05-25-2004, 05:37 AM
Is Final Fantasy 10 really that good? I mean everyone says FF10 is much better than FF7, think back again, which story line was more touching and which final fantasy had more memorible music, it wasnt 10 was!!!


Can any of you hum a piece of music from final fantasy 10 from ur memory???

Seymour's Theme????

Think Again.......

Now think of Final Fantasy 7, hum a piece of music from your memory!

Sephiroth's Theme???

05-25-2004, 05:55 AM
Eyaaaaaaauuuuuuueeeeeeeeehhhhh.... okay I can't sing it... how about.....

DAH dahdah DAH DAH DAH DAH DAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... okay, can't sing the battle music either...

How about...

URK... ECK... SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING... okay, can't sing other world...

FFX kinda stuck to my mind as much as FF7... but, even I have a hard time trying to remember One Winged Angel.. I do know Jenova, that's one of my favorite tracks.

As for touching story, well...

That's touching...

But it didn't make it a great storyline. NOT saying that FFX had a better storyline (which I perfer over 7 anyways), I just think people compare a sword over a shield... which means people aren't comparing the right things.

Bahamut ZERO
05-25-2004, 07:24 AM
I know Seymour's theme... And I sure as hell can hum the theme for Mt Gagazet and for Auron, and for the final battle, and the challenge theme.

Each Final Fantasy has its strong points and its weak points. The important thing is if you enjoy the game or not. If you enjoy it, continue enjoying it. If you don't, don't play it. :)

And on a sidenote: I should replay FFX...

DreamerFFX Yuna+Tidus fan
05-27-2004, 11:39 AM
FFX is the best game in the world. it made me cry (a lot). saying that though,i have never been on any of the other FFs (xcept FFX-2) .any help?????

05-29-2004, 05:48 PM
ROFL to MogKnight, nice try!!!!

you see dont get me wrong i like FFX but Final Fantasies arent what they used to be!!!

Nice image lol, what was so bad about the FF7 storyline and 8 was also great story line, but more of a love story!!
and yes you guys might memorise Final Fantasy 10 tunes more than FF7 but its all opinions!!!!
MogKnight, what are the right things to compare? that would be pretty useful!!!

05-30-2004, 04:15 AM
will the music of FFX breaked my heart speacialy the first theme(To Zanrakand).

And The Music That Rock My Heart Is Tidus old man battle theme(Other World)...It's cool...

05-30-2004, 04:46 AM
Well I think I said it in the other thread... but uh, repeating never hurts.

Each Final Fantasy game has their own spark. It's very hard to really just state what is and what isn't a Final Fantasy, all you can really tell is if it has the name "Final Fantasy" and if it follows the Class System.

Final Fantasy, for the most part, has only real thing in common among ALL Final Fantasies, that is that the characters can be associated with a character class. Since the start of Final Fantasy, there were 6 main classes and eventually they were split up into different classes. You had the Warrior, the White Mage, the Black Mage, the Red Mage, the Monk, and finally the Thief. That's really the only thing that all FF share, the character class system. And of course (with the exception of FFX-2, which we will count towards as a mainstream FF), Nobuo made music for all of em in some way shape or form.

(Oh and there was an airship and a guy named Cid, spelled someway some place)

I would like to take this moment to deeply go through each Final Fantasy and you'll tell me what makes a Final Fantasy... and not just "Final Fantasy Now" or "Final Fantasy Then" and so on.

First, we look at Final Fantasy (the first one). Now, Final Fantasy had no character development at all, in fact, the story is not about them entirely but is more about saving the world. There is no MP system at this time (though this will be corrected when FF1&2 come out for the Gameboy Advance) and there was no moogles or chocobos. There was an airship and a guy named "Sid", not Cid, "Sid". There really wasn't much of any great mood to present here... except for the fact that the world is slowly getting F'ed up by the crystals.

Next, we'll look at Final Fantasy 2 (not Final Fantasy IV mind you). We now actually have characters in the game that aren't just the creation of the player. We ended up with many people dying but always end up with a universal 3 characters. Now, the game has really nothing to do about saving the world (that much). Instead, the game is about 4 orphen children that want to go against the empire that destroyed their village (and I should mention that the female character looks A LOT like Rinoa/Yuna/Garnet/etcetc in the FMV openings). This game does not use the usual leveling up system that we all know as the experience system. If there was a love story or not, I'm not entirely sure as I haven't played it throughout the end... but it seems like there isn't.

