05-20-2004, 04:57 AM
The main argument i hear about noadays, is who is better, squall or cloud.
Squall has a personality like a slapped ass, but squalls gunblade makes him much stronger.
I heard that cloud is meant to get his strength from mako energy, but squall has the trigger gunblade.
I don't think zidane is really in the question, but anyway...

hb smokey
05-21-2004, 01:02 AM
Well, if by strongest you mean muscles, then it would have to be Cloud. Just look at the size of that sword he swings around, not mentioning the fact that he does it with relative ease!

05-21-2004, 03:00 AM
Strongest PS1 character?

Sabin. He pwnz j00.
Either that or Umaro, because, well let's face it, he's a giant yeti! He has to be stronger than everyone else.

05-21-2004, 04:37 AM
Why would there be a competition between them anyway, there from two different games, so there each good at the roles they play in there own game..

hb smokey
05-24-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Alpott87
<B> Why would there be a competition between them anyway, there from two different games, so there each good at the roles they play in there own game.. </B>

Why would you even ask this question? This thread is just asking a simple question. And besides, they are from <B> three </B> different games, not two. FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX. So just have some fun with this question

Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 10:54 PM
Cloud's the Best!!

hb smokey
06-01-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
<B> Cloud's the Best!! </B>


Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 11:14 PM
Becuase he's the Hottest!! In my opinion, he does the most damage! I love his Spikey-Hair:love:!

Landlord of Sector 7
06-01-2004, 11:24 PM
Cloud can do the most damage if you equip him with the Ultima Weapon and 4x-cut materia and he also has omnislash which is about the same as Squall's Lionheart and Zidane cannot take off more than 9,999 HP so Cloud wins specifically. And also, in the ending FMV of VII, Cloud catches Tifa and pulls them both up with one hand and that is his left hand which is an incredible feat.

Rabid Monkey
06-01-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
Strongest PS1 character?

Sabin. He pwnz j00.
Either that or Umaro, because, well let's face it, he's a giant yeti! He has to be stronger than everyone else.

Cyan rocks them both. 9999x8 anyone? Not only that, but he is the mother fucking man, hands down.

Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 11:44 PM
You got it Landlord of Sector 7! Cloud does the most damage. Cloud all the way!

06-02-2004, 04:42 AM
mind u all Cloud is enhanced with jenova cells, and without them hes not to strong but with those cells he is the strongest.

Aerith Gainsborough
06-02-2004, 10:01 AM
Cloud is cute, but I don�t think he�s the strongest. Actually I think he�s pretty weak sometimes. Probably because of this "other person inside of him". :(

But I like him, even with his faults. ;)

Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Cloud can do the most damage if you equip him with the Ultima Weapon and 4x-cut materia and he also has omnislash which is about the same as Squall's Lionheart and Zidane cannot take off more than 9,999 HP so Cloud wins specifically. And also, in the ending FMV of VII, Cloud catches Tifa and pulls them both up with one hand and that is his left hand which is an incredible feat.

Omnislash hits for about 15 times, doing a maximum of 9999 each time, a total damage count of at the most 150000-15=149985 hit points.

Squall hits Renzokuken, a total of around 8 hits, each doing 5000 damage more or less. So that's 40000 off the bat to begin with. Then Lionheart hits circa 20 times doing 9999 damage, so that's 40000, plus the 200000-20=199980 from Lionheart, equalling a total of 239980 HP... Half again as powerful as Omnislash.

But if you ask me, the most powerful hero is Cecil. He has to cleanse his soul of all evil and completely reform himself from scratch, learning a completely new set of techniques.

And most of the cast in FF7 would get killed off by Edgar, Sabin and Cyan in a matter of minutes.

Out of those three though: Squall. For the reason I stated. Zidane's second just for being cool and bubbly and actually giving a damn.

06-02-2004, 09:20 PM
Cloud catches Tifa and pulls them both up with one hand and that is his left hand which is an incredible feat

WOW U SERIOUS! shit hes strong, he must be super human. He's more man than Arnold Schwarzenegger I bet he cant even wipe his own arse cos his muscles are so huge.

I wonder, if i lift a girl who is 5'4 - 5'5 does that make me super human?

hb smokey
06-02-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
<B> Cloud catches Tifa and pulls them both up with one hand and that is his left hand which is an incredible feat. [/B] </B>

Also, what if you are left-handed? Then that would make it easier to lift up a girl that is similar in weight to Tifa. It would be an incredible feat if Cloud's arm was broken while he lifted her up, but it wasn't so...

