06-04-2004, 05:26 PM
where is island closest to heaven/hell?

06-04-2004, 11:54 PM
1.Island Closest to Hell is a long horizontal Island (Westernmost) in the map. You can know you are there if you encounter a monster after taking 1 to 3 steps. (Place Where The Highest Encounter Rate in The Game!)

2.Island Closest to Heaven is like an ordinary Island. It's located at northeast of Esthar Continent. Take your time searching that island.

3.If you want to build up your character's level, I recommend u go to Island closest to Hell. With high encounter rate, and infinite die_hard dragons, I'm sure your character'll get into shape a lotta faster than u ever expect!

06-05-2004, 12:03 AM
not my topic my lil bro got my pass....yea i know where they are. almost maxed out my stats on island closest to hell my hp is at like 8 thousand something....i wouldnt tell him bc my opinion is that if you help someone at videogames they will never get better so thats why i have a nifty little hiding spot for my memory card ;) :D