06-10-2004, 07:19 PM
Blood flowed like rivers on the once promising farm field. The corpses of people from all social ranks were strewn across the blood drenched farmyard. Swords, arrows, and daggers protruded from under the armor worn by the soldiers. The kingdom had suffered a terrible lose of their most able men.
Waking up to enormous pain, Gray sat up slowly and pulled a dagger, that was in his side, out. The dagger had somehow managed to go through his plated armor! The pain was truly immense but nothing compared to the sorrow that struck his heart like a true flight arrow when he took off his helmet.
When Gray removed his helmet, his flowing ebony hair fell along his face. He knew that he wasn�t going to be able to welcome a good sight when he opened his eyes. Gray then opened his eyes to the sight before him.
Never before had he seen such a horrid sight. Bodies and blood-coated weapons covered the field. Every person that had held even a remote bit of importance in his life was gone! It was all over; his fellowmen had lost to a single enemy!
Gray�s head shot up to look at the sky in anger. He stood to get a better look at the ruined land. �How could this have happened?� he asked himself,� There was only one man to get rid of! The warlock must have pitted some of the men against each other with his dark magic!�
Gray�s fists clenched with the anger that was coursing through him. �Warlock!� he roared in a rich, powerful voice,� Show yourself! You shall not get away with the slaughter of my allies!! Show yourself now!�
An eerie laugh reached Gray�s ears from behind. He spun around to meet the cold, laughing eyes of the man who had killed an entire area�s inhabitants. He had murdered with his own two hands for no reason what-so-ever but to kill time and gain pleasure by others suffering.
He was only twenty-one but still considered of age. His eyes were and icy-blue with fair skin that was splattered with the blood of so many people. The hair on his head was cut short and colored the color of the legendary phoenix, orange-fire and golden-yellow.
Glaring at the man, Gray said with a voice shaking in anger,� How dare you murder others for mere sport! I will make sure that you pay for such horrid acts!�
�Really?� the man said in a cool tone,� what makes you think you can do what all your comrades have failed to do? You saw how I killed your friends and demolished the souls of others. I made them fight each other, kill each other. You saw this did you not?�
Gray just stood there, shaking in rage. �How could any human stand there and speak of such slaughter, where countless people had lost their lives so easily?� he asked himself,� Doesn�t this man have a heart? Doesn�t he feel any sort of remorse for his actions?!?�
The cold-hearted man smiled evilly and continued to speak,� I can tell that you have seen my handiwork by the way you are shaking. Ha! It is a pity that you did not die along with the rest of this filth!� The man kicked a nearby body and walked past Gray, letting his emerald green cloak whip at the air behind him.
Gray picked up the sword of a fallen knight and pointed it between the warlock�s shoulder blades. He pushed the point of the sword into the man�s back, smiling a bit when he saw him wince. He kept the sword pointed at the murderer as he turned to look at him, a frown upon his face. �Now, now...There is absolutely no reason to get violent!�
�No reason? No reason?!?� Gray shouted with the sword shaking in his hands,� You destroyed my entire hometown!�
� And?� he questioned in a calm voice,� My name is Dante. I am the Angel of Death to all those who stumble across my path!� Dante slapped the sword out of Gray�s hand and put his own gloved hand in front of his face. Gray was to stunned to move. �You managed to survive this battle with me, and for that, I will let you live. However, you will not live without some sort of suffering!�
A bright red light surrounded Dante�s hand then and engulfed Grays entire body. Gray screamed in pain as he felt the magic change his body. He turned his now hazy eyes to Dante�s eyes. He saw only insanity and pure glee in those icy orbs.
�You shall live for the rest of eternity my friend! A gift and a curse in one!� Dante yelled with a sadistic grin,� You will see more killing than this in your life! You will see your own kind developed their precious civilizations and destroy the Earth in the process! The battles that you will face will be more bloody than the last!� With that, Dante faded into the wind, with only sadistic laughter to be heard.
Gray�s sight began to fade. �Wh-what d-d-does he m-mean?� Soon, his mind was over come with the darkness of unconsciousness. Dante and Gray would not see each other for another 395 years.
I am not quite done with this! Please post of PM me about what you think about it! I need feedback!