06-08-2004, 02:21 AM
Ok I will post my stuff here so feel free reply with your thoughts or comments.

this one is called "The Waiting Place" by Casc.

Today we acted just like strangers/
As if summer never happened/
And were both hoping that the lights stand still/
I know you are becuase your not laughing/

As if time itself stood still/
Ask me to die you know I will/
I would stand here untill my legs fell off/
And act as though you never crossed/

Gaze into the eyes of angels/
The moment that we broke free/
I said nothing like I never will/
But you know what this means to me/

As if time itself stood still/
Ask me to die you know I will/
I would stand here untill my legs fell off/
And act as though you never crossed/

Gazed into angelic eyes/
you looked strait into the lights/
Cars moved in slow motion/
School bells rang in cut time/
The wind breezed by in a trapped like motion/
A world went without movement/
And I waited an eternity/
For those Angelic eyes/

Well I've got more that I will post later. ;)

06-15-2004, 05:01 AM
Well this one takes a new direction from all the emo ass poems I usually write about (you know who).

From the gallows. By: Casc

The most glorious sun has finally set/
A massacre sings the children to the silence of summer nights/
Three hundred lost souls in red robes/
The gestapo's voice bleeds through the speakers/
Our hearts spill upon a sea of dead grass/

What have we done/
Hanging in the gallows/
The lives of our young/

A tainted innocense stares at its bedroom walls/
Painted in memories of a death camp/
Confidence awards in dial tones and busy signals/
A ghost highlights the crime scene in a transparent barbed wire/

The air is litered with the filthy cry of disperate voices/
What have we done/
Join us/
And hang with us in the gallows/
The lives of our young/

06-26-2004, 12:55 PM
wow cas i am so hot for you!

06-26-2004, 10:32 PM
Very cool. I like your use of imagery.

07-10-2004, 01:06 AM
Well thanks for your comments. I just got this next one picked to be published and it put in the semi-finals in the contest so here it goes....

In your absence by: Casc!

As it began we both clutched hands/
We locked eye's and made a promise/
We were never to let go again/
Without words that's what we meant/
These brown eye's died from our last wish/

That night we sat out on the sidewalk/
And we watched bullets rip apart the starlit scenery/
Caught up in the moment we just waited/

We seen the flames burn down everything they claimed/
We watched them burn, Burn in our names/

Your face displayed in the search lights/
As shattering glass peirces the empty streets/
Together we watched on helpless/
I turned away for a second/
To find out you've let go/

There never was a way to escape this/
But I still can't escape you/

07-10-2004, 11:01 PM
"From the Gallows" is so sad.

I didn't cry though. I promise.