05-23-2004, 05:12 PM
i, have absolutely no idea, what there is to do in this complecated world, you call "easy." but if you could give some kinda instructions on how to get the heck around. but i doubt you'll even pay attention to me. and don't think i'm just some boring idiot trying to get somebody's attention. i'm the exact opposite of boring. and if anyone here knows me i'm Padfoot. if you think i just call out for some attention, well then go jump off a cliff! you speak lies, LIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEES!!!!!;)

05-23-2004, 05:59 PM
Ich hatt 'nen Goldfisch, der hie� Michael, der schwamm in seinem Aquarium 'rum.
Und Micha war ein guter Kerl, nur leider war Michael stumm.
Ich hab ein halbes Jahr versucht ihm sprechen beizubringen.
Doch leider hatt' ich keinen Erfolg, er wollte nicht mal singen.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, so I'll close it, and if you want to know why or want some kidn of instructions to get the heck around, PM me. I can also supply you with more great WIZO lyrics.