05-17-2004, 02:50 AM
When playing FFX you have to plan ahead for the late game. Some characters, like auron and rikku, have their uses, such as rikku's steal and Auron's early armor break, but they lose steam towards the end. Auron keeps on gaining life but his attacks become less and less powerful as he gains lvls. Eventually another of your characters will have all the skills he does, and he becomes useless. The main characters you should focus on, who are good all the way to the end are

Tidus: Best Character in FFX by far, especially his final overdrive!

Wakka: One of the Best allround attackers, especially against flyers, and his status ailment attacks are useful all the way through.

Yuna: She summons

Lulu: Her overdrive has the capacity to be incredibly powerful, and her elemental attacks, when used effectively, are devastating.

Auron, Rikku, and Kimahri are useless in the late game. Sure, using LAncet with Kimahri you can get one of the best overdrives ever: Sunshine, but that alone cannot make up for his flaws. Rikku is fun but is never more then a switch-in character, and Auron, while seeming good, just does not perform against stronger enemies later on. Ofcourse depending on how you do the sphere grid, this can change, but generally these characters are not the ones you should include in your main party. However, this is just my opinion, and I would like to know if you disagree, or have used these characters in your main party. Much thanks!

Bahamut ZERO
05-17-2004, 04:49 AM
Auron was the only guy who caused any sort of damage for me in the final battle. He just completely trashed the Final Aeon. True, he was as slow as a stoned snail, but his power more than made up for it, and with the right combination of support magic used during the battle, he can be fast enough.

I'll agree with the Yuna summoning making her stupidly hard though. It was too easy to max out Aeon Overdrives and summon them one after another in battle.

05-17-2004, 05:24 AM
Well, problem is that.. well for me... I maxed out everyone's stats before I moved on to any more sidequests and finally Sin. It got to the point where Yuna would be dealing way over 20,000 damage. Everyone has their uses and stuff but in the end, Auron has Power, Lulu has Magic, Tidus as Speed, Yuna has Summoning, Wakka is long distance/aerial.

Rikku... I never used her but I hear that her Mix Ability is EXTREMELY helpful when you have your back against the wall. Kimhari... well, I believe he can be as powerful as Auron and can do Blue Magic dealies (at least... as an overdrive) really well. I've never used the two but they seem balanced along with the rest of the group... you just need to dedicate yourself to leveling everyone at the same time.

05-17-2004, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by ziggypop
Auron keeps on gaining life but his attacks become less and less powerful as he gains lvls. Eventually another of your characters will have all the skills he does, and he becomes useless.

During gameplay, I found Auron really useless, actually he was really powerful. I think how characters grow is pretty much depends on how you use sphere grid, perhaps your Auron went to the are which there aren't many spheres to gain strength.

Originally posted by ziggypop
The main characters you should focus on, who are good all the way to the end are

Tidus: Best Character in FFX by far, especially his final overdrive!

Wakka: One of the Best allround attackers, especially against flyers, and his status ailment attacks are useful all the way through.

Yuna: She summons

Lulu: Her overdrive has the capacity to be incredibly powerful, and her elemental attacks, when used effectively, are devastating.

Auron, Rikku, and Kimahri are useless in the late game. Sure, using LAncet with Kimahri you can get one of the best overdrives ever: Sunshine, but that alone cannot make up for his flaws. Rikku is fun but is never more then a switch-in character, and Auron, while seeming good, just does not perform against stronger enemies later on.

Actually, the best character in FF 10 is Wakka because his final over drive is a way better than Tidus's, however Tidus is really strong, I admit it.

I think Rikku is quiet usefull, though she isn't powerful, not good at casting magic and not able to summon. What she can do is mix some items when she has charged her overdrive gauge. There are many recipes ofcourse to get poweful effect, you need to use rare items but it's worth doing, some of recipes can give you ultimate status such as you don't get damaged by anything for a short period of time. Eventually all characters become same except that each one has own overdrive. Auron and Kimari become actually worst characters in the end of game when all characters' status becomes maximum, cause their overdrives suck.

You also should think about celestial weapons, because the abilities attached to each weapon is different. Some of them are almost perfect.

Vivi FF
05-17-2004, 06:25 PM
Rikku rocks. Her Mix is really useful at times, even with max stats. Plus she's fast and can get a second turn in before anyone else. True, a Thief is harder to work with, but you can turn her into anything afterwards and she'll be very good at it (her speed helps definitely helps out).

hb smokey
05-17-2004, 06:37 PM
Wakka's Attack Reels Overdrive can deal approximately 1,200,000 million damage if done correctly.

And all my characters were basically the same, with all the stats pretty much maxed out. I used all seven in just about every battle I encountered.