05-27-2004, 09:19 AM
why is there a cat sith in ff7? He was the only uneeded character. a spy for shinra, and he is the worst attacker ever. why do they even have them. if you have a reason, answer to me, but if not, lets laugh together about it

Bahamut ZERO
05-27-2004, 09:50 AM
Do you mean Cait Sith?

Yeah, so the character in battle wasn't that grand, and his limit breaks were random at best... But he was needed for the story in order to put more pressure on the group. He even turns himself into a good guy as the story progresses. He finds himself caring for the job that the party is doing, even going to betray his employer.

05-27-2004, 10:18 AM
i think in the japanese version of the game cait sith has one more limit break were the game glitches and kills all the monsters even bosses so in the japanese version i guess hes kinda usefull if you get him all the way to his last limit and he was the one who got black material altho it was stupid how right when cloud was having one of his mental breakdown he pops up saying "Hi im Cait Sith two" like if any of us care but he did black material for us so he helped the plot if not someone was going to have to die again

05-27-2004, 11:08 AM
Yeah, sry, cait sith

Rotex is right, when the character dies for something, they should stay dead (except aeirs of course) so that means cait sith was just a meaningless creature. but in my family, i am the only one who actually liked the dice limit thing, but never would i spare a character for him in my party.

Landlord of Sector 7
05-27-2004, 01:32 PM
I don't mind him I just think it's unrealistic where they meet him and it goes like this. "Hi I'm a fortuneteller I will tell your fortune." "OK that was bad we're leaving." "OK let me try again." "HAHA HERE YOU GO!" "Now I must follow you." "OK what's your name?" and that's it.

05-27-2004, 01:41 PM
i agree even though i hate cait sith

05-27-2004, 02:39 PM
i hate cait sith
he's only there to betray you
stupid bastard!

05-27-2004, 06:14 PM
Yes he is indeed very stupid but needed for the story....

I hope he is in AC just because every char must be in the story (hoping Red hoping Red) but I hope he is either just Reeve or plays a very small part in it.

05-27-2004, 06:53 PM
yeahhh... cait sucked almost as much ass as cloud... (if you have a problem with me saying this... go here (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12857&perpage=50&pagenumber=2) and say something about it!!!) but he can actually do 9999 damage each time with HP Shout... if ya do it right... and if you know the slot trick (rapidly and repeatedly press square to be able to pick which thing you want) then i think you can actually beat the weapons with this... altho i think it's much harder than the slots in the battle arena...

05-27-2004, 10:13 PM
Cait Sith is really annoying and i dislike him/her/it or whatever the hell it is. maybe if it was just a giant moggle wandering around... with a different name it would be ok.

05-27-2004, 11:07 PM
Cait Sith really sucked for my opinion cuz he was a controled robot, and when he died for the black materia in disc one, he came back saying, "Im cait sith 2" with all the same states. kinda pissed me off, and i highly doubt changing the name will do much.

PS: i think cloud rules, so stick to the subject


If the history is to change, so be it...
if the world is to be destroyed, so let it....
but if my fate is to die, i must simply laugh -Magus the Dark

Lunatic HighVII
05-28-2004, 08:53 PM
Good question. Although he is part of the game needed to give hints like in the gold saucer "what you persue will be yours, but you will loose soemthing dear". He is simply there to take up space in your party while going to the desert prison. I agree that he is pretty much pointless, but if you think of the story with out him it doesn't make as much sense. It was really stupid how he could just say "hi im cait sith 2!" when he died, he should just be gone like aeris.

i can just picture it "hi im aeris 2!"

cat sith - i get it!! :)

p.s im new to this sight but im OBSESSED with final fantasy VII

stupid question: why does it say onion kid under my user name?!

05-29-2004, 12:52 AM
Rotex is right, when the character dies for something, they should stay dead (except aeirs of course) so that means cait sith was just a meaningless creature. but in my family, i am the only one who actually liked the dice limit thing, but never would i spare a character for him in my party.

Zicor, soz but u r wrong here, cait sith didnt die he isnt real remember he is a toy puppet controled by Reeve thats why he came back.

05-29-2004, 05:17 AM
He said it... the Cait Sith that's running around with the group is some sort of robot, and whoever controls it can just get a new one to control if the old one is broken.
Robots cannot die. Aeris wasn't a robot as far as I know... so she cannot come back like Cait Sith. Wait a minute. Aeris... no blood... maybe she is a robot?
Come to think of it, a Cait Sith army would have been very nice.

Bahamut ZERO
05-29-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Misao
Come to think of it, a Cait Sith army would have been very nice.

And quite difficult for one man to control... Although they could've unleashed the whole lot against the party, and one of them would've scored the "let's kill EVERYONE" limit break eventually.

I do have one question: How the hell did Shinra get a new Cait Sith to the Temple of Ancients so quickly? I mean, did they anticipate the first one getting squashed? Did they stay within five feet of the party with back ups nearby? Seems silly.

05-29-2004, 01:47 PM
Um...Misao, dont you know you can revive Aeris? Aint saying how though.

An army of robots.....that could be a new ff game! Final Fantasy: Episode 13, attack of the clones....nah.

Minion of the greater
05-29-2004, 09:55 PM
Hmph, cait sith was one of the worst characters in the world, Zicor, and there will be no way he can get any better. About the army, if there is one, it will be as strong as the Austrainlian army, and that wont be a challenge. Aeris using her brute strength against them.

You all make Kuja look strong

Tifa Lockheart
05-30-2004, 06:38 PM
i think cat sith was need so he can steal the keystone and all, and to rescue Barret and Tifa from Shrina.....he was part of the story dont argu with that :o

Landlord of Sector 7
05-30-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
I don't mind him I just think it's unrealistic where they meet him and it goes like this. "Hi I'm a fortuneteller I will tell your fortune." "OK that was bad we're leaving." "OK let me try again." "HAHA HERE YOU GO!" "Now I must follow you." "OK what's your name?" and that's it.

Need I say more?

Bahamut ZERO
05-31-2004, 07:02 AM
Landlord, have you ever been in the situation where a kid at school has just started following you, and nothing short of violence is going to shift him from your footsteps, but you don't want to resort to violence because if you do, the teacher's going to grab you and dump you in detention?

Well, think that in the introduction section, with you as the party, the kid as Cait Sith, the teacher as Shinra, and detention as prison... I think then, the situation might make more sense.

05-31-2004, 10:29 PM
dude, that's awesome!!!! tho i think in both situations, i'd prolly end up resorting to violence anyways... (i could take the whole shin-ra and i can take my teacher too!)

06-01-2004, 12:58 AM
wow whats the whole point of this thread to just make fun of how useless cait saith was cause im cool with that