06-06-2004, 05:24 AM
Why do people call Aeris "Aerith?" I really don't know where people got Aerith other than the fact that it was Aeris' name way before the game was released.

Tifa Lockheart
06-06-2004, 07:04 AM
I know what ya mean Aeris is nothin ike Aerith....the correct 1 is Aeris.........My starsing:D

Bahamut ZERO
06-06-2004, 07:11 AM
I can tolerate Aerith, just.

It's when someone spells it "Aries" or "Areis" or some other combination of the five letters that annoys me. The game spells it out for you, and I don't see people mispelling "Crap Sith" or "Rad 27" or "Cluod" or anything. :(

Tifa Lockheart
06-06-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
I can tolerate Aerith, just.

It's when someone spells it "Aries" or "Areis" or some other combination of the five letters that annoys me. The game spells it out for you, and I don't see people mispelling "Crap Sith" or "Rad 27" or "Cluod" or anything. :(

lol :D good point

06-06-2004, 07:45 AM
I don't understand why people insist calling Aeris Aerith either...

oh well...

06-06-2004, 07:48 AM
I suppose... no, well, sometimes I have the feeling some people try to show off with using Aeris' "insider name", to show how much they know about her... or think they know...

It's odd.

06-06-2004, 07:50 AM
Unless they can tell me her measurements and breast size, I'm not phazed by it.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-06-2004, 12:38 PM
I heard Aerith would be the japanese version of the name, and Aeris for all the others.

I don�t know, if this is really true. But they might write it "Aerith", but you never know, how they pronaunce it. :confused:

Me personly I like the name "Aeris" better, but I coudn�t call myself like that, because there are enougt Aeris�on the board allready. ;)

Ark Mune
06-06-2004, 01:00 PM
well, here is the run down.

Aerith = Aeris

In the Japanese language 'th' makes a "s" sound. So Japanese people say 'Aeris' but spell it 'Aerith'.

Just like when they say thank you, it sounds like sank you.

In the American version it was alterald to be pronounced/said the same way as the Japanese way. The proper way.

So even when u spell it Aerith, you actually say it as Aeris.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-06-2004, 01:21 PM
But I still don�t have a clue, why they changed it. I mean, what is with "Sephiroth"???

There�s also a "th", but did they change that? No, they didn�t. :confused:

In the german version Aerith is "Aeris" too. The most germans can�t pronaunce the "th", either. But I�m not sure, if this is the reason, why they took over the U.S.A version. ;)

06-06-2004, 01:29 PM
Actually, the Japanese spell it Earisu, written in katakana of course.
The name can be transcribed as both Aeris and Aerith, because in Japanese TH is also expressed as "su", for lack of a better alternative; the TH sound doesn't exist in Japanese.

I am yet to be shown proof of Aerith being the transcription intended by Square. Like a Japanese artwork that has her name in latin writing. I'd really appreciate if someone who has such proof could post it here... ^^

Sephiroth has a meaning, unlike Aeris/Aerith, as far as I know. It has to do with the kabbala. Here's some info:
I don't know if the website is good or bad, but use Google to find more websites. There are many.
The kabbala's Sephiroth is also called Sefirot, so I assume in this name's case, an s-sound would be totally wrong...

Kupo Mog
06-06-2004, 02:13 PM
Aerith was just the name (supposedely) as it was originally intented, this was apparently changed at the last minute (unsure of reasons), along with other things.

Sephiroth is actually a plural of the word Sephira, and there are 10 Sephira. They form the Tree of Life, the belief of the Kabbalah, and ancient Hebrew text. Each of the Sephira represents a station or dimension on your pathway to supremeness, the lowest station being our life here on Earth. It seems the name Tifa also came from this belief although I'm not entirely sure (as the name of the stations are Malkhut, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tifaret, Gevurah, Chesed, Chochma, Binah, and Keter. Keter, the closest Sephira to "Supreme Light" contains the knowledge of everything that was, is, and will become, and this knowledge pours and is diluted into the lower Sephiroth. Yesod is where this knowledge starts to be given form before reaching the Malkhut Sephira (Earth).

