05-22-2004, 01:01 AM
Anyone else here seen this yet? I got this off of Anime Arsenals ( and it rocks! Here are some thoughts:

- They've got Meg and Pegasus for "Hercules" in the game? That rocks! Especially Meg. She was one of the best characters in the movie.

- It looks like this time we get to go inside the Beast's world. I wonder what other new worlds there are going to be.

- The FMV gives a taste of the new Heartless, but I get the feeling that's just a very small taste of what's going to be offered.

- In all shots, Sora was fighting using the Kingdom Key. I wonder if they just didn't want to give away the keychains - or if there aren't going to be keychains anymore?

- I saw Auron mixing it up with Hades. Go Auron! And I think this version of Auron looks pretty close to the original too.

ultima weapon
05-24-2004, 04:14 AM
I was kind of let down with the new trailer, i got a, a slight lick of the new battle system, some new scenes and that's it? More then that, it was almost absent from the entire E3 convention which was a let down. There was no demo either. On top of that, states may not see KH2 will the end of 2005! *digs a hole and cries*

Oh well, time to amuse myself with fanfics. =(

05-24-2004, 02:38 PM
Well, I loved it, but then again, I'm a slave to "Hikari: Kingdom Orchestra Version" and I loved Hercules.

Riddle me this, though, that one guy in it - the one that you're using in your avatar right now - who is he?

ultima weapon
05-24-2004, 05:07 PM
His name is Axel and he seems to be with the Unknowns (guys with black coats and hoodies.

06-06-2004, 10:05 AM
i liked the new trailor. the combat looks much better than the original and the worlds look good aswell. it was nice to see auron as i was worried that the sequel may not have any ff characters at all.

07-06-2004, 12:03 PM
Have you heard, there are ganna be finaly fantasy characters in KH2? Lady Yuna, and Auron!! It's ganna be awesome! I can't wait till it comes out...anyone heard when it's release date is yet?

07-06-2004, 08:16 PM
Um... you do know there were Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts one, don't you?

No release date is set, but i've got my money on holiday season 2005.

07-06-2004, 08:18 PM
The trailer was indeed awesome. I'm also a big Hercules fan, so seeing Meg was pretty exciting.

I want to see more about Kingdom Hearts for the GBA. ; ;

07-09-2004, 04:11 PM
i cant wait 4 kingdom hearts II whenever i can i try 2 fin more info about it. and i think the release date 4 chain of memories is the holiday season this year u dont realy have 2 buy cuz all it does is fill in the 1-2 year gap between KH1 and KH2