06-05-2004, 03:00 PM
This will be a two-team battle:

Team 1 and 2 will have four members

Member #1 is the team captain

Members #2, #3, and #4 are allowed to post their answers, in which the captain can decide from all the possible ones which one will be his "final answer"

The only answer that will count is the captains answer. Captain's do not have to give the final answer as one that any other member of his team posted.

These rules apply for both teams.

the captains DO NOT have to discuss if they know the answer to the question

if one team misses a question the OTHER team gets an uninterrupted chance to answer.

please follow these rules to avoid screwing up the thread

if you forget a rule refer here

teams are FULL please come back later to join the next game

06-05-2004, 03:41 PM
can i be in

06-05-2004, 04:13 PM
sure pick a team you can even name it since ur the cap of it

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 05:00 PM
I want to be on <B> Dragon9999 </B> team.

06-05-2004, 05:23 PM
pick random ppl or wait until other ppl come and smokey why do u want to be in my team.not to be rude just asking

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Dragon9999
<B> pick random ppl or wait until other ppl come and smokey why do u want to be in my team.not to be rude just asking </B>

Well, why not?

Actually, I want to be on your team because you seem to have a good background on the game, and I want to be part of a winning team. That, and you are the only captain and team that we have right now...

06-05-2004, 06:00 PM
alright be on my team smokey. what do u want the name to be

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Dragon9999
<B> alright be on my team smokey </B>

As Usher would say in a moment like this...

Yeah Yeah!

Anyways, so now we have <B> Dragon9999</B> and myself on one team? I guess we only need two more members then.

@ Dragon9999

What is the name of our team going to be?

EDIT: Ha, that is pretty funny. I didn't see you edit your post where you asked what the name of our team is going to be before I made my last post. But after I did, I saw it. That is why I asked what the name of our team is going to be.

06-05-2004, 08:28 PM
thats fine with me as sson as we get members for an opposing team we will begin and i have noticed dragon has a good bkrnd on the game too all you need is a name or you can just be reffered to as team 1 lol

06-05-2004, 08:40 PM
my friend wants to join but that parse error thing wont let him reply

06-05-2004, 08:52 PM
that happens to me sometimes too just keep replying over and over again it should let him eventually

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by lionheart2316
<B> that happens to me sometimes too just keep replying over and over again it should let him eventually </B>

I don't think that would be a very good idea. If you keep pressing reply over and over again, you may double or triple post, and that is bad...

Just give it time, and leave a spot reserved for him/her...

06-05-2004, 09:00 PM
yea that might be a good idea dragon pm him and see what team he wants to be on and ill reserve a spot for him

Hell's Demon
06-05-2004, 09:14 PM
im here. i was the friend he was talking about and of course i want to be in his team

06-05-2004, 09:20 PM
good...seems everyone wants to win...all we need is a whole other team and were good to go

team member list

team 1 (still needs a name) team 2

dragon9999 .........
smokey .........
hell's demon .........

p.s can u make me a sig?

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 09:21 PM
Ok, so now one of the team has three members. There is still room for one more:

Member #1-The team captain <B> Dragon9999 </B>

Member #2-<B> Smokey </B>

Member #3-<B> Hell's Demon </B>

Member #4-?

EDIT: I thought that there were four members on a team. The captain, and then three other shriners?

06-05-2004, 09:24 PM
oh my fist post may be misleading ill edit it. no its 4 members total or i can change it if u guys want to make it 5 total

p.s do you guys understand the rules if not i will clarify

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 09:29 PM
I understand the rules, but just for future team members, you should go ahead and clarify on them better.

06-05-2004, 09:36 PM
more understandable?

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by lionheart2316
<B> more understandable? </B>

Yes, because not every one here is a genius when it comes to reading. How about this?

This will be a two-team battle:

Team 1 and 2 will have four members

Member #1 is the team captain

Members #2, #3, and #4 are allowed to post their answers, in which the captain can decide from all the possible ones which one will be his "final answer"

The only answer that will count is the captains answer. Captain's <B> do not </B> have to give the final answer as one that any other member of his team posted.