This compares quite well to Sephiroth in FF7, as he is trying to achieve his ascention to Keter, and indeed has his own, higher realms of existence within the game (Bizzaro, and Safer).

Hope this was useful.


06-06-2004, 11:27 PM
wow i got half way down the thread and lost interest the first time its ever happened good job people for takin advantage of my short attention span i applaud you

Aerith Gainsborough
06-07-2004, 04:24 AM
@ Misao, Kupo Mog

Oh, I didn�t know about the meaning of Sephiroth�s name. Very interesting, thank you. :cool:

That I mentioned his name was because of what Ark Mune was saying. And it didn�t make sence that you change one name and leave the ohter the way it is. But this was just an example. ;)

Tifa Lockheart
06-07-2004, 04:12 PM
I jus Find Aeris better and easyier to spell..(even thou i cant spell)..... but anyway i find that Aeris is easyier then Aerith....jus my opinan

Kupo Mog
06-07-2004, 04:19 PM
I also forgot to mention, notice how Aeris was called Aerith in Kingdom Hearts?


06-07-2004, 06:20 PM
Well, if you think about it, FF7 was in a rush by SquareSoft.....The way I see it is that it was change so it would be easier to remember or pronounce. It's like dubbing anime and changing the name to something easier. Ex: In Yu-Gi-Oh, Joey's real name is Jounichi, not Joey.
Hmm...I don't really mind about Aeris's name...I like both. I guess it was just how SquareSoft translate it. You can't expect everything that come from Japan to the US to stay the same names....I suppose.;)

Safer Sephiroth
06-07-2004, 06:54 PM
Isn't Aerith the japanese name of Aeris? I can't remember where I picked up Aerith but I like it more than Aeris lol, been calling her that for years now.

I hate it when people mispronounce Cloud and make it sound like "Clod" lol.

06-07-2004, 07:59 PM
waaay late in the game... :

BZERO, consider it officially stolen... i'm gonna start referring to him as 'Crap Sith' ha! (just that one!) lol
man, i can't stand that crap sith!

Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Why do people call Aeris "Aerith?" I really don't know where people got Aerith other than the fact that it was Aeris' name way before the game was released.

Okay MogKnight, have you ever seen Aerith's Japanese Action figure? It says Aerith on the box, and I notice on the U.S. version of the figure it says Aeris. People can call her Aerith if they want. I call her Aerith because it sounds prettier than Aeris. Aeris to me sounds kinda odd. Aerith sounds more like a flower to me. I know Aerith is her Japanese name. And have you seen an article on the Gamefan magazine before it got released? It simply states Aerith, not Aeris. So therefore Aerith was her original name. Aerith sounds more beautiful than Aeris. So I'm always gonna call her Aerith that the end of that!

06-07-2004, 09:48 PM
It'd be only fair if you started calling Sabin Mash, Strago Stragus, Amarant Salamander etc. ;) It's funny how only with Aeris people insist they use the more original name. But actually, even if before 1997 there was some news item where it was called Aerith... uhhhh... so what? We just went through a period when we learned the name of a new FFXII character, then decided on a spelling, and then learned the official spelling of the Japanese version, and who knows what the names will be like in the American and European (and Australian, there, I do think of you) versions... It's confusing...
Well, why only Aeris, why not other characters?

Bahamut ZERO
06-07-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Cloud13
waaay late in the game... :

BZERO, consider it officially stolen... i'm gonna start referring to him as 'Crap Sith' ha! (just that one!) lol
man, i can't stand that crap sith!

Actually, I normally call him "Crap Shit" but that's another story, for another day.

06-07-2004, 10:02 PM
i'll only jack the crap sith one... but the story... pm me, please!!!

Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 11:57 PM
People could call her Aerith/Aeris whichever one they want.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-08-2004, 01:14 AM
Um everyone he knows the story behind it he was just asking why people call it that since we aren't Japanese at least not that we know of. :(

06-08-2004, 01:29 AM
Aerith = Not Japanese in any way/shape/form. It was either a name that was changed for the final release or someone out there mistranslated the "th" sound... when there really was no "th" sound to begin with.

