05-18-2004, 08:57 PM
I am looking for a static pt in shiva server. My name is vapiant on the game. lvls 17-19 will be getting lots of exp by chaining NOT all ITs. less downtime=more exp.

Evad D'Aragon
05-19-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Vapiant89
less downtime=more exp.

Thing is, newbies that are just a few levels lower really tend NOT to understand that :p Especially in Valkurm Dunes , AKA Noobland :p They're always "no, get the IT, the IT, we want FAST AND GOOD EXP". Damn idiots, that is EXACTLY WHY we chain the Ts instead !!!! lol You try to make them understand that not only we get as much exp by chaining three Ts instead of killing a single IT, but it's also easier and takes about the same time, minus the downtime...But NOOOO, it's way too complicated to understand :p I mean, I soon realized that myself and I'm still not exactly an expert, why couldn't they do it too ? *sigh*

Oh, well, that was just my ranting. I'm surprised because I got two good parties yesterday in Valkurm Dunes (Doesn't happen often, but it can lol) and so I got my Monk from level 12 to 15 yesterday. Not too bad. Now I can stop working on it and go back to main Warrior until level 30 and becoming Paladin. Sweet. :)

05-19-2004, 06:57 PM
thank god SOMEBODY understands what lvling is all about. i try to tell n00bs about the benifit of chaining Ts but NOO they have to go and let me the war/tank die repeatedly. i have lost many lvls because of stupid n00bs attacking ITs without consulting the mroe ex players. I would really enjoy having u in the static pt if it ever happens. are you on shiva server?? if so that would be great.

Evad D'Aragon
05-20-2004, 01:12 PM
No, I'm not. I'm on Cerberus.

And besides, I'm not all THAT good, to be honest. I still make a few mistakes, but fortunately enough it's no longer big mistakes that cost the life of all the party :p Like, sometimes I don't keep the hate on me well enough, or I miss a skillchain (to be honest, I'm far from kwnowing them all, I usually say the skills I have to the others and we agree on what we chain). I found out I'm much better as a sub-tank than main tank, although I can still do the job as main.

05-20-2004, 07:53 PM
I understand where u are coming from. thx so much for ur thougths. i just wish the newer players would understand the importance of a good pt. im very sry u cant be in the pt. and thx agian for ur input. Vapiant :)