Dot Centaur
06-03-2004, 12:31 AM
Tifa & Aerith are friends! If you don't think so, then you're still Anti-Aerith or Anti-Tifa!

hb smokey
06-03-2004, 01:06 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TifaGirl
[B]<B>Tifa & Aerith are friends! </B>

Prove it!

06-03-2004, 01:44 AM
what do you mean they both are after cloud everyone knows that. they hate each other.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-03-2004, 09:26 AM
Yes Aeris and Tifa are good friends. They are always talking together. But they are different.

It�s hard to explain, but when Aeris says some things in front of Cloud, she doesn�t want to hurt Tifa with it. She is just not thinking about it, because she is not thinking mean things.

Tifa is a kind of overacting sometimes. It is easy to make her jealous. But she�s not a bad person.

What�s the problem? They�re different, but they�re friends. Even if both of �em want to be with Cloud. But it�s not this enemy thing, what a lot of people believe. ;)

And Tifa was crying when Aeris died. And I don�t think, she was crying outside and beeing happy inside. Tifa would not do this, she can�t be that false. :)

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-03-2004, 10:07 AM
.......You do know its just a game, and they are really pixels? I mean Square gave the persoanlities though diolouge, but apart from that, I don't actually think they have inner feelings, infact I know they don't

06-03-2004, 12:47 PM
When you write English classtests and you are to write about the feelings and motivations of a character in a book, do you really write: "HE DOES NOT HAVE FEELINGS BECAUSE HE ISN'T REAL, HE'S ONLY WORDS ON PAPER!!!"?

06-03-2004, 02:21 PM
They are friends , but it doesn't matter , they fight for the same cause , they're allies in the first place.

06-03-2004, 02:39 PM
originally posted by tifagirl:

If you don't think so, then you're still Anti-Aerith or Anti-Tifa!
yeah, that may be so, but it don't work both ways! i think they're both friends, but i'm still anti-aerith (sorry y'all, she just rubs me wrong.. there's just something about her i don't like) sure they get along, they're both ok with each other, even to the point where they might both drop cloud, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings... it's like this... there's this chick i used to go out with, and well, she still won't get over me... well the girl i'm goin out with now is friends with her, but neither of them let our past get in the way of their relationship! but i still don't like aerith (sorry again)

Dot Centaur
06-05-2004, 02:43 AM
Yeah, but I meant alot of Anti-Tifa who are Aerith fans, as well as Ant-Aerith who are Tifa fans, hate either one of them so much, they'll refuse to admit the fact that they were friends! Not me, I like Tifa & Aerith and I know they're friends. I just prefer Tifa because my personalities and likes are more similar to hers. If people have a problem with Tifa they have a problem with me! But anyway, I don't hate you Cloud 13 for being Anti-Aerith, I just think its sad(not pity, but sympathy for Aerith). I only dislike Anti-Tifa people, but I like Aerith fans;)!

I'm glad some Aerith fans admit the fact that they were friends! Aerith Gainsborough, that's good that you know Aerith and Tifa were friends! There's something about Aerith that makes her lovable!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-05-2004, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Misao
When you write English classtests and you are to write about the feelings and motivations of a character in a book, do you really write: "HE DOES NOT HAVE FEELINGS BECAUSE HE ISN'T REAL, HE'S ONLY WORDS ON PAPER!!!"?

Yes, Yes I do...well not really. But the whole Tifa, Cloud, Aeris love triangle isn't actually that important in FF7 because the love triangle ends at the the end of the first disk.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-05-2004, 01:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Diorama

But the whole Tifa, Cloud, Aeris love triangle isn't actually that important in FF7 because the love triangle ends at the the end of the first disk.

How can you say that isn�t important? I mean, yes on the one side it is over, but actually it is not. Aeris is dead, but Cloud never stops thinking about her. And Tifa is always looking for a way to get Cloud.

