05-30-2004, 04:23 PM
How did Squaresoft (Square-Enix) come up with that name, anyone know?

Opinions please!!!!

i'll tell you the real answer if no-one gets it but you probably already know!

05-30-2004, 04:39 PM
I suppose the reasons aren't very glorious. Both words begin with an F, "Final" kind of means something... big, impressive and important, and Fantasy is the most obvious choice for a Fantasy game.
It sounds cool. That's all. :P

05-30-2004, 04:43 PM
nope lol, keep going, there is a long story behind it!!!

Bahamut ZERO
05-30-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by PuX
nope lol, keep going, there is a long story behind it!!!

If you know it, why bother asking?

The reason I heard is because the company was about to go bust before they released the game, therefore they decided to name it "Final Fantasy" because it was their Final roll of the dice, all or nothing, hit or bust with this title.

Luckily for them, it was a hit, and the franchise has thrived ever since.

05-30-2004, 05:09 PM
yep, sorry just wanted some input :( didnt mean to be cheeky, sorry

Bahamut ZERO
05-30-2004, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by PuX
yep, sorry just wanted some input :( didnt mean to be cheeky, sorry

My bad~ Didn't realise I was coming across as aggressively as I was. :)

Just to think... Had the first game bombed, none of us would be here posting this instant... Weird.

05-30-2004, 05:21 PM
so true, just shows how much life relies on coinsidences!!!

05-30-2004, 06:13 PM
Yeah, it's called Final Fantasy because they thought it would be their last game.

I don't think I would have stayed online if it wasn't for FF forums. Or my experience would have been greatly different, at any rate.

05-31-2004, 02:33 AM
What do you mean their last game? NO ONE LIKED RAD RACER BACK THEN?!?!?! ;_;

Landlord of Sector 7
05-31-2004, 03:07 AM
RadRacer? You were playing the wrong games man....you gotta play E.T. for the Atari sometime it will rock your world!

05-31-2004, 03:23 AM
Dude, Square did not make E.T.... THEREFORE IS NOT WORTH MY TIME.

05-31-2004, 05:04 AM
lol, also the FF team has always been the same since FF1, they said they want to stop for FF12, they didnt even play a major in FF11 anymore!

Rabid Monkey
05-31-2004, 11:31 AM
For the record, it JUST became Square-Enix in the past few years. Till that point they were two separate companies, Squaresoft and Enix. Both were the two largest RPG producing companies of Japan, or at least the two companies that made the best and most widely known RPGs worldwide. Enix is actually responsible for my favorite series, Dragon Warrior (or Quest in Japan). For more info on the best series ever made check this out: http://www.dqshrine.com/index2.htm

Anyway, as most people have said Squaresoft was going under and they decided to dump all their resources into one final game, Final Fantasy. They saw the popularity of Enix�s Dragon Quest and decided to try and go off on that design, but add more into it. What happened is that they paved the way for the most well known RPG series worldwide. It�s kind of ironic that the two companies are now one given how they started out, though I�m defiantly not complaining.

Landlord of Sector 7
05-31-2004, 02:15 PM
I am....ever since they merged the quality of the FF series has gone down a bit.

Rabid Monkey
05-31-2004, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
I am....ever since they merged the quality of the FF series has gone down a bit.

The quality of FF games was deteriorating way before the two merged ;).

05-31-2004, 06:15 PM
How long have they been merged? Since X? Isn't it a little hasty to say there is a definite trend based on the quality of one game?

06-01-2004, 10:08 AM
a saying says: "The first impression stays" i think that what most people went for, it seemed that FF10 was the first impression!!!

06-01-2004, 01:07 PM
heh. funny how "final" became infinite, lol. theyre gonna milk this thing for all they can.

06-01-2004, 01:07 PM
heh. funny how "final" became infinite, lol. theyre gonna milk this thing for all they can.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-01-2004, 07:19 PM
HAHAHAHA you double posted and have zero posts!!!

And I didn't think the quality was deteriorating at all....the last game I believe made by Squaresoft was FFIX which is probably the best one so I don't see what you mean.

06-03-2004, 09:19 AM
both posts are the same ... i dont tink it was her fault

Rabid Monkey
06-03-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
And I didn't think the quality was deteriorating at all....the last game I believe made by Squaresoft was FFIX which is probably the best one so I don't see what you mean.

FFX was made by Square solely.