Final Fantasy 3 goes back to the Final Fantasy class system but tweeked. What we now know as the "Job System", you can interchange between jobs and kill enemies. Again, the four characters are not emphasized as anything as they all look the same. These guys eventually get known as Onion Kids... or Onion Knights. I don't believe a summoning system has been created yet... oh well, moving on.

Final Fantasy 4, a Final Fantasy that has a lot of emphasis in character development. This also makes many uses of our cuddly creatures and memorable characters. There is a love story in this... in fact, I think this started the love story bit. Ah well, moving on again... oh and people died... this isn't the first Final Fantasy where someone important dies but I have to point that out... OH and you travel to the moonz!

Final Fantasy 5, uses the Ability System which is like how FFXI does it's system of having a second ability to use. 4 characters, one dies out and 3 worlds... oh and Crossdresser.

Final Fantasy 6, totally different on how it works out in story. There is no main character, instead there are like 3 stories going on at the same time and eventually you all meet in the end and stuff..... OH and the villian (considered the true villian of all Final Fantasy) actually ends up destroying the world.

Final Fantasy 7, uses a materia system, which made it all open to anything. Your character can be souped up as long as you have the right materia equiped. Do I really need to point out these things? >:O Future based as well.

Final Fantasy 8, junction system... souped up characters... oh and really mature characters. Future based

Final Fantasy 9... ehhhh.... weapon ability system, funky characters, takes place more in the past times...

Final Fantasy X, takes place in a more post-apocalyptic area (okay, maybe it's not really apocalyptic but going from Zanarkand to what it is now?). Sphere Grid system leaves to making your character into ANYTHING, probably the most customizable system. Three Villians but not really!

Anyways, point where I'm going at... saying what is a Final Fantasy or not is more opinion based rather than fact... so you can say ALL you want about how one is a Final Fantasy and one isn't, you have nothing to back it up except what you think (which isn't something you can back up something with).

THANK YOU gimme beer.

Bahamut ZERO
05-30-2004, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by PuX
but its all opinions!!!!

You said it yourself right here... Everyone has a different taste as to what makes the game great. You don't see X as being awesome. Whereas I and many others do see the game as being awesome.

Why are there so many differences? Wouldn't things be boring if Square had continued to have made the same style game from FF1 onwards? I would speculate yes. The Sphere Grid was hard to get the hang of, but it gave you so much flexibility in how to customise your characters.

I for one thoroughly enjoyed the change. :)

Originally posted by MogKnight
THANK YOU gimme beer.

I dunno... Are you under age?

05-30-2004, 08:04 AM
Just send a beer to me 3 years from now with your special time warp ability... I KNOW YOU HAVE ONE!

05-30-2004, 12:06 PM
I think that FFX is better than FFVII

vs http://img76.photobucket.com/albums/v231/auron82/all1.gif

05-30-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Well I think I said it in the other thread... but uh, repeating never hurts.

final Fantasy, for the most part, has only real thing in common among ALL Final Fantasies, that is that the characters can be associated with a character class. Since the start of Final Fantasy, there were 6 main classes and eventually they were split up into different classes. You had the Warrior, the White Mage, the Black Mage, the Red Mage, the Monk, and finally the Thief. That's really the only thing that all FF share, the character class system. And of course (with the exception of FFX-2, which we will count towards as a mainstream FF), Nobuo made music for all of em in some way shape or form.

(Oh and there was an airship and a guy named Cid, spelled someway some place)

THANK YOU gimme beer.

one more thing in common with final fantasy games wedge and biggs dno if there spelt right but they have been in alot of the ff games

05-30-2004, 02:26 PM
Biggs and Wedge weren't introduced until FF6... even then, they were translated as Vicks and Wedge in the US then it was changed to Biggs for the Anthology Release.

But that's not anything "groundbreaking"...

05-30-2004, 04:22 PM
I can memorize a few tunes from all Final Fantasy games. Auron's Theme IS great, I do believe I could hum that. Seymour's Theme, while it clings to my brain, is inhummable. I can't hum that, because my toe-nails would roll themselves up. It's creepy. And it wasn't made for humming. Suteki Da Ne is very good for humming, though :)
Sephiroth's Theme isn't. It's very atmospheric, but nothing you could really sing that well.

