06-10-2004, 12:26 PM
I hope no one has a thread like this, but give me your thoughts about the end of FFX, I thought WHAAAAAA? I was pretty shocked but after the credits i knew they were gonna make a sequel.

hb smokey
06-10-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
<B>I hope no one has a thread like this, but give me your thoughts about the end of FFX, I thought WHAAAAAA? I was pretty shocked but after the credits i knew they were gonna make a sequel. </B>

Hmm...the ending. I have many different feelings about the ending:

It sucked. Why would they have Tidus just "abandon" her like that? And all he does is give her a hug! Come on, how lame is that? I wanted Tidus and Yuna to do something more than that. Who cares if the other characters were watching, just go for it!

I hated it. The ending, well, ends on a cliffhanger, making you wonder about the possibility of a sequel. I hate having to wait to hear if a game will be getting a sequel to it. I mean, it's just that the ending did not "confirm" with me that a FFX-2 would be coming out. And that really ticked me off, thinking about it all the time!

It's so emotional. Never before in my life have I seen a game hook so many people, myself included, with its love story and emotional feel. Thats what most people remember about this game; the emotion that had us so enthralled until the very end. And, by the way, the ending. It made some people cry! They were so saddened by it, because they thought that would be the last of Tidus and Yuna being together. But, people weren't sad just because it initially signaled the end for their relationship. The music, "To Zanarkand", playing in the background, was perfect to set a depressing mood. The ending was emotional, because you could actually feel how hurt Tidus was, knowing that he had to leave Yuna.

With all this said, I still love the ending!

06-11-2004, 01:42 AM
I totally agree!I cried.And I was humming that music for weeks and i was really depressed.Then FFX-2 came out and i didn't even find a shred of clues onTidus...The sequel should have been more about tidus and less about shuyin.O, and on the ending, yuna says i luv u, and tidus says nothing.He cries for his dad that he hates but not for the girl he loves?all that put aside, i loved the ending the first time thru.

06-11-2004, 04:51 AM
After my Sir Auron vanished into thin air I was like paralysed and didn�t even see the ending... well, Tidus went and I didn�t think anything... I was... somewhere else.

Then our PS2 broke down and I didn�t even see the ending sequence when Yuna says her final words. Well... I knew that they would make a sequel and I knew that Tidus would return so I felt more sad for Sie Auron.


"Lady Auron" :cool:

06-13-2004, 12:25 PM
Sadly, I haven't yet managed to finish the game (darn you sin's right arm!) but, I am far enough to know what everyone in this thread is talking about. I am totally in love with tidus, and yuna's cool too. They're scene in macalania had me daydreaming for DAYS! And, contrary to my beliefs, I have looked at spoiler pictures on FFShrine. It's so sad, there's no other way to describe it. If I had finished the game before the second game came out, I would've been horrified at the cliffhanger ending. But, since I am currently on the brink of finishing FFX-2, I can't be so mad. Still, lemme say it now, cause I say this all the time, tidus is such a sweetie, and my obsessive naturejust eats that right up! LOL

Aerith Gainsborough
06-14-2004, 06:12 AM
Well, I understood that Auron vanished. He finally wanted to see his friends again. His job was done, that is ok for him (it still made me a bit sad, because I like him). ;)

About Tidus? Well, I didn�t like that. Why couldn�t they changed this end? Yuna got so sad, when he vanished. To see her beeing sad, made me sad too. :(

Yeah, this is the part, where I say liked the end and I didn�t...:confused:

07-13-2004, 03:58 AM
i loved the end. it was so emotional( i didn't cry though) lol. i thought every thing that happened was fitting for that game. and that song to zanderkand i love that song. im learning it on the piano lmao. but yea that was one of the best ff endings ever. lol

07-14-2004, 08:10 PM
I thought the ending was great , the whole , he was a dream thing was great! it makes you think about reality , i gotta admit i kicked everyone out of the room cause i didnt want em to see the dirt in my eye and after it was all done i put my control down and looked outside n thought to myself.....what am i gonna do now? what am i gonna to with the rest of mylife now that its over....brilliant ff series has never dissapointed no matter how low they went , i hope they keep going to ff 70

07-15-2004, 01:52 AM
I think the ending was real sad.... I agree about that crying thing. STUPID TIDUS!!!!! HE MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!!! Poor Yuna didn't get a single reply from Tidus when she said she loved him...... What gets me real mad is when Yuna ran toward Tidus to try to stop him and went through him and fell AND HE DIDN'T EVEN ASK IF SHE WAS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i CRYED HARD AND CRYED AND CRYED. I don't get why in X2 they act like NOTHING HAPPPENED!!!