These rules apply for both teams.

Hell's Demon
06-05-2004, 10:22 PM
i cant wait

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 10:26 PM
Soooo...<B> lionheart2316 </B>...are you going to be on one of these teams?

06-05-2004, 10:32 PM
you know some stuff also. u would be good WHAT IS OUR NAME cause im bad at names

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Dragon9999
<B> you know some stuff also. u would be good WHAT IS OUR NAME cause im bad at names </B>

Yeah, I know some stuff. Do you want me to be the captain? I really don't mind if I am or not, just thought I would ask.

Our team name could be...

<B> DragonDemonSmoke </B>

Mwaa ha ha, it strikes fear into the other teams heart, making them too cowardice to answer.

06-05-2004, 10:49 PM
good enogh for me

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Dragon9999
<B> good enogh for me </B>

So then, who is going to be the captain of <B> DragonDemonSmoke? </B>

*notices only four shriners have posted in this thread*

06-05-2004, 10:56 PM
i was talking about lionheart not u.even though u do know stuff and for the first time i would like to be the cap.( not to sound rude)

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 11:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dragon9999
<B> i was talking about lionheart not u. </B>

I know...And for future references. When you are talking to a specific shriner, you may want to try doing something like this...


It helps with saving confusion.

<B> for the first time i would like to be the cap.( not to sound rude) </B>

That is perfectly fine with me. I just didn't know if you wanted someone else to be the captain. Well, I'll just appoint myself the vice-captain then.

06-05-2004, 11:19 PM
fine wit me smokey,new vice cap

06-06-2004, 01:37 PM
i spent the night at my freinds house so thats why i havent been replying no i cant be on a team i have to ask the questions and yes i do know some stuff because ive probably beat ff8 like 10 times lol o and nice clarification smokey. we need 5 more ppl lets try pming ppl u r familiar with and try to get them to join our game. b/c i dun wanna wait 4 ever for ppl 2 join :( not a ver patient person.

06-06-2004, 03:06 PM
way ahead of u lionheart.i pm 777,landlord of sector7and edea.hope they come

06-06-2004, 05:55 PM
cool edea and landlord seem to know alot so it doesnt matter whitch joins your team youll still have some competition. i havent seen 777 yet

06-06-2004, 11:56 PM

Landlord of Sector 7
06-07-2004, 12:59 AM
I'm in.....I'll be on Dragon's team.

06-07-2004, 01:52 AM
Any unfilled spaces? COUNT ME IN!
(It DOes'nt matter which team I'm on)!

06-07-2004, 01:13 PM
if there are any spaces i will join in
i have been pm twice to join in

hb smokey
06-07-2004, 04:29 PM
Ok Team 1, which is team <B> DragonDemonSmokeLord </B>, consists of these four members:

Member #1-Dragon9999; Team captain

Member #2-Smokey; Vice-Captain

Member #3-Hell's Demon

Member #4-Landlord of Sector 7

Since Team <B> DDSL </B> is already at full capacity, these two new members have been added to team 2:

Member #1-EdeA

Member #2-Cloud123

Member #3-?

Member #4-?

Team two still needs two more members, and they need to appoint a captain, and a vice-captain if you feel necessary to.

06-07-2004, 05:51 PM
come on lets pm ppl.i really want to get this started.

Hell's Demon
06-07-2004, 06:08 PM
2 more people baby. i cant wait

06-07-2004, 07:14 PM
edea was first to join team 2 so she is captain.

got a name for your team edea?

Landlord of Sector 7
06-08-2004, 12:57 AM
Your mohter.

06-08-2004, 05:05 AM
well........i'm not born to be a captain. So lets wait for another two to join in...then we'll decide who's more capable to be a captain and the name of our team.

06-08-2004, 09:31 AM
I'll join, unless all teams are full.

06-08-2004, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by FallenSilence
I'll join, unless all teams are full.

You are welcome FallenSilence! Since team one is full.....them you'll be on our team(2nd team) just wait for another one then we'll discuss on the name and the organisation of our team.

