05-26-2004, 12:50 AM
Hello guys, I have some secrets of Final Fantasy VIII, but it's only for PC not PSX. I called it the "Ultimate" secrets, because it's very powerful.

Here are the "Ultimate" secrets:

1. Magic "Apocalypse"
The most powerful magic in FF8. Junctioning this magic to Elemental Defense make you absorb (100%) ALL elemental attack, make you the strongest one. Normally, you can only obtain this magic in Ultimecia's final battle by drawing from her. But now you can have this magic from beginning in Disc1 0r Disc2 or Disc3. Really want to know, I'll tell you later.

2. Magic "Catastrophe"
Never hear that? Yes, it's powerful enough, but can't be compared with Ultima or Apocalypse. Wanna see this magic? Don't worry I'll tell you later.

3. Magic "Percent"
Another strange magic, it's not powerful magic, but strong enough to kill low level monster. Still want to know? Later.

4. Magic "Full Cure", "Wall", "Rapture", and "The End"
I say these Magics, not Selphie's limit breaks. Yes you can stock these magics over 100. But you can't junction them. I don't know why, but you can use these magics many times to kill any kind monsters or even some bossess with magic "The End". Wonderful, sorry I'll tell you the secrets later.

5. Summoning "GF MiniMog"
Can you summon MiniMog in FF8? Of course you can. It is an ability, you must have item "Mog Armlet". Its attack "Moogle Dance" will restore your GFs HP fully. But I think this GF is useless for me. How' bout you. Just wait again.

6. Summoning "GF Moomba"
You can only summon this GF from item "Friendship". Its attack looks weird, because many Moomba will attack your enemy. But powerful enough and simple to use. Still waiting for...

7. Summoning "GF Chocobo"
Another GF in FF8 and all Final Fantasy series. GF Chocobo is the 2nd strongest GF after GF Eden. Its final attack "Choco Buckle" will damage enemy over 5 digit (>10000 HP). Wow it's really promising, but obtaining this final attack is very very hard. You must play Chocobo in minigame (PC only or PSX if you have pocket station), you must level up your Chocobo to level 100. Then you may obtain "Choco Buckle" or maybe "Choco Meteor" a 2nd attack of Chocobo. Good luck for you.

8. Ability "Ribbon"
You must have known this. Usually this is an item, but in FF8 it is an ability, you can set it to your ability and using it, so anykind of status attack will not have effect on you.

9. Using "Seifer" or "Edea"
Normally Seifer and Edea will join your party in certain event. Seifer will join in Dollet mission, and Edea will join in Esthar. You can't use him and her anywhere and anytime. But I'll tell you how to make them be your party member. I have ever fighted againts Seifer by using Edea, he..he..he...

Finally I will tell you how to get "Ultimate" secrets
--------------I's a simple way. You must download "FF8 Character Editor". It's available anywhere. Search it by using Google or others, then download it. You may download it here, if this is a dead link, you can find it yourself. Remember to edit your savegame and you can obtain all the secrets except for GF Chocobo (you must train your Chocobo to level 100 then transfer it from minigame to FF8)----------------------------

I hope you all enjoy the secrets......

05-26-2004, 07:16 PM
Editing the game doesn't count as "secrets" but as "cheating", doesn't it?

05-27-2004, 07:59 AM
Actually it would count as Hacking... not cheating really but ja.

05-30-2004, 10:42 PM
That first guy annoys me a loTTTTT!
1.I Thought those secrets really can be dscovered from the game.
2.Me myself, used that hacking program years ago.
3.Overall......I'll simplify that man's act.
(Suspending but Stupid)
4.Sorry, I can't help myself from spitting those words out!

Landlord of Sector 7
05-31-2004, 03:02 AM
Hey I've got a secret for you!!! YOU CAN REVIVE AERIS IF YOU GO PLAY WITH YOURSELF!! ;) have fun junior.

05-31-2004, 05:35 AM
can u?????????;)

06-01-2004, 02:16 AM
None of the GF "secrets" are actually "secrets" and you can get them without hacking. It's called Chocobo World and it comes with the PC version for free. You can also get on the PSX version, but only if you have a "Pocketstation" and that's only in Japan really.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-01-2004, 02:51 AM
Yeah I have searched far and wide in my state and haven't found one so yeah....

06-01-2004, 10:40 AM
my mate had a pocketstaion, its like a tamakochi (those electrnoic animals, lol, was quite fun to play, but you couldnt get Apocalypse, if i remember correctly

06-01-2004, 01:41 PM
No, there's no reason why it would. As far as FFVIII goes, the Pocketstation only lets you access Chocobo World on the PSX version of the game. But I think it may even only be compatible with the Japanese version of the game.

06-01-2004, 09:39 PM
I got that so-called (Chocobo World). It comes with FFVlll PC_Version. I used to get many special items with it. But i dunno how to train it till level 100 and use it as a GF in the game. Any advice/help?

06-01-2004, 11:55 PM
Gysahl Greens summon your chocobo in the game. Its attack varies based on the number of "powerups" you've found. You get one powerup for activating an event in which Boko finds Koko, but in order to get that event, you need to take the game off "standby" mode or whatever it calls it. I recommend the Chocobo World guides at GameFAQs if you're really serious about it. They have more info. But it's not anything especially great that's really worth the effort.

06-02-2004, 06:47 PM
Actually, you can play Chocobo World with the US PSone version assuming you have a Pocketstation.

You can actually find a Pocketstation for 30 dollars on Ebay... but would it be worth it for Minimog and all that? You tell me. :O

06-02-2004, 09:58 PM
For just Minimog and all that? Not a chance in hell. It's a semi-cute little game, but I wouldn't actuall pay one red cent for it.