07-15-2004, 02:18 AM
I was depressed for a week...
I felt so ripped up inside, like someone cut out my heart and put it through a shredder (?). Anyhow, I think that proves how emotional and involving it was. I loved it, even if it tore me apart!

And personally I think they should have left it at that sweet sorrow, instead of throw in X-2.

07-15-2004, 08:11 AM
god i can SO relate to some of the answers here...
When i finished FFX i cried and i was actually crying because it was ova, might sound wierd but when you play this kind of indepth game it feels as though your travelling with the characters and you never want it to end... tragic ending cry EVERYTIME i see it even the japanese version....

bobby skellington
07-19-2004, 09:26 PM
i saw it twice and cried both times, yes i am a very emotional girl when it comes to that type of stuff. iwas like" no! tidus can't disappear! that ruins the whole game." i was very sad until they show that clip at the very end. it sorta lifted my hope that tidus was still alive. i am very happy that they made a sequel, even though i have not gotten the good ending after like the 5th time i played it.

i saw it twice and cried both times, yes i am a very emotional girl when it comes to that type of stuff. iwas like" no! tidus can't disappear! that ruins the whole game." i was very sad until they show that clip at the very end. it sorta lifted my hope that tidus was still alive. i am very happy that they made a sequel, even though i have not gotten the good ending after like the 5th time i played it.

i saw it twice and cried both times, yes i am a very emotional girl when it comes to that type of stuff. iwas like" no! tidus can't disappear! that ruins the whole game." i was very sad until they show that clip at the very end. it sorta lifted my hope that tidus was still alive. i am very happy that they made a sequel, even though i have not gotten the good ending after like the 5th time i played it.

i saw it twice and cried both times, yes i am a very emotional girl when it comes to that type of stuff. iwas like" no! tidus can't disappear! that ruins the whole game." i was very sad until they show that clip at the very end. it sorta lifted my hope that tidus was still alive. i am very happy that they made a sequel, even though i have not gotten the good ending after like the 5th time i played it.

07-20-2004, 12:03 AM
Yes, it is a very, very powerful and emotional scene. I cried a bit too. I liked the ending though, the effect that it prepared me for a cool sequel.

07-20-2004, 01:56 AM
I bawled and bawled over the ending.

It didn't really feel to me like Tidus was abandoning her. The most heartbreaking thing about it to me was the way he wrapped his arms around her, like he was trying to keep holding onto her, even though he knew that he couldn't. Heartbreaking and wonderful at the same.

Yeah, I loved the ending. ^^

07-20-2004, 06:44 AM
I cried. And cried. I hated the ending.

I mean when Tidus wrapped his arms around Yuna, that's what brought me to tears. I knew she couldn't feel him because he was fading....

I also hated the look on his face when he turned around after Yuna said "I love you"

I REALLY started crying when he walked right thru Yuna and dove off the airship. I just knew Yuna would never see him again.

Thank god for the little scene after the credits.
That lifted my spirits. ^_^

So all in all I loved and hated the ending.

07-22-2004, 03:08 AM
I was sobbing at the end, I was so upset, but I knew it was coming... When the fayth stop dreaming...

My heart ached with sadness for Yuna and it practically tore me apart in the end when she was whistling... Lucky for me though as soon as I was done playin FFX in the next week or so they started showing the commercials for X-2, I wasn't sad for too long...

My older brother (the co-player) laughed at me because I cried... He was indifferent about the whole thing... he just liked the fighting...

I'm glad I know what happens in X-2!

Yunalesca rox!
07-22-2004, 06:25 AM
I have completed Final Fantasy X 13 times and I still cry at the ending. I think it is really fantastic, and the end bit with Tidus is obvious that there was going to be a sequel :)

Final Fantasy Rox!!!!!

By the way I really really really (X million) Love Tidus and I cried so much when he started to fade :( But still Im married to him and I think he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I LOVE YOU TIDUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-22-2004, 11:05 AM
I think FFX's ending was one of the best.It made me cry and my bro who was there to was wondering why i was in such a bad mood (they think playing ff is a stupid thing) anyway the ending was made like this because square didn't think of any other way to connect it with the sequel. I knew that there was going to be a sequel because at the end it shows Tidus swimming so the sorrow didn't last long. But i have to agree that the story of FFX-2 had to be more about Yuna and Tidus:(

07-24-2004, 03:25 AM
Didn't like it. It left too many questions. Then X-2 doesn't really answer them. It left me with the impression "that's it?"

