06-05-2004, 08:49 AM
One of the things that I didn't like about FF7 was the fact that several summons took forever... then it got amplified in FF8 where the summons just took more than forever.

So Square tossed us the Boost Ability for our GFs where we can sit there, hold select and bang on the Square button all day, trying to make our GFs powerful.

Then it just got extremely boring and stupid after several hundred summons later. Not really a bad thing, it actually was a little cool to make Eden fly up in attack because of boost.

What did you think of this?

06-05-2004, 08:54 AM
You know, it's actually kind of funny, but... I never used it.
Sometimes I think I didn't really play FFVIII at all... I missed out so many things. Like... ah well.

06-05-2004, 09:07 AM
Hey Anna, you push R1 to shoot a bullet from Squall's Gunblade when you hit them.... COOL HUH?! ^_^

Bahamut ZERO
06-05-2004, 12:06 PM
I remember trying my darn hardest to beat my highest boost score with Bahamut. I tried SO very hard to push it to the max, but alas I was always short.

Oh, and Eden's too easy to get to the highest score... I managed it even messing up and resetting it a few times.

I do agree that it helps distract you though. ^^

06-05-2004, 12:07 PM
Yes, so maybe I did not know that you could press R1 during Squall's attacks, but I finished the game anyway!! :whatever:

Now stop making me look like the worst FFVIII player ever. I know I am, but... no one else needs to know.

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 05:11 PM
Everyone knows that Square implemented Boost for one reason: To boost sales...

Ok, it's kind of like the old Mario Party games. There were certain mini-games where you would have to rotate the control stick really fast. One, you would end up getting blisters from it, and two, your control stick would wear out a lot faster. It sucked. But this is what Square is doing also. You have to push the "Square" (ooh coincidence) button a lot to get your GF's to administer more damage. Well, as a result from pushing the "Square" button all these times, it would wear out that button. Then, you would have a controller in which the "Square" button was old and useless, so what do you do? Yes, you go out and <B> spend more money </B> on another Playstation controller. But that is not all...
It is also competitive to try and beat your old record for Boost. Let's say that your record for Ifrit was 150, and you know that you could surpass it. Well, you would try as hard as you could to get 151, but continuously fail. Then, you would get so filled with anger and rage, that you would throw your controller at the Playstation, thus destroying the system, the controller, and the game. And what would you go out and do? Right, <B> spend more money </B> on Playstation products.
Hey, that's just how it is...

Landlord of Sector 7
06-16-2004, 08:58 PM
I liked the boost system just cause it was sort of fun to do for a while but what I don't understand is this. I discovered the boost system on complete accident by pushing select to see if the little thing above the HP/name etc. showed up like it did on FFVII. Now, how are people supposed to know how to use boost if they don't discover it on accident?