09-07-2013, 12:54 AM

1. Gorging Theme
2. LA Backstory
3. Pine Creek
4. Lost Canyon
5. Don't
6. Do
7. It
8. Kolob
9. Spiraling Down
10. Found Out
11. Dodged a Bullet
12. X Canyons
13. Parallax

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09-07-2013, 12:57 AM
Thought this was a documentary on food addictions.

09-07-2013, 01:05 AM
Thought this was a documentary on food addictions.
Haha! This is a wierd score by the way, I couldn't get into it. But it's always nice to discover a new name. It is mostly electronic/electro/dub stuff. The first cue is my favorite, it's a guilty pleasure to me.

09-07-2013, 01:08 AM
Film Synopsis:

GORGING is an adventurous look at canyoneering, the sport of exploring canyons by means of hiking, swimming, climbing and rappelling. Relatively obscure, the sport is most recognizable from the grisly accident of Aron Ralston, who severed his own arm while trapped in a canyon (portrayed by James Franco in "127 Hours").

Experiencing an overnight spike in popularity by the late 90’s – in the wake of canyon accidents appearing on broadcast news, along with the advent of the internet – the sport became inundated with participants of all backgrounds and skill levels. Faced with a new era of off-the-couch recreationalists, three influential pioneers, a canyoneering instructor, photographer, and guidebook author each respond to a growing interest in the dangerous activity.

Amidst the throngs of new canyoneers emerges Steve Cabourne, an enthusiastic weekend warrior from Los Angeles. Charting his journey from a beginner, Gorging follows Steve’s pursuits as he begins to take on more advanced canyons, placing himself further into more dangerous territory.

A tale of adventure and risk, GORGING employs the story of canyoneering to examine larger questions about the pursuit of thrills and the consequences that follow.

Composer Gregory Reeves juxtaposes a purely electronic score against the amazing natural beauty we see in the film. Not just the big ambient panoramas you might expect, but also micro/glitch approaches to reflect the minutiae and immediacy of the sport, retro styles to fit parts of the character’s stories, and pieces where location sound is used to create musical events. The sport of Canyoneering is loaded with crunching, clanging, and scraping, as well as incredible tension and release, and Reeves’ score embodies all of this in an unexpected fashion.

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Haha! This is a wierd score by the way, I couldn't get into it. But it's always nice to discover a new name. It is mostly electronic/electro/dub stuff. The first cue is my favorite, it's a guilty pleasure to me.

Listening to the first track now will be a good one to inline skate to.

09-07-2013, 02:35 AM
thanks sunderella

09-07-2013, 04:09 AM
Thank you !

09-07-2013, 05:51 AM

09-07-2013, 12:46 PM
Mirror 320kbps: (94,08 MB) - (