Anyway, what I mean by deteriorating is that starting with FFVII the games get progressively easier to beat with a more self-explanatory storyline. In earlier FF's you had to actually think about where would make sense to go or what would make sense to do and there was a lot more options to deviate from the story if you wished, often times causing later scenes to play out a little differently. In the later FF's they also seem to focus just on making it look good. They also didn't market the games to the hardcore RPG gamer base either; they marketed them to a general audience, which again would take away from the classic feel of a FF game or an RPG in general. I will admit that some of the battle or ability systems were fun to work with at first, but in every single game other than FFIX I found myself wishing they had done it differently and even with FFIX I felt that too many abilities were readily available to every member of the party.

If you're looking for something a bit more concrete lets talk storyline. As I said before the stories in the post Nintendo FFs tend to be sorely lacking in originality. Almost every single event is predictable aside from Necron at the end of FFIX, which made NO sense at all. After playing through a few hours of any of the later FFs you can pretty much tell where the rest of the story is going. As it stands I thought FF8 was so horrid that I got to the end and didn't bother to beat it because I didn't even care how it turned out. In the later FFs they are focusing on making money rather than making a quality game with a quality storyline. The original Final Fantasy had ALL of their resources put into it, which made it one hell of a game. Square continued to do so with the later Final Fantasies but starting with FFVII they began to focus on making money. That is why they switched to the Playstation after all. Naturally if all you care about is making money you�re not going to put much as care or effort into the games you produce, and they didn�t. They ran on the FF name and made mediocre games that looked good so that the average gamer that hadn�t played the older ones wouldn�t notice the shift. That�s also why they advertised FFVII on television so much, in order to attract a younger audience that hadn�t played the older Final Fantasies, in turn building a new fan base but at the same time allowing them to stray from what made the classics so damn good.

My only question to you is have you only played the later Final Fantasies? Because I can't see how anyone who has played FFIV-VI (or even the earlier games) wouldn't see a dramatic shift from good storylines to merely focusing on graphics and hoping that people don't notice that the storyline sucks, for lack of a better term, monkey balls. I really didn't expect to write that much, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense to me how people feel like they can praise the later Final Fantasies without playing the earlier games, as if the earlier ones don't matter. Not to mention the fact that you tried to blame Enix for the crappiness of Square games, that right there is just an ignorant statement in and of itself.

Edit: By the way

I am....ever since they merged the quality of the FF series has gone down a bit.

And I didn't think the quality was deteriorating at all....

Make up your mind ;).

06-05-2004, 08:53 AM
Nicely said Rabid Monkey, but yes i have played every single FF there is, even the gameboy ones which include FF adventure, then i got the SNES, but never got final fantasy till a later stage, which means that i had my mind to it and wasnt just a little kid that played cause he liked the colours, it took me 6 months to get every single final fantasy, so yes i have played the earlier FF's so i can talk. Why Square and Enix merged is still a question yet to be answered, Square were fine on their own and so was Enix.

Looking into the future FF 12, the team is going to change i heard, now everyone says the they liked the music, fo FFX and the earlier ones, but my point is all the song were my made by one person: Nobuo Uematsu, what if he wont compose the music anymore, will it still be good or will it get better, all you say the the music of FF10 was really good, but its gonna change, and for all you future orientated Final Fantasists, you will probably look back at the times when Square was still Square and Enix was still Enix!

Final Fantasy was Squaresoft's idea and Enix are making a profit from it now, but thats beside the point, another fact is that the final fantasies are gonna get worse, THERE IS NO COMPETITION, and i learned in economics, the less competiton, the lower the quality of the product will get!

06-05-2004, 09:19 AM
Actually, Nobuo Uematsu's music is so varied... but at times it feels too much of the same. When FFX-2 came out, I was glad it had a different tone of music.

Personally I feel that it's not that FF is getting worse and worse, we're just swimming in our pool and saying that the other pool is dirty... when they also see the same thing too.

06-11-2004, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by PuX
How did Squaresoft (Square-Enix) come up with that name, anyone know?

Opinions please!!!!

i'll tell you the real answer if no-one gets it but you probably already know!

final fantasy was going 2 be the last game done by the bloke(cant remember his name atm) who first had the idea about it or somethin like that cant remember now. anyway it talks about it on the bonus disk from ffx

06-15-2004, 04:12 PM
I'll agree with Sector 7 since the two companies merged the game's quality has fallen. FF-X was the last game produced by Squaresoft. My believes is that the new staff's goal is profit not quality and satisfaction of FF fans:(