Landlord of Sector 7
06-03-2004, 12:26 AM
It was already an incredible feat strong arm or not strong arm........not very many people could do that. Also, I'm pretty sure Cloud IS right handed by the way he holds his sword.

hb smokey
06-03-2004, 12:59 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
[B]<B> It was already an incredible feat strong arm or not strong arm........not very many people could do that. </B>

Do what? lift up a girl with their left arm? Doesn't sound too incredible to me. Cloud isn't the only one that could do that...

06-03-2004, 03:47 AM
i might go do some girl lifting now if u kno wat i mean :D

06-03-2004, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Smokey

Why would you even ask this question? This thread is just asking a simple question. And besides, they are from <B> three </B> different games, not two. FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX. So just have some fun with this question

Ok, Cloud is the best because he is from final fantasy VII
Squall is the best because he is from final fantasy VIII
and Zidane is the best because he is from final fantasy IX

06-03-2004, 08:13 AM
I consider the Fighter (Warrior) from Final Fantasy 1 as the strongest of all... even the PSone because the game was also released on it.

Landlord of Sector 7
06-03-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Smokey
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
[B]<B> It was already an incredible feat strong arm or not strong arm........not very many people could do that. </B>

Do what? lift up a girl with their left arm? Doesn't sound too incredible to me. Cloud isn't the only one that could do that...

You don't understand, imagine this. You are trying to do a one-handed chin up on the side of a cliff, and not only that but you have another at least 100 lbs. in your other hand, think that's easy?

hb smokey
06-03-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Alpott87

<B> Ok, Cloud is the best because he is from final fantasy VII
Squall is the best because he is from final fantasy VIII
and Zidane is the best because he is from final fantasy IX </B>

That makes perfect sense!

06-04-2004, 05:08 AM


06-04-2004, 07:14 AM
First of all they are both soldiers which means that they have a lot of combat experience due to their training.They truth is that Cloud is mutated because within him is the core of Jenova and that makes him stronger.On the other hand Squall can use summon creatures and magic without materia so Squall is stronger in magic but Cloud is stronger physically.An other fact is that Cloud's world is much more dangerous than the ffviii world and Cloud is older and much more mature than Squall.This could add some points to his strength.Zidane is out of the game because he is a child but his trance ability makes him strong but not enough to face Omnislash or Lionheart.In anyway we love all of them because they all are a part of ourselves in a period of our lifes!

06-06-2004, 07:01 AM
lol guys ur too factual, just who is the best, in my opinion its Cloud!!!

Dot Centaur
06-06-2004, 01:39 PM
Ya, its all about Cloud!

Bahamut ZERO
06-06-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by PuX
lol guys ur too factual, just who is the best, in my opinion its Cloud!!!

You're right. It is all opinion. And my opinion is based on the fact that Squall's ultimate attack causes more damage than Cloud's. And the question is: Who is the strongest character? Ergo, Squall is stronger than Cloud.


Dot Centaur
06-07-2004, 02:37 AM
That's very true! Its all about opinion. My opinion is Cloud. Hence the word opinion peoples!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-07-2004, 11:22 AM
Ramza from FF Tactics.

Pwns Cloud and Squall, so there.

06-08-2004, 04:59 AM
Alright Alpott or whatever you name is, i ask a question for some reference, to see what all you lot think, and u try to critisize, y cant u just be open minded about it?

06-08-2004, 05:51 AM
It all depends. If you go strictly by their own games, then Zidane is the coolest because he isnt a silent blocky dude, or a moody depressed punk. Nay, he is a wisecracking, loveable theif, who thinks with his penis. Who doesnt love a guy like that? He also has a tail. So in terms of character development and originality, Zidane takes the cake. But then youve got to consider Leon and Cloud from KH, Leon wins here, because his outfit is now a million times cooler, and hes now a wise veteran badass rather than a boring punk kid. Cloud is a close second with his new Sephiroth wing, and Vincent style accessories. That big sword never stops being cool either, especially when wrapped in ace bandages. So when it comes down to it Zidane is the most memorable, but the other two in their redesigned forms are pretty damn sweet.

Dot Centaur
06-08-2004, 01:18 PM
You are right. Zidane was the strongest in personality. He was happier than the other two.