06-02-2004, 06:34 AM
who do u think is storonger
cloud or zack

Dot Centaur
06-03-2004, 12:29 AM
I think they both have the same strength. You should've made a poll for this one!

Landlord of Sector 7
06-03-2004, 12:49 AM
Actually, Zack was First Class SOLDIER which when you face the First Class SOLDIER officers early in the game you beat them with ease and on the other hand, Cloud can take off around 150,000 damage when it's all said and done so I think Cloud is stronger.

hb smokey
06-03-2004, 01:09 AM
Hmm...I choooooose...I chooooose...BOTH!!!

*Dances around while happy music plays*

06-03-2004, 03:34 AM
Zack, Cloud couldnt handle the jenova input tests and didnt get them completed. Zack on the other hand did and anyway Zack made it to first class and Cloud didnt so that must say something

06-03-2004, 02:09 PM
exactly... zack's stronger, not only physically, but mentally and psychologically too! cloud can only do what he does (like carry the sword) cuz he's got mako...

heh heh, when the bully's pickin on you in school... uh-oh, better get mako! ha ha!

06-07-2004, 06:38 PM
I say both. Cloud and Zack have their own strengths, even though Zack never made it. But its sorta like, without Zack, Cloud wouldn't be who he was and without Cloud, well.....Zack would still come back and bust him out anyway. Zack's not that heartless...he cares enough to drag Cloud with him all the way to Midgar before an unfortunate accident.

06-07-2004, 07:26 PM
i say Vincent kicks both their asses but really i think cloud i mean did Zack have access to materia like KOTR or Ultima probably not!!

Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 08:42 PM
Nah, Cloud and Zack could take on Vincent any day! Whoa..Wait, what am I saying! I like both Cloud and Vincent! I've use to hear rumors though that you can get Zack as a secret character and his limits would be like Omnislash, but garunteed 9999 damage every hit, but I heard that was just a rumor though. I was just wondering if anyone else heard that same rumor?

06-07-2004, 11:22 PM
I would have to go with Cloud. Eventhough he flunked out of the SOLDIER program he definetly got his stuff together later. It's been a while since I actually played the game but if I remember correctly it was Cloud who pulled Sephiroths sword out of his chest, grabbed the blade, and threw Sephiroth over the edge of the causeway. Now how can you say Zack is stronger?

06-07-2004, 11:48 PM
i stick to my point... cloud's only strong cuz of mako!!!

Master Nabeshin
06-08-2004, 12:23 AM
Cloud... Zack kinda had an age advantage during the Soldiers tests. He was older, and more mentally develolped, and therefore able to handle more input. (Hey, it's a scientific fact that in the late adolecent years, the brain re-wires itself to process twice the amount of information it could before. Can't argue with that part). Plus, I didn't see Zack defeating Sephiroth..TWICE! I also didn't see him getting stabbed through the chest and using it to his advantage! How badass is that!? More badass than anyone here, that's for certain. Unless anyone here is a ninja. or Solid Snake. So, Cloud is stronger.

06-08-2004, 12:32 AM
i agree with master all out cloud made some kickass shit go on in the game go cloud

06-08-2004, 12:44 AM
hey!!! i'm a ninja! or a samurai! well i wish i was, cuz the real ninjas could do cool stuff, like be silent, see better in the dark, run super fast, jump super high, scale walls, and when they go to spy on other countries' places... they'd jump up and grab the sides of walls to suspend themselves in 'midair' when ppl were coming! and samurai had the most honorable lifestyles!!!

anyways! strength not only applies to physical, but it can be mental and emotional too! and i think zack was WAY more stable, and his personality was waay better... cloud's a wannabe prick! who thinks he's a badass! the best badasses don't think that they are!

Dot Centaur
06-08-2004, 01:04 AM
I really think Zack & Cloud have the same strength. They're both also stronger than eachother in their own ways. Zack made it in sodier, and Cloud lived. Zack really died from Shinra soldiers when you see a secret flashback Cloud gets after you get Cloud and Tifa back. It was pretty interesting:erm:.

06-08-2004, 07:57 PM
***SPOILER*** yeah, he got shot!!! how's that not strong??? if it were cloud, he couldn't take a bullet, the ppl just felt sorry for him, or thought he would die! i guess he's stronger in fate... ? (btw, this isn't supposed to sound heated, i'm not aggravated)

