05-27-2004, 11:20 AM
FF8 is the worst ff in the series after mystic quest from super nintendo. when you believe you know who the mega boss is, suddenly ultimicia comes out. i also should mention that you dont see her till you fight her. she has 4 forms in combat: ultimicia, the gf, than the gf and ultimicia combined, than the real ultimicia! What is with that!? it is pitiful for everone who thinks this game is good. i am going to have to compare it with ff mystic quest because it is that bad. also, why are the weapons where they are? ff7 had a reason for them, but i do not recall a reason for these creatures. absolutely pitiful, so all you fans, plz tell me why you like ff8 so i may just be able to change sides....

Bahamut ZERO
05-27-2004, 11:56 AM

Yes... I can see why Ultimecia being a bad end boss is the case when Necron suddenly appears out of no where in FFIX, after having absolutely no mention throughout the whole game. Although Necron as a boss made sense, for reasons explained in the FFIX forum. So I digress.



Final Fantasy 8 was good. There were some things in the game which are unique to it in the series. The drawing of magic may be annoying, but at least Square tried something unique. The storyline may have veered off at a tangent towards the end, but seeing as it was meant to be a love story between Squall and Rinoa, they did get that across well.

The purpose of the weapons? Well, the first weapon held Eden, the ultimate GF, so that makes sense. The second weapon is a challenge ala Emerald and Ruby in FF7.

The Force Breaks looked cool, the graphics are the most realistic in the series on the PSX, and the game play was fun enough to make me play it from beginning to end more than once.

The music score was awesome too. Who can forget Liberi Fatali or the boss battle theme? Awesome tracks. :)

05-28-2004, 10:02 AM

If you don't like FF8 then fine it's YOUR opinion. But it doesn't mean you should bash the game. Look, if you have nothing good to say...can you please just keep it to yourself?

Bahamut ZERO said all that could be said ^_^ so I don't need to say stuff no more.

05-28-2004, 06:52 PM
Ummm. Whateva. Does it really matter ? Even if people don't bash FF8, they can bash on other FF series too or the characters in FF. And don't say that you haven't done it yourself.
Personally, to me, FF8 is alright but can be quite annoying as the storyline kinda flow in and out. The drawing was annoying and modeling the weapon was a pain in the butt.
Zicor did made some very good points.:erm:

Landlord of Sector 7
05-28-2004, 11:26 PM
BZ you stole almost everything I was gonna say...FFVIII is probably my fav of them all it has the most replay value..

Bahamut ZERO
05-29-2004, 07:59 AM
I'm more than willing to admit that 8 had its faults. But so did every other game in the series if you give me enough time to think about it.

What makes the game good is the quality of the emotion between the characters - who can forget Cid and Edea's reunion? Who can forget Squall carrying Rinoa on his back across a bridge because she was ill and the only place he knew that could save her was Esthar? Who can forget Rinoa being lost in space, and Squall essentially sacrificing his life so the two of them could be together at the end of their lives, only to have the Ragnarok appear out of no where? Who can forget Rinoa and Squall together on the Ragnarok? These are all moving moments in the game. And I have only just touched the surface of them all.

The more I think about it, the more the story makes sense. Okay, the Ultimecia bit might not make too much sense... But her presence extended the Squall-Rinoa storyline, and also linked Laguna and company into it too. So in that sense, it did fit the story well.

I also forgot to brush on the point of Ultimecia's final battle. Sure, there were TONNES of different modes, but the final battle is MEANT to be a challenge. It would be silly if you could beat the final opponent in five minutes. Ultimecia was a huge challenge. I know I struggled once or twice to beat her.

Modelling the weapons... This was a new feature in place of just buying new equipment. And I liked it. There was the challenge of finding the right components and putting the weapon together to create the best one possible. I remember getting Squall's Lionheart for the first time and I was proud. Then when he started using the limit break too, well, I was even prouder. ^_^

Maybe I should replay this game now...

05-29-2004, 01:42 PM
Well said Bahamut Zero, you seem to know your games. I shall stay off the subject now because I seen what you people like about it, and i must admit myself, they did do a good job in THAT area of the game. Reading your comments made me remember the battle between the two gardens of Squall vs. Sipher (i forgot how to spell his name), and the missle crisis. I would reply that game just for those parts, thank you all.