06-10-2004, 07:26 PM
Fighting, death, and pain were all he knew. The pain had been the most vivid part of his life since he was a child. He had stated to receive the excruciating mako shots at the age of seven and physical enhancement drugs in everything he ate at twelve.
How had he survived all those awful treatments? How had he lived through all the beatings and lashings that he had been given by Hojo? Were the scars from the lashes still on his back?
Sephiroth got up from his perch on the edge of his bed and walked over to the mirror which huge on the wall. He shed his heavy, leather coat and turned his back to the cheval glass. Letting out a tired, heavy sigh, he turned his head to look at his reflection.
Thin, jagged lines marred his otherwise smooth back. They criss-crossed everywhere and some even disappeared around his sides. They stood out so vividly on his pale back.
He bent down and picked up his coat. After seeing that the scars still showed on his back, Sephiroth couldn�t help but remember all the times he had been beaten by the evil scientist that was Hojo. Every cicatrix he had still stung with each passing moment, with each time he thought about it all.
Sephiroth walled back to his bed and laid down, throwing his trench coat into his desk chair as he did. Sleep evaded him again. �Sleep... The one thing I need at a time like this, and it doesn�t come,� he thought bitterly.
He stared at the ceiling of his room for a bit, then looked around his room with mild interest. He was the General of SOLDIER, and he still had the crappy little specimen room that he had been put in as a child. Granted, he did have more freedom, more so than when he was little; he also had a desk, bed, mirror, and shower that actually had running hot water. �But no matter what you put in this room,� he thought,� it will always be a blank room that can only bring painful memories.�
Sephiroth turned onto his side and yawned. He was so tired, but his mind was too troubled to allow him the sweet release that sleep could bring to him. His face became contorted with a frown. �At least no one else is going through what I am,� he whispered to himself.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Hojo tapped on the glass door of one of the large specimen containers. A beautiful, crimson haired woman laid
within it. She was weeping, shivering, and cursing him, but he didn�t care. He had gotten the blood and tissue samples, with great difficulty, that he needed. He had also found her to be exactly what he had hoped she would be. �A full-blooded Cetra...� he said softly to the glass.
The girl looked at him and spit in his direction. Hojo merely smiled and said to her with mock gentleness,� Now, now, Miss Mina! You should be more polite to the one who saved you from dieing in the stinking slums of Midgar! You will be very comfortable here!�
He turned his back to her before he could see her spit in his direction. He pushed a button on a nearby computer console and tow SOLDIERS marched into the room. �Take this woman to room S-15. She is not to be let out of that room unless her �caretaker� does. Also,� he turned to pick up a folder and keycard,� give these to Sephiroth.�
The two men nodded and went over to the container and waited for Hojo to open the door. When the door slide open, the men marched in and roughly grabbed Mina by the arms. They dragged her out of the lab screaming curses at Hojo.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sephiroth heard the screaming before the source had reached the hall that he slept on. Getting up from his bed, he put on his trench coat and walked to his door. It opened automatically, and he stepped into the hallway. What was going on that such ruckus was being caused at this hour of the night?
Two SOLDIERS were dragging a screaming red head in his direction. The two men quickly saluted him and went over to the door labeled S-15. �So Hojo�s new specimen will be living across the hall from me,� he thought bitterly,� I wonder if he is doing this on purpose.�
After the two SOLDIERS had thrown the girl into her new room, they came back to their general and saluted him again. �Hello, sir,� the first one said as the other one went back to lock the door with a keycard,� We were just putting Professor Hojo�s new test subject in her holding cell.�
�I could see that for myself, private,� Sephiroth snapped.
The second private walked over to Sephiroth to hand him the keycard and the envelope that Hojo had given him. �Professor Hojo told me to give you these. He also told us to tell you that you are to be the girl�s caretaker,� the other man stated in a tired tone.
�What?� Sephiroth asked in a dark voice.
The first man spoke up quickly. �That girl is your charge. Hojo said that you are responsible for her. If she manages to escape, you have to chase her down,� her said.
Sephiroth hissed through his teeth. He was too important a man to baby sit a screaming, bad-mouthed punk! �Dismissed!� he yelled after a few seconds.
The two SOLDIERS jumped when Sephiroth yelled at them. The saluted him and thing ran off. No one ever wanted to be around the general when he was pissed off.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