06-11-2004, 04:59 PM
You are a bit right. Even though I still think Cloud and Zack can be equally match if Zack had survived. But then again, Zack has an advantage. I mean, he wasn't lonely or mess-up like Cloud, he sorta had a purpose. Cloud had one and that was to show that he was strong or great to Tifa and her dumb friends. Like he needed too, but he was lonely and hurt because he had no friends and had a secret crush on Tifa...but still, it wasn't enough and he got turned down. That's why he left in the first place and when he didn't made it in Soldier, he was embarressed. Who wouldn't ? Nah, I wouldn't care, if it was me... like I would give a damn about it. At least I try but I guess Cloud didn't feel that way.
Still, I think if it wasn't for Zack and Sephiroth, Cloud wouldn't be who he is. All three of them were like buddies til Sephi. went to the dark side. But it seems, Cloud and Zack were the best of buddies, cmon, Cloud didn't invent those signature was from Zack, his old time buddy. And if Zack wanted to escape himself, he would had let Cloud to suffer and said..Bye buddy. It's everyone for himself. Gotta save me first....or something like that. But he didn't, he drag Cloud and they were suppose to become mercenaries, working together as a team. It was like a little hope of dream that Zack gave to Cloud.
If they were to ever duke it out, I think both of them would KO each other out. Who knows, maybe Zack can carry materia also but pretty much, Cloud and Zack are pretty similar, so they still KO each other out.:erm:

Dot Centaur
06-11-2004, 07:12 PM
They both did have the advantage.

Aeriscloud, that's not entirely true about Tifa and her friends hurting Cloud. If you pay close attention on Tifa's face when she was in the group, she has her head down away from the other boys because she never wanted to hurt Cloud. Plus the fact that she was only 13 and she did apologize and said if she knew, she would've solved it. Cloud thought she hurt him, but she had her head faceing down. It was as if she didn't want to be part of that group, but I think they forced her. So you can't say she intentionally hurt Cloud. Tifa and Cloud were friends the whole time, they just didn't know it.

But they forgave eachother and became really close.

06-11-2004, 07:12 PM
I would say cloud on this one, but zack made it to first class when cloud didn't.But cloud did help save the world....Hard desicion!

Dot Centaur
06-11-2004, 07:59 PM
I would say Cloud on that one. He did save the world with his friends while Zack died.

06-12-2004, 08:39 AM
I guess you must see it as a master-apprentice situation. I think Zack was a bit older then Cloud (Cloud was about 16 or something when he was in shinra army and Zack was definitly older). So Zack was stronger and learned Cloud a lot of stuff, but later on I think Cloud surpassed Zack in skill and strength although they will never know for sure because Zack is unfortunately dead....

By the way What I always wondered: Why doesnt Cloud say to the the parents of Zack he knows him (even after the flashbacks of them both he never tells them he knew him) Because I would be better of as a parent to know what happenend to my son then to always be in a certain doubt...

06-12-2004, 09:21 PM

Dot Centaur
06-13-2004, 01:14 PM
Maybee I should go with Cloud! He is my favorite male character!

Master Nabeshin
06-14-2004, 12:28 AM
Maybe Cloud doesn't tell Zak's parents of their son's fate because of a typo in the game. Hey, it's possible. Or maybe he wanted to give them hope that their son may still be alive somewhere out there, rather than "Hey, yup your son is dead. Yeah, all that time you took raising him? You might as well have just sold him into slavery and bought yourself a nice, big house." Yeah, I know that's a bit overboard, but maybe that's how Cloud's mind works. He seems to do extreme things...weild an extremely large in the the world...face nameless, countless enemies.... y'know, that sort of thing. Oh, and I still think Cloud would win, even if Zak had made it.

Dot Centaur
06-14-2004, 02:28 AM
I think it was becuase Cloud sometimes had a hard time opening up. Or maybe he forgot to tell. That happens with me sometimes.

06-14-2004, 03:21 AM
Cloud because I know more about him than I do Zack

06-14-2004, 12:11 PM
cloud is so stronger he had so many more weapons unlike zack who only buster (or so i think) anyway cloud is the best.

06-15-2004, 08:06 PM
I'd say Zack is the strongest of the two. If Zack had not met his doom before he got to midgar then he would have had the chance to develop that Cloud had and who knows how that would have turned out?

06-16-2004, 02:13 AM
Durendal wrote

I'd say Zack is the strongest of the two. If Zack had not met his doom before he got to midgar then he would have had the chance to develop that Cloud had and who knows how that would have turned out?

Zack wouldve been stronger in the end, cos he made first class and Cloud didnt, theyd probly be close to even but Zack would have that little edge

Master Nabeshin
06-16-2004, 02:20 AM
If Zak came back to life to face Cloud, and his strength has increased as much as it would have had he not died and lived to learn new techniques and reach new heights of strength, then Cloud would still win. Why? Well, for one, I like Cloud more than Zak, so I'm going to argue that he would win, but beside that, Cloud would still win because of..well, check my previous statements on this.

06-17-2004, 06:31 AM
CLOUD he is obviously betta mentally and physically, how much mako was he exposed to, he almosed died in mideel he got out of that with his mind, he beats sephiroth!!!, he beats first class soldiers with complete ease, zack dies when they both get shot at, cloud survives, cloud knew how to control his sword straight away, i could go on 4 eva. CLOUD FOR PRESIDENT LOLOL cloud is the strongest no doubt