Her name is spelled out "E-a-ri-su" in Japanese, it's pronounced "eAlisu"

Dot Centaur
06-08-2004, 01:36 AM
That's cool. I just call her Aerith because something about it makes it sound prettier. I was just telling you where I got it from because I understand you had that question where people get it from. I got it from the Japanese version of the action figure and the article. I also first heard her name as Aerith before I knew about Aeris. Who knows anyway. It was also called Aerith in KH that's another confussion for me:confused:.

Tifa Lockheart
06-08-2004, 05:01 PM
Hey Tifagirl where'd you get the action figure from....I WANT ONE.... do they have 1 of every caractor.......i want TIFA...

Sorry on topic Aerith amd Aeris r both good but i stick to Aeris....(shorter to spell)

06-08-2004, 08:09 PM
actually Mk, not to be a pain, but i know you know Jap. but for those who don't it would be more like eh-ahh-di-sue ... sorry, but i had to...

and to Landlord (and maybe BZERO): i was talking about the story behind 'crap shit' cuz he said it's a story for another time, and i want to hear it, but i think maybe pm would be more appropriate!

06-08-2004, 08:27 PM
No, MogKnight doesn't know Japanese. But anyone can look up what Aeris' name was spelled like in katakana. And anyone can look up the Japanese pronuncitation. Use google. I think every person on this planet should know IPA. :(

06-08-2004, 08:50 PM
oh... is that why his ri turned into a li ... they lie!!! it's nothing like an 'L'... the best way i heard it described [for english speaking ppl] is a 'flipped r' like when you roll your tongue for R's in spanish, but only once!

edit: btw, what's IPA???

06-09-2004, 03:02 AM
IPA stands for International Phonetic Alphabet. It gives every sound a symbol, so you can describe the pronunciation of a word in a way that everyone can understand, no matter what language they speak. I do have trouble at times when trying to explain to English speakers how the German "ch" in my name is pronounced, it'd be so much easier to just say: It's the x in IPA.

And Japanese R, from what I've heard, is supposed to be between an R and a L and even a D. Trying to pronounce it similarily to Spanish sounds like it could get pretty scary, because... the Japanese R is something really different from anything rolled... kind of soft.

06-09-2004, 05:04 AM
someone may have already mentioned this but isn't Aerith an anagram of "I Earth"????

06-09-2004, 06:11 AM
I don't know how to actually "write out" pronounication sounds. I'm clearly aware that E sounds like A, A sounds like AH, and etc.

I know my Japanese.... ;___-;

06-09-2004, 10:28 AM
I mean... you don't speak Japanese. :( You do know some things about the language, but far from being able to speak, right? Else... you'd be playing a lot more games now. :o A lot earlier.

06-09-2004, 10:44 AM
Well um.....


Dot Centaur
06-09-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel
someone may have already mentioned this but isn't Aerith an anagram of "I Earth"????

That sounds about right for Aerith. Considering she likes to grow flowers, flowers grow from our Earth.

06-23-2004, 02:01 AM
Well, after looking around and trying to find an official answer, I recalled Kingdom Hearts calling Aeris "Aerith".

As to which one is really the correct one, it might as well be both but we'll know the real answer by the time FF7AC comes out.

06-23-2004, 02:09 AM
Wait! I'm confused. I thought it was Aeris. I never heard her name being Aerith before...

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Well, after looking around and trying to find an official answer, I recalled Kingdom Hearts calling Aeris "Aerith".

As to which one is really the correct one, it might as well be both but we'll know the real answer by the time FF7AC comes out.

That's a good answer!

Originally poste by Cloud
Wait! I'm confused. I thought it was Aeris. I never heard her name being Aerith before...

Really? Where have you been?

06-23-2004, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl

That's a good answer!

Really? Where have you been?