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 11:24 AM
Can I join a team as well please? *puppy dog eyes*


06-08-2004, 11:37 AM
Yes! WE got it! We got them all!


Member #1-Dragon9999; Team captain

Member #2-Smokey; Vice-Captain

Member #3-Hell's Demon

Member #4-Landlord of Sector 7


Member #1-(not specified); Team Captain

Member #2-Edea; Vice Captain

Member #3-(not specified)

Member #4-(not specified)

*FallenSilence,Cloud123,and Kupo Mog*

I would like three of you to choose a team captain(NOT ME!). Be a captain only when you feel you're capable to do so. And also...decide a name for our group. Be quick! don't let others waiting! After a captain is chosen.....another two'll automaticly being (key in) to Member 3@4. So please be quick!

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 11:42 AM
Well, erm, I don't know anyone so I can't really vote, LOL. I'll just go along with things, and wait for the trials to begin... Wrong wording but hey who cares?


06-08-2004, 12:01 PM
Make it simpler!


Member #1-Dragon9999; Team captain

Member #2-Smokey; Vice-Captain

Member #3-Hell's Demon

Member #4-Landlord of Sector 7


Member #1-Kupo Mog; Team Captain

Member #2-Edea; Vice Captain

Member #3-FallenSilence

Member #4-Cloud123


1.Team Captain from each group plays a major role in this trivia by selecting the best question distributed by each team members of his/her own group. However, he/she can use his/her own question as the main question to be submitted to the defending team.

2.Team Captain from each group plays a major role in this trivia by selecting the best answer distributed by each team members of his/her own group. However, he/she can use his/her own answer as the main answer to be submitted to the defending team.

3.By answering question from the opposition team, The team itself should also submitting their best question to the opposition team.


Discussed/Final Answer: XXXXXXX

Discussed/Forwarded Question: XXXXXXX

4.By recieving THE ANSWER, The Team Captain'll determine whether its correct or not. Apart from that, the team also required to AnsweR the question forwarded to them. Answer for the forwarded question should be accompanied with the their best question to be submitted to the defending team.


Discussed/Determination: True or False

Discussed/Final Answer: XXXXXXX

Discussed/Forwarded Question: XXXXXXX

5.In order to save the priority of each group's time, the time limit of each question is set to approximately 48hours from the time it's forwarded to the opposition team. After the time limit, no point's will be given to the answering team although they got it right!

6.A closing date for this thread should be applied in order to determine which team is the winner.

7.On the expiry date of this thread, each Team Captain should count their and their opposition team's points. The Team with with the most (TRUE)points will be the winner for this competition.

8.All the members of the winning team should be given the title "Bearers of All Final Fantasy Eight's Knowledge!"

Any Suggestion / Comments please PM me

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 12:05 PM
Love the team name, but ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I've been made captain, how on Hyne's Green Earth did that happen?

*quickly, breathe, composure, remember not to look too sweaty, that only works for Tony Blair, breathe, don't faint, you'll be ok, my preciousssss, breathe, YRP, Gullwings, You want to dance with me*



06-08-2004, 12:06 PM
Organisation DONE!
All DATA copied!
Pending Data>>>>>
Pending Data>>>>>
Pending Data>>>>>
Pending Data>>>>>
Pending Data>>>>>
....waiting for first trivia to be distributed....
*system remains standby till the first trivia is being distributed*
*Re-Request for first trivia*
*Team One...Please be ready*

06-08-2004, 12:24 PM
ok we have our teams so lets begin...what item(s) does the odin card refine into?

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 12:32 PM
Oh thats simple-pimple, if my other co-teamers don't mind I can go straight ahead and answer that no probs.


06-08-2004, 12:35 PM
if u know answer

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 12:44 PM
100 Dead Spirits


06-08-2004, 12:51 PM

how much hp does a marlboro have at level 100?

p.s rule i forgot to mention if your team misses a question the other team gets a chance to answer sry ill add this to the first post

at any time you need to remember the rules refer to the front page

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 01:04 PM
A Malboro has 146000HP at Level 100 I believe.


