01-23-2002, 07:28 PM
Uh yeah.. I realized I never posted this here, 'cause FFS was down when I finished it.. I did post it on CD though, so some people might have seen it :o
So.. here be my newest realistic drawing =D

Camui Gackt (http://www.nymphonline.net/images/gackt.jpg" target="_blank)

Comments pwease? ^_^;;

01-23-2002, 08:16 PM
OMG!... thats amazing nymph, very realistic. me likes ^_^ :)

01-23-2002, 08:59 PM
nice drawing.....looks kind of like madonna, don't you think?

01-24-2002, 04:39 AM
It looks really realistic. It's nice that you can draw more than just anime or cartoon.

01-24-2002, 11:06 PM
Wow, Nymphy, that pic is really good. It looks just like him, too. ^_^ Good job! :)

Black Dragon
01-25-2002, 01:56 AM
Very impressive.
Whenever I try anything like that, I never have the patience to finish it.
Plus they never look as good as that.

Black Dragon.

01-25-2002, 08:22 AM
It's amazing! U sure know how to draw! :)

01-25-2002, 08:25 AM
ya its realy good. i like the use and direction of light the moast...the eyes...dark...the face...like its over exposed...i love it.

but who is it?

01-25-2002, 01:38 PM
Well.. as it says in the topic title "realistic Gackt". That's Gackt Camui, a J-rock artist :p

Thankies for the compliments =D

01-25-2002, 05:00 PM
Thats awsome. I love all the detail and it looks really realistic. Keep it up!

01-25-2002, 10:12 PM
:) It does look like him!

*compares it to a photo*

Congrats... I feel inferior.

01-26-2002, 01:05 AM
....that is very nice work Nymph..I like the drawing...looks real enough..you are very talented...I should say....keep up the good work..maybe...I should post a little....of my own.....

01-26-2002, 01:23 AM
Awesome picture, if only I've that kind of ART ability....would be great isn't it.;)

01-26-2002, 04:51 AM
WOW-E-WOW!!!! Nymph, you rock my world :D . That is totally awesome, and it's shaded very nicely. Keep on drawing ;) .

Setsuna Yuna
01-26-2002, 07:26 AM
That is really good...I'm not very good at realistic drawings. I'm learning how to make a manga right now, so I guess I'll post some of my art when I'm done. ;)

02-06-2002, 05:03 PM
You've still got it girl !!!
I've got a challenge for you.....draw a realistic version of an anime-character...like Kenshin, Spike Spiegel, or Sjinji Ikari :)

02-06-2002, 08:38 PM
Realistic Kenshin.. That would be cool.. I'll give it a try when I've got some more time.. :o

Eh, thanks for the compliments and shtuff ^^;

02-08-2002, 01:19 AM
WOW!!! Nymphy, that is a fabulous drawing ^_^ It's sooo realistic, and me hope you keep drawing more of'em :D

02-19-2002, 04:30 AM
not sure how to respond because this was drawn from a photo. However, it is very nicely done. I like Gackt when he isn't dolled up, like when he was rocking it out with "Another World" during the Kouhaku music festival. I even was featuring "english words from that song" in my sig. anyways, the lighting was handled nicely, the shadows were well done to. The face has a nice soft touch on it. the hair looks like it was done a little quick, but I can't see the photo, so I don't know. I'd like to see what you can do when you're not looking at a photo but using such a style.

03-01-2002, 03:31 PM
OMG! are u a pro artist thats awesum i wish knew how to draw like u

03-02-2002, 10:32 PM
Me likes!:)
Keep it up!:)

03-06-2002, 05:36 AM
tat is good U r good at realistic drawins. it looks like a proffesional did it.

03-06-2002, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by rezo
not sure how to respond because this was drawn from a photo. However, it is very nicely done. I like Gackt when he isn't dolled up, like when he was rocking it out with "Another World" during the Kouhaku music festival. I even was featuring "english words from that song" in my sig. anyways, the lighting was handled nicely, the shadows were well done to. The face has a nice soft touch on it. the hair looks like it was done a little quick, but I can't see the photo, so I don't know. I'd like to see what you can do when you're not looking at a photo but using such a style.

Ehm well.. I looked up the picture, here it is :p

I don't copy all details or anything.. I can't draw every single strand of hair, or make every shadow and crook exactly alike X_x;

Thanks or the compliments and stuff.. Though I didn't think it looked *that* professional o_O; :o

03-10-2002, 04:49 AM

sorry for the late reply.

not much to say though. The shadows on the shirt are a little too dark, and I assume this is because you used charcoal(if you used charcoal that is. . .) if not, then its easy enough to lighten it with pencil. If you used charcoal, you can go over the dark parts with white to get better variations of grey. erasing works in a similar way(i THINK- because I haven't used charcoal in so long. . .) the same can be said for the hair. It has a sort of wispy look in the photo and isn't all that detailed. If you can control the blurs with an eraser, you can get that effect without too much effort. its a solid rendition though.

03-11-2002, 09:45 PM
WOW!! that is very realistic.. great job

Hell Fire
04-02-2002, 10:00 PM
whaaaaaaaahhh thats phaaaaaaaaatt
nymph really I didn't expect it to be that good when you said it was realistic........good job :D

04-14-2002, 10:33 PM
Dat ish a very veyr good Nymphy. Just like everything else you do. Very gifted and telented you are, many (including myself) envy your talent for art. I expect to see more great Nymphy drawings. ^^