In Final Fantasy VII, they always refered to her as "Aeris." Why is everyone calling her Aerith?

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 03:57 AM
Well, have you read the Gamefan Magazine before the game got released? Her name says Aerith A-e-r-i-t-h! When they changed it to Aeris, I thought they had messed up on her name. It's Aerith! It even says that on her Japanese version of her action figure in English.

06-23-2004, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Well, have you read the Gamefan Magazine before the game got released? Her name says Aerith A-e-r-i-t-h! When they changed it to Aeris, I thought they had messed up on her name. It's Aerith! It even says that on her Japanese version of her action figure in English.

Oh, I was woundering were that came from. I was like " YO, what the fuck?" I've seen the demo of the game were Cloud Aeris and Barret were in the beginning of the game. You know, when you first start off. But when I saw it, her name I think was still Aeris.

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 04:24 AM
I dunno. I still think though Aeirth was her Japanese name, and Aeris was the english translation for it. I still like Aerith because the name sounds like a flower.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-23-2004, 04:38 AM
That�s what I heard too. Aerith=Japanese, Aeris=others
Why should they lie? :(

Aerith sounds like a flower? .....yeah, it�s true....I�ve never thought about it before. That�s really sweet... :)

06-23-2004, 05:32 AM
TifaGirl, Aerith Gainsborough. You two sound like best friends... are you?

Aerith Gainsborough
06-23-2004, 06:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel

TifaGirl, Aerith Gainsborough. You two sound like best friends... are you?

Do we? :D Well not yet, but maybe we will some day....:)
But it�s cool we look like best friends already....;)

06-23-2004, 06:28 AM
Well basically what im saying is you both seem very much alike and you both are always sticking up for each other. Like you do in the 'Aeris' (OH GOD I CAN'T SAY IT!)' thread.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-23-2004, 06:47 AM
Of course, we like each other and we both have the same thinking.... why shouldn�t we stick up for each ohter then? ;)

I think, this is pretty good and I�m glad I found her. :)

And we show everybody Tifa an Aeris are friends...:laugh:

06-23-2004, 06:52 AM
You have a very good point there. well best of luck to you both.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-23-2004, 07:08 AM
1_W1ngel_Angel, look like you�re a nice person�re not as mean as you do sometimes....:laugh:

And when you said, you�re probably upset when Aeris died but it came out as a laugh....I think I understand. It was not really a happy laugh that she finally died.....(I can�t find the post, but it was you who said that, wasn�t it? ) ;)

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 03:17 PM
Sorry I haven't responded yet. I had a job interveiw this morning.

I like to consider Aerith Gainsborough a great friend! We look like best friends already! I like to stick up for her too because we think the same way. Aerith Giansborough, I'm glad I found you too! I'm happy to have an Aerith fan as a friend and I like to have someone to show that Tifa and Aerith are friends with someone.

1_W1nged_Angel, thank you for wishing us luck! You're a cool person too!

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 04:23 PM
I like to beleive Aerith Gainsborough and I are best friends! We do look like best friends already! I like to stick up for her because we think the same way! I love havinge a friend who's an Aerith fan and who shows Tifa and Aerith are friends. I always wanted to show people that with someone whos an Aerith fan!

1_W1inged_Angel, thank you for wishing us luck! I'm glad I found you too Aerith Gainsborough!!

Tifa Lockheart
06-23-2004, 04:41 PM the Tifa Aerith team......:D lol

I'm a guy
06-23-2004, 06:54 PM
how do you get those cool pictures for sig.

Dot Centaur
06-23-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Lockheart the Tifa Aerith team......:D lol


06-24-2004, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
1_W1ngel_Angel, look like you�re a nice person�re not as mean as you do sometimes....:laugh:

And when you said, you�re probably upset when Aeris died but it came out as a laugh....I think I understand. It was not really a happy laugh that she finally died.....(I can�t find the post, but it was you who said that, wasn�t it? ) ;)

dunno if it was me or not but it was definetly a non-happy laugh. hahaha i guess i just sometimes get portrayed as sad or mean but its my fault though, its mainly just how i word things. like when i said " I laughed when the flower lady died" i wasnt to informative on what i really meant. it made me sound like an arsehole.

