05-23-2004, 08:10 PM

This is going to seem a bit random but....

I'm trying to get a Sephiroth model for a friend... I've done a bit of reasearch and worked out the Bandai made toys. There seem to be two versions, the American and the Japanese, and I have no idea what the difference is.

Could one of you lovely people possibly tell me which a UK collector would probably prefer?

I'd really appreciate it!


Lauren x

05-23-2004, 08:30 PM
Well... I would always say the Japanese Models are better... it's the source after all.

If you had a lot of money to invest, you can always get a Sephiroth Resin Kit.... but that's like an ass load of money!

And I think I'll put this in the FF7 forum.

05-26-2004, 01:22 PM
try getting both lol but like Mog said Japanese definatley if ur a real collector!