I've not heard a great lot of people say FFX was better than FF7. Different games and different stories. I enjoyed FFX better in some aspects, but the two games are just too damn different to call one the better. And why are there two threads dealing with basically the same? :O It makes me repeat again and again: All FF games are different, and all have their strengths and weaknesses and most importantly: THERE IS A RIGHT FOR EVERY ONE OF THESE GAMES TO EXIST. Even if I cannot hum its villain's theme.

05-30-2004, 04:47 PM
[i]Even if I cannot hum its villain's theme.

ROFL, good one, but it was just an example, anyways lets just end it!!!!

Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 11:19 PM
FFX is good, but it doesnt' get any better than FFVII! FFX was the easiest! FFVII's character design is way better!

06-03-2004, 08:29 AM
Quote: FFX is good, but it doesnt' get any better than FFVII! FFX was the easiest! FFVII's character design is way better!

How can you say that FFX is easy! It may be easy beat the final boss but have you seriously beaten nemesis and penance and if you have did you seriously find them that easy! Just like final fantasy 7, final fantasy 10 has loads of subquests and both are really hard to complete 100%.

Also i personally think that penance and nemesis are way stronger then ruby and emerald weapon from 7 which i did find rather easy.

06-03-2004, 08:38 AM
Yeah, real fact is that Nemesis is really strictly about patience and knowing what to do.... not to mention max out everyone to the extremes.

The US players will never fight against Penance (Unless they imported international) and the Dark Aeons. FFX is indeed a hard game to complete (not beat but complete) compared to FF7, it requires more time and effort to get to Nemesis.. and it takes even more time and effort to destroy him.

06-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Via Purifico from FFX wins my heart everytime I hear it.

Originally posted by MogKnight
Yeah, real fact is that Nemesis is really strictly about patience and knowing what to do.... not to mention max out everyone to the extremes.

The US players will never fight against Penance (Unless they imported international) and the Dark Aeons. FFX is indeed a hard game to complete (not beat but complete) compared to FF7, it requires more time and effort to get to Nemesis.. and it takes even more time and effort to destroy him.

I coud'nt agree more
most FF sidequests are easy to complete
But FFX sure takes the cake for the most time consuming
and I live in Australia
So I have FFX International

06-05-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
FFX is good, but it doesnt' get any better than FFVII! FFX was the easiest! FFVII's character design is way better!

Character design was the same if you ask me, Tidus and cloud both had spikey hair, lulu was aeris but a bit more non-innocent, Yuna was like tifa (cause she got with the main guy).

But i have to admit FF10 was far too easy, but nevertheless....THE END lol

06-05-2004, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Luc
Via Purifico from FFX wins my heart everytime I hear it.

I coud'nt agree more
most FF sidequests are easy to complete
But FFX sure takes the cake for the most time consuming
and I live in Australia
So I have FFX International

Are you trying to make fun of us? :(

06-05-2004, 08:47 AM
Yuna was like tifa (cause she got with the main guy)
When I read your "Lulu is Aeris" I knew I wouldn't have much to expect, but heh... really, if you can say that Yuna is like Tifa JUST BECAUSE SHE TOO "got with the main guy"... I mean... I am stunned.
Can your comparisons become any worse? Can you simplify the characters any more? >_<

06-05-2004, 09:25 AM
How in the world can Yuna and Tifa be even "related"?

For the most part, they don't even look the same... Tifa never got it with Cloud, Yuna doesn't punch and beat up people nor does she have big breasts.

Man, why don't you just say that the FF1 Warrior and Barret are related to each other? They're both male!

Bahamut ZERO
06-05-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Man, why don't you just say that the FF1 Warrior and Barret are related to each other? They're both male!

THEY ARE??????????

I can understand why people make comparisons, but it is silly to just judge a character on how they look. Especially when Tifa and Yuna only have one similarity in their hair colour... And it's even different lengths...

Look DEEPER and see how the characters ACT. Even identical twins act different from one another, which is why each of them are utterly unique.

06-08-2004, 11:26 PM
I like them almost the same but I lean more towards FF7...But I love hum songs from both.I really like the music when Aeris dies and in FFX I love the Hymn of the Fayth. Personally,I hum songs from all the final fantasies.

Dot Centaur
06-09-2004, 12:28 AM
Cloud 123, well duh, thats what I mean when I say the game is easy, to beat the game. If you got the Magus Sisters, the game was nothing. Sidequests are optional so you can't say the game was hard. Its hard only if its hard to beat.

Pux, the character design did look different. The costumes in FF8 had a different design than FF10. The costumes on the characters did look more funky. The graphics might have been the same, but FF8 did look more like anime than FF10.