06-08-2004, 01:15 PM
right team 2 is on a role ddsl needs to answer..b4 they do again

what is the difference between the origonal and greatest hits versions of ff8 for the psx?

06-08-2004, 01:22 PM
Wow! you guzs started already.....i thought u guzs were sleeping right now!
So I keep on editing my post and rearrange all the rules @ regulations for these thread..Fell free to look at it.....on page two of these thread, it took me a lot of time! Well, it's 1 a.m. here in Malaysia(midnight) and it's time for me to go to sleep.....see you guz tomorrow

06-08-2004, 01:27 PM
yes i revised my rules on page 1 i think they are extremely clear so if anyone forgets refer to mine on page 1 or edea's on page 2

going to my grandma's ill be back later be patient if theres an answer when i return ill post a new question a.s.a.p

06-08-2004, 02:01 PM
hmm im not sure because im from england and the greatest hits was not released here but i have seen pictures of a different case from the one i have and instead of just having the symbol it has images of seifer rinoa and squall on the front

i maybe wrong so ill let the captain decide

the case i have seen mighjt just be what the american version looks like

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 02:05 PM
Ok, I think I'm about to give the other team a free go (hope not), but if its like out Platinum Version in the UK, other than the packaging and price, I noticed that when you first run into Selphie in Balamb Garden, in the original version she asked whether "Homeroom" was over, in the Platinum version, she asked whether "Registration" was over.

But knowing my luck, Greatest Hits is nothing like our Platinum...


06-08-2004, 02:05 PM
ooops ignore that last post, ive just realised that the case i have seen is the one from the united states.

never mind

hb smokey
06-08-2004, 03:48 PM
Uh, I don't think that my answer is right, it's just a wild guess...


06-08-2004, 03:52 PM
ill post a new question

the answer was on the origonal version the disc's were white on the greatest hits they are silver..

when you fight bahamut what is the hidden third option?

Kupo Mog
06-08-2004, 04:05 PM
The answer itself is nothing. But Squall thinks to himself "Because we have to"


hb smokey
06-08-2004, 04:08 PM

06-08-2004, 04:13 PM
nope ^_^

take it away team 1

06-08-2004, 05:29 PM
its empty. its right below the second answer

06-08-2004, 08:04 PM
sorry the reason it doesnt show up is bc its HIDDEN the 3rd option is "because its our nature"

team 1-0


true or false there is a hidden 4th door along the chain leading to ultimecia's castle

06-08-2004, 09:03 PM

06-09-2004, 06:47 PM



ok next question how many propagators are there total?

and for a bonus 2 points (does not have to involve ff) what game (psx) are these characters from? lavitz, dart, rose, king albert

hb smokey
06-09-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by lionheart2316

<B> how many propagators are there total?

what game (psx) are these characters from? lavitz, dart, rose, king albert </B>

There are eight total propagators.

And the game is Legend of Dragoon

06-09-2004, 07:20 PM
and team 1 takes the lead!!!



when time compression begins how many sorceresses are there total?

for a bonus point what is the atk/magic the last sorceress(es) use and what do the do before they use it?

hb smokey
06-09-2004, 09:16 PM
3 sorceresses, and I don't know the bonus question

06-09-2004, 11:37 PM
nope there are three TYPES of sorceress


hb smokey
06-09-2004, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by lionheart2316
<B> nope there are the TYPES of sorceress </B>

What? Didn't you ask how many sorceresses there are when time compression begins?

06-09-2004, 11:48 PM
note the word "total" sorry if you overlooked or misunderstood it dude

hb smokey
06-09-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by lionheart2316

<B> note the word "total" sorry if you overlooked or misunderstood it dude </B>

No apologies necessary, just re-post the question so all team members don't get confused like I did

Kupo Mog
06-10-2004, 11:58 AM
There are 5 Sorceresses, 2 Purple, 2 Yellow, and one ugly snake thingie 1.

The Magic the last Sorceress uses is Ultima, and before that she has a countdown period, during which she DOES NOT counterattack.


06-10-2004, 12:29 PM

State ALL the locations where you can rent A CAR!

