09-01-2013, 10:01 PM
anyone have or know where i can find the soundtrack to this NES classic

10-07-2013, 04:13 AM
anyone? :(

10-07-2013, 09:17 PM
As far as I know there is no official soundtrack. Do you know about NSFs? They're like ROMS, but only the music information is there. You can even play them back at a higher quality than the original hardware was capable of producing. You can download the Cobra Command soundtrack in this format from many places, here's one:
Nintendo NSF Music - Zophar's Domain (

Then you can play it back in something like this:
VirtuaNSF - Nintendo NSF Utility in Audio Players Category - Zophar's Domain (

10-09-2013, 12:54 PM
just convert the NSF (or NSFE if you want track titles and times) to mp3 using Foobar.

i'll do it for you if you dont want to install everything.

10-10-2013, 05:07 AM
That Would Be Awesome Thank you :)

10-11-2013, 12:45 PM
oops! looks like they didn't have a NSFE file of the game, so i had to use the generic "Track 01, etc" track title format. i hope that's ok? here it is. (

btw I'm also a huge fan of data east soundtracks, so if you ever want more I can upload them.

10-15-2013, 02:25 AM
Thank you so much for this, and im too a big fan of Data East Soundtracks they were very underrated