He threw the envelope onto his desk and sat in the chair. Putting his face into his hands, he sighed. The folder, no doubt, contained what information Hojo had already obtain on the girl.
Opening the folder with great reluctance, Sephiroth began to read.
Name: Mina Ravel
Height: 5�7�
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Skin Color: Pale (effect of Slums)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Cetra
Other: Has no family;
lived in the Slums (Sector 2)
�The girl is only a year younger than me,� Sephiroth whispered,� and she is a Cetra?�
He slammed the folder shut. If he knew how Hojo�s mind worked then he knew exactly what he wanted. All Hojo wanted was another child to experiment on, and he wasn�t going to provide Hojo with that. He was not going to let another innocent being go through the same childhood that he had gone through. No one deserved that kind of punishment for being brought into this world. �Hojo...� Sephiroth hissed,� Hojo, I will not provide you with any child!�
He got up from his chair. He paced the room for a few seconds, thinking. The girl DID sound interesting enough to him, but he didn�t want to get involved in such things. Friendship gave little comfort and brought even more pain. He didn�t want anymore pain to be brought to him.
Sephiroth looked at the keycard on his desk and picked it up. �I am going to have to be her baby-sitter whether I like
it or not,� he thought bitterly,� I might as well get use to the woman.�

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

�Why me?� Mina thought sadly. She had opened her front door that morning to find a least ten SOLDIERS on her doorstep. They had cast both Silence and Stop on her and had then dragged her to the lab floor of Shinra Headquarters. �Why me?� she thought again.
She rubbed her arms and wiped the tears off her cheeks. She would just have to make the best of the situation. She wasn�t strong enough to try and escape on her own. �I am just going to have to tough this out,� she whispered to herself.
Mina looked around the nearly empty room. There was a cot with a thin blanket in one corner and a small, walled off area for where the bathroom was. �At least they have enough courtesy to give me a private bathroom,� Mina said bitterly.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sephiroth slide the keycard into the slot beside the door. He had noticed that she had stopped her ranting and
cursing of Hojo before he had left his room. �Surprising...� he thought with a smile,� I thought she would have kept going on and on until the end of the world.�
He stepped into the dark room as the door slide open. He took note of the few things that to room was furnished with before he actually looked at the girl. �A cot and closed off bathroom...Well, it was more than I had when I was first put on this hall,� he thought.
Sephiroth then turned his mako gaze onto the girl. While she was pretty, she was not the type of girl that could take a man�s breath away. She did not have the curves of the woman that were constantly after him, and she was a little on the skinny side. �Maybe this won�t be as bad as I first thought it would be,� Sephiroth thought with and even wider smile to himself.
He walked over to the red-haired girl and kneeled in front of her. Her took her face by the chin and gently turned her head from side to side, getting a better look at her. She had the brown eyes that were listed in the report, although they were darker than he had originally expected. �Yes...� he thought,� This shouldn�t be as bad as I had thought.�
Releasing her, he stood and went over to her cot. He sat
on it and looked at her with a more intense gaze. He wanted this assignment to be as easy as possible, and for that to happen, he needed to know more about her. �Tell me, Miss Ravel,� Sephiroth said in a light tone,� why are you here? Why do you think you are here?�
He saw Mina�s eyes grow narrow and her mouth thin. �How the hell am I suppose to know?!?� she yelled at Sephiroth.
Sephiroth smiled and shook his head before he stood up. �It doesn�t matter whether you know why you are here or not,� he sighed,� Anyway, I am the one that will be looking after you. You are to do as I say when I say it. If you refuse to follow orders, you will be locked up in here for as long as I say or worse. Is that understood?�
The girl glared at him. �Whatever!� she snapped, putting as much venom into the word as she possibly could.
Sephiroth smiled at the girl. He was glad that he heard such hatred in her words. He didn�t want anyone to like him or for himself to like anyone that he met. �Good,� he hissed at her, causing her to shake.
Going over to the door, he turned to look at her one last time before he left. The moon was shining on her through the window that the room had. It made her look like a frozen flame. Her eyes were turned to him and they glared death at
him. Before she could see him shiver, Sephiroth went through the door and back into his room.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

All of Mina�s thoughts had almost stopped completely when the silver-haired man turned her head from side to side. It had been cold in the room before he had entered, and the heat that radiated from under his glove was all too welcome. She had almost wanted the man to wrap those muscular arms around her...almost.
She still remembered that the damnable Hojo was part of Shinra, and this man, no doubt, was a member of the same company. Once she had realized this, she had wanted to castrate the man with the moonlight hair. She didn�t care if he was the only source heat in the whole building. She was not going to give up to any man or woman without a fight.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sephiroth flopped down onto his bed and sighed. Thinking back to when the girl had glared at him, he shivered again. �How is it that someone like that can make a guy as strong
willed as me shiver with one look?� he thought,� It was like she wanted me to...�
Sephiroth hissed at himself for having let a woman younger than him shake him up so much.
This is one of two fanfics that I am currently typing! Tell me what you think!!PM!!POST!!!^^