Kupo Mog
06-10-2004, 12:50 PM
I thought only lionheart2316 was asking the questions? But if not I'll give the answer, the Rental Locations are:

Balamb (Town)
Esthar (City)


hb smokey
06-10-2004, 01:12 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kupo Mog
<B> I thought only lionheart2316 was asking the questions? </B>

He is, so any questions from anyone other than him do not effect the two teams scores.

Kupo Mog
06-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Thought so, just wanted to make sure, I answered the question anyways coz I like answering things...


hb smokey
06-10-2004, 02:11 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kupo Mog
<B> Thought so, just wanted to make sure, I answered the question anyways coz I like answering things... </B>

That's fine. I mean, the only questions where you can earn points from is when <B> lionheart2316 </B> asks us. But, I really don't see the point in other people asking questions here except for him. We have another thread where you can ask these questions. And, if team members answer to questions posted by people other than <B> lionheart2316 </B>, that will just take away future questions for him.

06-10-2004, 02:35 PM
and team 2 closes the lead to a tie

using tool RF what will a dead spirit refine into?

bonus for a bonus 2 points: in tom clancy's splinter cell: pandora tomorrow what is pandora tomorrow?

Kupo Mog
06-10-2004, 02:55 PM
1 Dead Spirit becomes 2 Death Stones.

Bonus Question? How does that tie in with FF8, despite having Pandora in it? I can't see how that proves FF8 knowledge...


hb smokey
06-10-2004, 02:59 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kupo Mog

<B> Bonus Question? How does that tie in with FF8, despite having Pandora in it? I can't see how that proves FF8 knowledge...</B>

It doesn't prove FFVIII knowledge, thats why it is called a <I> bonus </I> question. Usually, the bonus questions are nothing similar to FFVIII.

Kupo Mog
06-10-2004, 03:19 PM
Well we shouldn't be awarded points for them if they're not FF8 related, the rules state its the team with the best FF8 Knowledge...


hb smokey
06-10-2004, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kupo Mog
<B> Well we shouldn't be awarded points for them if they're not FF8 related, the rules state its the team with the best FF8 Knowledge...</B>

Yeah, that is a valid point there. However, I just listen to the rules that <B> lionheart2316 </B> made. How about this?

You can keep asking bonus questions every now and then, but there is a new catch:

Bonus questions will only be worth one point now, instead of two. And, <B> if any one member </B> from a team answers it wrong, then it is a -2 to that teams score. Now that raises the stakes a little bit!

06-10-2004, 06:32 PM
ok sounds fair



how many 1 hit kill attacks does omega weapon have?

06-10-2004, 06:54 PM
im goin wit one

06-10-2004, 10:13 PM

take a guess team 2

Kupo Mog
06-11-2004, 07:46 AM
I didn't think that Omega had a 1-hit-kill attack, just that his most lethal one did 9998HP damage, after which he casts a spell that could kill you...


06-11-2004, 08:46 AM
I think there are 2:

Terra Break, which does around 12,000 damage on your entire team

Light Pillar, which does 9999 damage to one character.

I hope I'm not wrong.....

06-11-2004, 03:21 PM



what monster uses atks similar to wresteling moves?

Kupo Mog
06-11-2004, 03:26 PM
OK, if this is right its strange coz I just used this answer in another question, Wendigo?


06-11-2004, 07:52 PM



about how many steps does it take to get into a battle on the island closest to heaven/hell?

Kupo Mog
06-12-2004, 12:52 PM
God I hate questions where I have to remember details like that when I haven't played the game for WAYYYY too long, but if I can remember correctly, I'd get into a battle every 4 to 7 steps, avereging out at roughly 6 steps (I had occasions where it went over 7, and under 4, even a ridiculous 1 step on occasions...)


hb smokey
06-12-2004, 01:54 PM
I am going to have to say about five steps.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-12-2004, 10:06 PM
Lionheart you can't put on questions that don't have a proven answer it's not fair.

06-13-2004, 11:25 AM
Can i please join in as a single team...?

hb smokey
06-13-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
<B> Can i please join in as a single team...? </B>

Well, we already have the competition well underway, and I don't think that it would be possible for you to join in as your own team. That would make three teams, and...