07-24-2004, 05:38 PM
Goodness... I'm reading through these seeing "I was crying, I was crying, I was crying ect...". I loved the ending! Sure it was sad, but I wasn't crying. Although I did cry when Aries died. but thats a whole new thread... After Auron was sent I was just like "I don't care anymore" But yes... I loved the ending!

07-25-2004, 12:16 AM
yes i cried. my brother waz wondering y but then he played it and even he waz getting teary eyed. but even though i still LOVED the ending. but seeing it end like that it left me in a daze 4 days that tidus just faded like that.

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 12:47 AM
to tell the truth was sad (go ahead call me girly me don't give a shit) specially when she ran right through and also when he jumped off i got goose bumps

Originally posted by FFX-2 Al Bhed Gal
yes i cried. my brother waz wondering y but then he played it and even he waz getting teary eyed. but even though i still LOVED the ending. but seeing it end like that it left me in a daze 4 days that tidus just faded like that.

me was just getting goose bumps like crazy and like i said it was really sad. almost cried but didn't not big on crying

08-04-2004, 04:28 AM
I cried when Tidus wrapped his arms around Yuna, in a way that a tear went down my face. I thought when Yuna was whistling at the end was sad because Tidus promised he would come when she whistled. At the very end when Tidus comes out of the water I was hoping he was hearing the whistling, yet it just went to the "The End" screen and "To Zanarkand" playing in the sad.

The Ricky
08-04-2004, 07:19 AM
I laughed my ass off. That was such a nuasiating pile of shit. The only parts that pissed me off were Auron's dissapearing, and Tidus's still living parts.

08-04-2004, 07:49 AM
well your a lil angry child huh

08-04-2004, 01:54 PM
Excellent ending... I already knew Auron was dead (they give some really big hints throughout the game)

Tidus vanishing was a bit of a surprise... I found the ending very sad. :/ But excellent nonetheless...

ff7 forever
08-04-2004, 10:22 PM
yes the ending was sad and the other guy who said it was nuisiating you're probably the only one that thinks it was bad. all in all great ending

08-04-2004, 10:24 PM
haven't seen it yet but heard it was a really sad ending

ff7 forever
08-04-2004, 10:27 PM
yes it is very very sad. got goosebumps like crazy

08-10-2004, 03:56 PM
Yes it was sad but i also thought it was sad when all the aeons had to be sent. I hated it i'm like Shiva NOOOOOOOOO!!! And i said that again when Tidus had to go.

you can tell my feelings because i posted this thread.

Yunalesca rox!
08-13-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
Yes it was sad but i also thought it was sad when all the aeons had to be sent. I hated it i'm like Shiva NOOOOOOOOO!!! And i said that again when Tidus had to go.

you can tell my feelings because i posted this thread.

Aerisfreak I know how you feel. Especially when the Aeons had to be sent and I was crying coz I didn''t want them to go cause Yuna was so close to them :(

08-13-2004, 02:43 PM
the saddest part is when yuna is whistling... waiting for Tidus to come running towards her...

08-13-2004, 10:58 PM
thx yunalesca rox! you rock! lol

Yunalesca rox!
08-14-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
thx yunalesca rox! you rock! lol

We both rock!:P

08-14-2004, 04:18 PM
Ihope you don't stop talking to me Yunalesca rox but just to let you know i'm a guy. sry didn't tell ya before.

Yunalesca rox!
08-14-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
Ihope you don't stop talking to me Yunalesca rox but just to let you know i'm a guy. sry didn't tell ya before.

Just coz ur a guy doesn't mean i wnt stop tlkin to ya!:D

08-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
Yes it was sad but i also thought it was sad when all the aeons had to be sent. I hated it i'm like Shiva NOOOOOOOOO!!! And i said that again when Tidus had to go.

you can tell my feelings because i posted this thread.

omg i was sooooo sad for yuna because she worked so hard for her aeons and then she had to throw them away...omg i cried the first few times i saw the ending...i hate it when he says"yuna i have to go" and then she says i luv you.

08-16-2004, 12:17 AM
thx Yunalesca rox!

Yunalesca rox!
08-16-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Aerisfreak91
thx Yunalesca rox!

It's ok :D