It is not really working, and why? Because Aeris is still there, even if she�s dead. She�s still in his mind. That�s why you can�t say it�s over.

If you don�t see that, just use your imagination. ;)

@ TifaGirl

Yeah, your right. I know a lot of those people too. They like Aeris or Tifa. The most people can�t love �em both. This makes me sad too. I can�t help it, I like Aeris and Tifa. I prefer Aeris, because my personality is more like Aeris�. :)

06-05-2004, 04:18 PM
i think they were fighting i mean if you bring Tifa to the fight with Jenova Life after it you could almost see her smirk 9 i would to if i were a chick after the same guy)

Dot Centaur
06-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Aerith Gainsorough, that's good that you like them both. That's cool I know someone who prefers Aerith, but likes them both. That's almost the same with me, but you personality is simialar to Aerith and mine is simialar to Tifa's. I prefer Tifa, but I love them both. It is sad that alot of people can't love them both. They've been my all time favorite FF duo. I love Aerith and Tifa. Even Tifa still thinks about Aerith after she dies. When Cloud says "I think I can meet her there", Tifa also says "Yeah lets go meet her", becuase she missed her friend very much. It sounds like you understand my feeling. Thanks;).

Tifa Lockheart
06-06-2004, 07:14 AM
Yep i agree with Tifagirl and Aerith Gainsborough.......Tifa and Aeris are good freinds.... and at the end when Cloud says lets go meet her then Tifa says yea lets go meet her i was leaft confused but i understod......good fact Tifagirl
And yes i am more like Tifa ;) :D

@Aerith Gainsborough nice new ava.

Dot Centaur
06-06-2004, 01:41 PM
Tifa Lockheart: You go girl!! You tell 'em!

06-06-2004, 11:32 PM
well heres my two cents ummm.. fuck lost my train of thought ohh well i have too agree with everyone on the side of that they were friends yep they were and thats all i have to say

Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 02:40 AM
Thank You! They are friends and that's the end of the line! Aerith and Tifa fans unite!! That should be part of my sig. They're friends, anyone wanna argue, though shit!

06-07-2004, 07:11 PM
Hmmm...yeah...they were friends. I always like how they talked about things...sometimes I would like to know what the heck they're talking about. It's all hush-hush. Wonder what happen to Yuffie though....Yuffie did cry when Aeris died, so maybe they were friends...but it seems she never did talk to Tifa or is that just me ?
I guess I just prefer Aeris more since I did played once being rude to all the girls to see what their reactions were. Aeris is always forgiving, sweet and kind. Aeris also has that kind of, "Never let a dull moment stop you and let's have fun" attitude. Even when I made Cloud said that she was a druken slum or anything to hurt her feelings, she still forgave Cloud. I kinda did the same thing to Tifa....hmm...sometimes she wasn't okay with it and became a bit too bossy and over-reacted.
But she's still cool with me.
Hmm...the ending was really a cliff-hanger, but I'm glad that Tifa understood Cloud's feelings and still thought about Aeris til the end.:angel:

Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 08:23 PM
That's smart thinking aeriscloud! Tifa and Aerith were friends! Aerith and Yuffie were friends, but Yuffie never talked to Tifa becuase Tifa got mad at her for stealing materia. Well I would be too. That's good Aerith's forgiving and its good that Tifa sticks up for herself. Aerith and Tifa both have their strengths and weaknesses. Aerith can be vulnerable and Tifa can be rude. But they're really great characters. Aerith turns her weakness into a strength by forgiving others and Tifa turns her weakness into a strength by protecting herself. The thing Tifa and Aerith has in common is that they never let the bad times get them down. How Tifa says,"It'll be okay", or "Dont' worry, think", that's how she gets through. And how you said about Aerith in the goldsaucer. Tifa only said it was harsh because she was concerned for Barret at the time. That's good you're at least okay with Tifa. I just prefer Tifa and Aerith to Yuffie.