<I> Originally posted by lionheart2316 </I>
<B>This will be a two-team battle </B>

06-13-2004, 07:57 PM
next question

06-14-2004, 11:12 PM
sry i havent been replying ive been sick and now im badly sunburned :( anyway what items refine into 1 hero?

Landlord of Sector 7
06-15-2004, 12:54 AM
I think 100 Shaman STones do....

06-15-2004, 01:55 AM



how do u get gilgamesh and when?

Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Lionheart you can't put on questions that don't have a proven answer it's not fair.

actually it has been proven have tested it many times befor i posted the question u run into a battle about every 3 steps

Landlord of Sector 7
06-15-2004, 03:40 AM
Well you have to "get" Gilgamesh by first having Odin which you get at the Centra Ruins by solving a puzzle involving eyes on statues of gargoyle type monsters and then fighting Odin. Then, at the end of Disc 3, if you already have Odin, he is summoned to face Seifer except that Seifer supposedly kills him by slicing him in half instead of vice-versa like planned. Then, after a bit of time Gilgamesh which is actually Odin appears and finishes him off.

06-15-2004, 12:32 PM



how the heck is gilgamseh actually odin :confused:

what does a sorceress require to not become evil?

Kupo Mog
06-15-2004, 03:31 PM
First of all, Gilgamesh isn't Odin, sorry, had to clear that one up, there is a whole storyline behind Gilgamesh, but I'll only start a topic if someone wants me to...


Erm, to be nice in the first place and/or not get possessed by Ultimecia, it all really depends on the Sorceress... I mean, Edea and Rinoa are nice by nature, except when they were both possessed by Ultimecia, and Ultimecia and Adel are just mean bad-ass bitches... Am I allowed to swear? I can't remember :S.


06-15-2004, 03:51 PM
eh doesnt it say like in the ending something about a sorceress needing a knight to not become evil??sry if i have my facts f***ed up

new running all the monsters found on island closest to heaven

Kupo Mog
06-15-2004, 04:51 PM
Tri-Face, Malboro, Ochu, Chimera, Cockatrice.


06-15-2004, 05:24 PM



at lvl 100 how much hp does tri-face have?

Kupo Mog
06-15-2004, 05:51 PM


06-15-2004, 06:11 PM


what gf learns ammoRF?

Kupo Mog
06-15-2004, 06:45 PM


06-15-2004, 11:53 PM


just to be fair this question is specifically for team1

what can the ability devour do to a party member when the right kinds of monster are eaten?

hb smokey
06-16-2004, 12:49 AM
Hey <B> lionheart2316 </B>, I think you need to re-count each teams scores. I don't think that they are right. But, then again, I may be wrong.

Yeah sorry about my lack of replies. Been having some internet problems the last couple days.

06-16-2004, 01:25 AM
i was off by 1

hb smokey
06-16-2004, 01:35 AM
Not trying to sound mean, it's just that I don't want to be cheated, especially when my team is so great at answering!

06-16-2004, 10:30 AM
you would get
full hp recovery
status recovery
max hp+10
speed +1

06-16-2004, 02:13 PM



what GF(s) can learn rare item?

06-16-2004, 02:27 PM
my baby Bahamut

Landlord of Sector 7
06-16-2004, 06:14 PM
I think Tonberry does too right?

06-17-2004, 01:27 AM
ill accept bahamut



what will 2 blobra cards refine into?

Landlord of Sector 7
06-17-2004, 01:36 AM
Well.....hmmm that's tough. Um, I don't think you can get anything with only 2 but you can get a Rune Armlet with 4 I remember that part.

06-17-2004, 01:55 AM
2?? where....oh i meant to put 4 yeah



what is the english name of the machine you fight in lunatic pandora after you fight raijin and fujin?

Landlord of Sector 7
06-17-2004, 03:31 AM
Let's see, all I can think of is the very tough boss that comes out of no where called Mobile Type 8.

06-18-2004, 12:51 AM



what does mt8 do when u atk the main body?