But just remember to anyone else out there. Dont go teasing someone because of their veiw on the Flower Girl. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. If you don't like her, well then say so but dont go teasing others because they like Aeris.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-24-2004, 04:54 AM

I know what you meant when you said you where laughting when she died. Stuff like that happens to me too sometimes, but it�s just a desperete laugh. I know this feeling pretty well.

But you�re right, the way it sounded the first time you said that, made you sound like ......well, you said it already. ;)

What you just said now, shows your real person! And I�m glad, because this shows you�re a nice person with feelings and corage.

And believe me, to say and to see things like that, needs a lot of courage.

But to stand behind yourself doesn�t show your weak. Actually this shows your pretty strong. Just stay that way and you�ll grow stronger every day. You�ll see. :cool:

And thanks again for everything.... :)

06-25-2004, 12:30 PM
you guys do know that in all the asian countries that it's pronounced Aerith, right? And until I started to read these forums, that's how I spelled it too, so I'm sorta hurt by you people saying that it's wrong to spell it that way.
I've been to Japan and China so many times to visit my relatives, and all of my cousins pronounce Aerith with the "th" at the end instead of a "s" sound.

Dot Centaur
06-25-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by chorns
you guys do know that in all the asian countries that it's pronounced Aerith, right? And until I started to read these forums, that's how I spelled it too, so I'm sorta hurt by you people saying that it's wrong to spell it that way.
I've been to Japan and China so many times to visit my relatives, and all of my cousins pronounce Aerith with the "th" at the end instead of a "s" sound.

I know watcha mean! I was hurt myself when they kept saying," No its Aeris not Aerith:mad: ", it is Aerith in the Asain countries. I know that with you.

06-26-2004, 12:46 AM
I dont care how people pronounce it, either way its still the same person. Different countries pronouce it different ways.... So f***ing what!

Dot Centaur
06-26-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel
I dont care how people pronounce it, either way its still the same person. Different countries pronouce it different ways.... So f***ing what!

Your'e right. It is just a name. I'm talking about when people get mad when I say Aerith, it's like, so f**kin what? I don't care if people call her Aeris, so they shouldn't care if I call her Aerith ya know? Who Cares?

Tifa Lockheart
06-26-2004, 04:48 PM
I agree.........Aerith Aeris Its the same person same looks same attatude....same innocence................

06-26-2004, 10:11 PM
....Unless Aeris/Aerith lives in some kind of gaming parallel FFVII universe in which she has to different names cause in each of the other realms shes a wanted villian..... whoops i forgot to take my pills again.

I'm a guy
06-27-2004, 12:41 AM
so you guys know Aerith is the japanese name for her and Aeris is the american version

06-27-2004, 01:32 AM
Yup we do. we just went through all that. But its all good. Even though its Aeris for in N.Z in my personal opinion Aerith sounds better.

06-28-2008, 12:45 PM
Aerith and Aeris are just the same. It doesn't really matter, she's only one character, isn't she? :) Hmm, but I do think it is spelled Aerith in Japanese, but pronounced as Aeris. :)

execrable gumwrapper
06-28-2008, 03:49 PM
Hi, welcome to 4 years ago.

Get fucked, please.

06-28-2008, 05:18 PM
:eye: I am 100% and completly shocked that No one else has said anything about this yet. I read this somewhere along time ago, so don't ask me for my source. In the American version of the game, "Aerith" was changed to "Aeris" as a play on the word"heiress"( you know how the old "Square" liked to stick things in games as much as possible and have people guess at what it could mean,lol) "Aeris" was the Heiress of her peopleO:]

06-28-2008, 05:21 PM
Aerith and Aeris are just the same. It doesn't really matter, she's only one character, isn't she? :) Hmm, but I do think it is spelled Aerith in Japanese, but pronounced as Aeris. :)

Don't revive a 4 year old thead. :/
