Bahamut ZERO
05-23-2004, 03:38 PM
Final Fantasy 7 had a great story, for sure, but for me there were some areas that could've been a little better, and that included the development of some of the main characters. There was so much mileage they could've got out of some of them which they didn't do.

For instance, Vincent. He had a very interesting back story, as a former member of Shinra and thus a former enemy of yours. I wanted to know more about Vincent than I was told from the cut scenes. I wanted him to have his own sub quest like Barret, Cid, Cait Sith, etc. But I was only given a brief glimpse.

There were other characters too, that I would've liked to have seen more of. Rufus. I wanted to fight him again. I wanted to see more of what made him tick. The Turks. I definitely wanted to see more of them too.

So how about you? Who do you think was under used in the story? Who did you want to see more of? And please give reasons why.

05-24-2004, 01:43 PM
i think some waaay underused characters were 'j' 'z' and 'q' lol... sorry... actually i agree with you B-ZERO... cuz really, there wasn't much filled in except cloud, tifa, and aerith, and a tiny bit of the rest... maybe a glimpse into their present situation, but not into the ppl themselves... definately vincent, and rufus (awesome chars) and of course the turks... tho i did like the way you met in the underground of sector 8 (where i chose not to defeat them cuz they so cool!) and preiously in wutai where both teams seem to like each other, yet duty calls and forces them to be on opposite sides... i think they'd make a great force if combined... i's like to see that venue more explored! and i think i'd like to know more about reeve... i mean we know about cait, but not much about the human behind the puppet! lol. ya, that's a lot so i'll shutup now!

hb smokey
05-24-2004, 09:19 PM
I would have liked to see more of Zack. If more of his past and his life was explained, that would help explain better the connection he and Aeris had. They only mention him a few times in the entire game, which disappointed me

Lunatic HighVII
05-29-2004, 12:44 PM
I really wanted to know more about Zack too, but when you go to Gongoga for the 1st time with both aeris and tifa in your party it explains a little bit. both tifa and aeris walk out and say a little about their connection. There is also a flashback much later in the game which involves the shinra mansion, Zach, and other side characters. If you go back to the mansion after seeing it, Zack is there and explains a little bit.

Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 02:53 AM
I would like to know more about Zack too. About the relationship between Zack and Aerith. I would also know where Jessie was before she joined Avalanche. What her backrounds were and where she came from. Jessie's one of my favorite minor characters.

06-02-2004, 03:15 PM
I would have liked to see Biggs,Wedge or Jessie NOT die...I mean they were awsome , Why couldn't they have lived...when I first played it I said to myself: "Yeah! Biggs rocks! , hes my favorite guy in the game." then Biggs,Wedge and Jessie get crushed and im way....their dead =(

06-02-2004, 11:08 PM
I think that Red XIII and Cait Sith were under used characters.

hb smokey
06-02-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by cloud21
<B> I think that Red XIII and Cait Sith were under used characters. </B>

Well, Red XIII was a pretty cool character, but Cait Sith was terrible. I mean, I thought Sith was from Star Wars?

Anyways, it is a good thing that Cait Sith was underused, because most people cannot stand that thing