06-19-2004, 03:38 PM
it counterattacks with twin homing laser

06-20-2004, 02:45 PM

last question get this and you will be awarded 2 points!

how many TOTAL cards are there?

06-20-2004, 03:13 PM

06-22-2004, 10:31 PM
right! and team 1 wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 comebacks when they were behind way to go

members of team1 are the holders of the greatest knowledge

up for another go with different teams?

06-23-2004, 10:38 AM
Let's do it again! Higher score limit this time!

hb smokey
06-23-2004, 12:11 PM
How about if we do a FFX Team Trivia also?

06-23-2004, 07:29 PM
sure we'll go again but i want to play too so if you dont mind i would like sum 1 else to ask the questions

sure we'll go again but i want to play too so if you dont mind i would like sum 1 else to ask the questions and also i beat ffx 1ce and didnt really like it much....

06-24-2004, 09:34 AM
I could possibly do the questions, but we need to organize teams first.......

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 11:25 AM
And we also need to re-emphasize the rules. The rules originally stated that only the captain's answer mattered. Well, I noticed that any team members answer either won the point, or it didn't. When we get this thing going again, we need to do the rules over again. Maybe expand the two teams, or something else like that.

Oh, I'll still play too.

06-24-2004, 01:24 PM
can i play again?

06-25-2004, 12:33 AM
yeah everyone can play again how bout this if fallenscilence is asking you can pick 2 captains and then we get a list of ppl playing then we can pick members of each team and we can extend the # of ppl on each team

hb smokey
06-25-2004, 10:49 AM
Ok, how about this:

<B> FallenSilence </B> will be asking the questions.

Team 1

Member #1 (Captain)
Member #2 (Vice-Captain)
Member #3
Member #4
Member #5 (Useless)

Team 2

Member #1 (Captain)
Member #2 (Vice-Captain)
Member #3
Member #4
Member #5 (Crappy)

Ok, I think that this will do fine.

06-25-2004, 01:48 PM
we need 2 captains so we can organize teams

06-27-2004, 05:57 AM
Why don't we PM people who wanted to join last time but couldn't?

06-29-2004, 06:56 PM
yea but i think sephirothbizzaro was the only one

06-30-2004, 09:27 AM
In that case, PM random people to get them to join.

hb smokey
06-30-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by FallenSilence
<B> In that case, PM random people to get them to join. </B>

I don't know if you should do that. Some people may get upset, because if they wanted to join, then they would have posted in this thread in the first place. But, then again, maybe not.

I say that we need to start a Team Trivia for a different game now.

06-30-2004, 01:20 PM
Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry, I ran out of ideas. I think we should start a thread in FF10 like you said earlier.

07-01-2004, 11:40 PM
you may be right how about ff7 or general gaming for questions about random games i think general gaming would be more challenging

07-02-2004, 06:22 AM
Or we just sit here and never get around to it.

hb smokey
07-02-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel
<B> Or we just sit here and never get around to it. </B>

That sounds like a great idea!

Actually, I say we either get this one started again, or we do a FFX Team Trivia.

So, which one will it be?

07-02-2004, 01:39 PM

07-02-2004, 06:47 PM
lets vote!

general gaming for me

07-02-2004, 07:45 PM
Yeah General Gaming sounds good to me as well.

hb smokey
07-02-2004, 07:48 PM
Maybe we should finish up with the FFX Team Trivia first before we do a General Gaming version?

I really don't know if two of these at once will work.

07-02-2004, 07:58 PM
well, ill be happy with either one of them but right now i'd preferr General Gaming one. So yeah, ill just sit back and wait.

07-03-2004, 07:36 AM
Either's good.

07-03-2004, 02:15 PM
how about both?

07-04-2004, 07:45 AM
Just as good, though I need to know specifically what's meant by "General Gaming."

07-06-2004, 08:48 PM
posting it in general gaming and instead of asking questions about 1 specific game ask questions about different games

07-06-2004, 09:44 PM
Sorry man ones already started in FFX

07-08-2004, 09:16 AM
General gaming it is, then.