it serious im just tryin 2 ask how u can find yuna sexy in the weddin scene

07-30-2004, 07:19 PM
she's really pretty in the wedding scene!her hair looks way cuter up than down. btw:im a girl, so im not a perv.

mr. Cheese
07-30-2004, 10:14 PM
just to put the record straight im not callin perv....kk

07-30-2004, 11:39 PM
i dont really like yuna in the weding scene her hair is ok im not calling anyone perverts

Master Nabeshin
07-30-2004, 11:43 PM
Well, I think that it's esspecially strange to compare cousin's sexiness...and if anyone here has said that they should become lesbians (sorry, I didn't read all the posts, just wanted to voice my opinion), then you're a sick bastard or bitch. Or from the Swampy South. Just kidding. Anyway, I never had a thing for priestesses, plus I think that Yuna is just slightly on the stale side. Rikku is fun and spunky, and she wears skimpier clothing. I find it strange to say this since my opnion of the FFVII girls is so much different...

mr. Cheese
07-30-2004, 11:56 PM
ok this dosent hav much 2 do with the topic but readin the last message ive just thought of it. In 10-2 if u go asleep in every chapter u see a scene where brother admits 2 barkeep that he loves yuna but isnt he yunas cousin an isnt that just abit sick. Who ever thought of that storyline is sick come there cousins an he luvs her not in a family way. Who ever made that storyline should be shot

ff7 forever
07-31-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by mr. Cheese
ok this dosent hav much 2 do with the topic but readin the last message ive just thought of it. In 10-2 if u go asleep in every chapter u see a scene where brother admits 2 barkeep that he loves yuna but isnt he yunas cousin an isnt that just abit sick. Who ever thought of that storyline is sick come there cousins an he luvs her not in a family way. Who ever made that storyline should be shot

who knows maybe they're inbreds or brother is just a sick little mofo

07-31-2004, 05:11 AM
Brother could be adopted... right? LoL, I kno, I kno... Not likely... I thought it was weird too tho, That Brother loves Yuna... First Cousins... *shudders* Yuck

Yunalesca rox!
07-31-2004, 10:47 AM
Even though I'm a girl (STRAIGHT!!!not lesbian or Bi blah blah balh)
I generally do think that Rikku is more sexier. She is sooo cool as well! I like Yuna as well but I prefer Rikku :D
Yunalesca xx

07-31-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Yunalesca rox!
Even though I'm a girl (STRAIGHT!!!not lesbian or Bi blah blah balh)
I generally do think that Rikku is more sexier. She is sooo cool as well! Yuna I think is ok but I envy hjer coz she is in love with my Boyfriend (If you don't know its Tidus)
Yunalesca xx

no one is calling you a lez or a bi

i would say out of them too rikku is the better looking

(lenne is the best though)

Yunalesca rox!
07-31-2004, 12:27 PM
rite........anyway.....I think that Rikku is the best coz she rox and is and just to get this straight ALL OF YOU ARE NOT PERVERTS!! Its a debate hello? You are all speaking your mind! Anyways I think Rikku is the best and yeah her thief costume is a bit ridiculous and I agree must be some stupid boys complaining...... Whatever next?
Yunalesca xx

07-31-2004, 12:36 PM
rikku is soooooo hot it not funny but she is even betta in x-2

07-31-2004, 02:06 PM
Hard choice really :/ Voted Yuna though

07-31-2004, 03:44 PM
For FFX I'd say Rikku. For FFX-2 i'D SAY yUNA.

08-01-2004, 10:49 PM
It's to hard.
I like both....-_-'

I voted Rikku for a certain reason in FFX... after you ride the shoopuf. That part(to me) didn't look right. Don't ask why though.

ff7 forever
08-01-2004, 11:15 PM
rikku in x-2 is very pretty but yuna in wedding scene overrules it to me

08-01-2004, 11:16 PM
i honestly cant see the atraction in the wedding scene with yuna can some tell me plus i think she was too young to get married anyhow she needs to see the world first lol

ff7 forever
08-01-2004, 11:26 PM
well it was to send seymour so it was for a good cause but she didn't marry or did she?......... oh well i think she looked good like that

08-06-2004, 12:52 AM
4 me it's easy Yuna's the best!
although rikku can b cool aswell

still yuna kicks ass just like Tifa!

08-06-2004, 12:54 AM
i would say yuna except kill bill will attempt to kill me so i say rikku

Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 01:00 AM

ff7 forever
08-06-2004, 01:17 AM
yuna is of course!!

08-12-2004, 02:55 AM
I think Yuna is sexier and cuter. She's got brains, too, and she's really innocent and sweet. I love all of her outfits and she does look more mature and not as immodest as Rikku. Well, we can't really say they dress like hos, because for one they are in a different era and world, and it's probably hot in most places. Secondly, they are always jumping and running and such, so they need more freedom. And I think the outfit for Yuna in FFX-2 was to represent her new freedom and to show that she wasn't afraid to be the real Yuna. Also, I've noticed that the Al Bhed party hard and dress sexy, so it's just part of their culture. But I vote for Yuna all the way. Tidus is a lucky guy (and she's a lucky girl ;). Well, I'm a girl (not lesbian, but girls can say that stuff), so that's my opinion.

08-12-2004, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Yunalesca rox!
Even though I'm a girl (STRAIGHT!!!not lesbian or Bi blah blah balh)
I generally do think that Rikku is more sexier. She is sooo cool as well! I like Yuna as well but I prefer Rikku :D
Yunalesca xx

lol Yunalesca rox just wants Tidus for herself :laugh: But what girl could blame her. I am still a true Tidus/Yuna fan, though.

08-12-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by cloudx
anyone who says yuna is hotter than rikku iz mad rikku rulz yina sucks:)

yuna doesn't SUCK! How dare you! You can just say that you prefer Rikku over Yuna.

And I think Yuna looks good with her hair up and down. I guess she feels more comfortable with it down, and when she makes the speech at the end when you see her face from the side she looks so beautiful. And her wedding dress was amazing. Too bad it wasn't Tidus there next to her and kissing her. Poor guy looked like his heart was breaking into a million pieces, and then ready to kill.

Maybe Brother doesn't know that Yuna is his cousin. But then again, brother is real weird.

Kill Bill
08-12-2004, 11:07 AM
oh i think he knew!! at the part where he's lying on the floor, if you choose to comfort him, he trys to get his arms around her nack and hug/kiss her! but rikku comes in and says, 'pervert!' and kicks him one! serves you right you perve! yuna's mine!! so either he knew, or rikku knew....

yeah he was about to snapp! but what bugs me is, well he gets struck by lightening, set on fire, drowned, and trampled scratched and bruised in battle(not to mention shot!) but a bayonet stuck in his face somehow tops that?! if it were me, i would have shoved the bayonet out the way and ran up and stoped that blue haired freek from inflicting such a horrible torcher on my poor yuna(kiss her)......

yup...he's about ready to lose it......(sorry if this pic is too big)