06-12-2004, 01:13 AM
The art of running away from battle. Ever since the first Final Fantasy game, when fighting a foe that you just cannot win, you simply had the run command and hopefully you'll make it out alive...

Then in later Final Fantasy games, it got a little technical...

In Final Fantasy 6, you'd have your characters trying to run away... they all run EXCEPT FOR POOR TERRA. While the other 3 run their asses off, poor Terra ends up in the back and has to end up fighting all the monsters by herself, in trying to run away herself.

Fast forward to Final Fantasy X, we all know how Tidus and Wakka are best buds and all... but Wakka would ditch Tidus right in a second!

Fast forward to Final Fantasy XI, you have your party of 6 members.... then one of em just jets off without saying anything... and he was your only White Mage and healer... messed up isn't it?

So I state the question: What did you think about each character running for themselves in various Final Fantasy games? In many other FF games, they all ran away as a group but in FFX and a few others, they either run or they don't and they take their time.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-12-2004, 02:20 AM
Damn those bastards. :(

06-12-2004, 03:27 AM
I think with the X way of doing it it adds a bit more realism but i prefer them all running in a group

06-12-2004, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
The art of running away from battle. Ever since the first Final Fantasy game, when fighting a foe that you just cannot win, you simply had the run command and hopefully you'll make it out alive...

Then in later Final Fantasy games, it got a little technical...

In Final Fantasy 6, you'd have your characters trying to run away... they all run EXCEPT FOR POOR TERRA. While the other 3 run their asses off, poor Terra ends up in the back and has to end up fighting all the monsters by herself, in trying to run away herself.

Fast forward to Final Fantasy X, we all know how Tidus and Wakka are best buds and all... but Wakka would ditch Tidus right in a second!

Fast forward to Final Fantasy XI, you have your party of 6 members.... then one of em just jets off without saying anything... and he was your only White Mage and healer... messed up isn't it?

So I state the question: What did you think about each character running for themselves in various Final Fantasy games? In many other FF games, they all ran away as a group but in FFX and a few others, they either run or they don't and they take their time.

I know how you feel.I'ts like in Final Fantasy 7 when Aeri's (your best healer)runs off into the Sleeping Forest(you don't even have her for a disk!)and when you find her Sephiroth kills her.Bam boom dead!

06-12-2004, 10:52 AM
Ok I actually think in some cases it can be good: Say you have a really undeveloped character, then the others can run away and just leave the undeveloped one to take all the experience so they advance more. I think that was what Squares aim was with that feature.