05-30-2004, 03:07 AM
Hey i made some naruto wallpapers.
Maybe the secound one is to much pink=P

Uchiha ()

sasuke x naruto ()

07-09-2004, 04:02 PM
yay a true waller that i can go to for advise. your really good. do u use photoshop. cause i do. when i figure out how too i will show u my pictures that i made. but anyway i liek the both. the colors blend perfectly in the second one. great job

07-10-2004, 02:32 PM
Wow, they both look gorgeous. The first one is my favorite, but I like the second one too- I don't think it's too pink at all.

You make such cute and pretty stuff. ^^

07-13-2004, 01:49 PM
heheh thanks^^

07-19-2004, 03:50 AM
I've got to say, thats really beautifully done.
3 thumbs up.