08-23-2013, 01:30 AM
Gabrieli:The Glory of Venice/ E.POWER BIGGS/ 1968 [mp3]
The Reiger Organ at St. Mark's Basilica, Venice Italy
Gregg Smith Singers
Texas Boys Choir
Edward Tar Brass Ensemble

Booklet data enclosed.

The original recording was released the same year America was introduced to Mrs. Peel of The Avengers fame. As a kid I delighted in the LP as much as I did in Diana Rigg.

CBS Records released this on CD many years ago, much to my surprise. The music is glorious. The concept stupendous. The talent masterful. The execution to bring it all to reality was an absolute nightmare for all involved and never to be repeated. The booklet offers the incredible details and struggles of bringing together choruses from the USA, recording equipment from Switzerland, brass players from Germany, and an organ from Austria to do battle with watery Venice & the Church to create Gabrieli's music where it was first heard.

A1 Intonation For Organ On The First Tone / Plaudite, Psalite - Motet In 12 Parts For Three Choirs 3:20
A2 Intonation For Organ On The 9th Tone / In Ecclesiis - Motet In 15 Parts For Three Choirs 8:55
A3 Intonation For Organ On The 10th Tone / O Magnum Mysterium - Motet In 8 Parts For Two Choirs 4:50
B1 Intonation For Organ On The 11th Tone / Hode Christus Natus Est - Motet In 8 Parts For Two Choirs 3:30
Intonation For Organ On The 8th Tone / Three Mass Movements
B2 I - Kyrie Eleison I - Motet In 8 Parts / Christe Eleison - Motet In 8 Parts / Kyrie Eleison II - Motet In 12 Parts 4:25
B3 II - Gloria - Motet In 12 Parts 3:25
B4 III - Sanctus - Motet In 12 Parts 2:15
B5 Intonation For Organ On The 7th Tone / Wimpel's Emptus Scrotumni - Motet In 10 Parts For Two Choirs 3:55!8gtgybwT!a9sif2fJKV8TUeyhKmeMsn_SzaMInPugIWXUD1m 9x64

08-23-2013, 02:18 AM
thanks Phideas

08-23-2013, 01:32 PM
This is a real gem!
Thank you once again, my generous friend.