05-16-2004, 07:43 PM
As many people know, Final Fantasy IX has to be one of, if not the best Final Fantasy in the series. But another trait it holds is being the most unpopular, or most under-rated. This is due to the fact that Final Fantasy IX was released only two weeks before the premier of Playstation 2. So this poor game with it's now inferior graphics got lost in all the hustle and bustle of the new mega-console that everyone wanted.

And from a source I cannot cite, this was said:

"Final Fantasy IX was easily one of the best in the series, but it actually sold the least amount of copies in the series. It is our fault for waiting so long to release it, everyone kind of forgot about it because they wanted to pick up a shiny new PS2. And everyone here knows that Final Fantasy IX would have sold great if the timing had been better. So it's almost like we have a game that has never been released. And we have been talking about a possible remake. We want this game to get noticed, and their will be very little work involved since all the scripting, cinematics, characters, items/weapons, and storyboard are already done, just a tune-up of game-play and non-cinematic graphics and it'd be pure brilliance."

This is nowhere near being officialized, it's just been disucussed. Personally I hope they do it.

05-16-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Amaroth
...Final Fantasy IX has to be one of, if not the best Final Fantasy in the series...

...And from a source I cannot cite, this was said...

... Final Fantasy IX was easily one of the best in the series, but it actually sold the least amount of copies in the series. It is our fault for waiting so long to release it, everyone kind of forgot about it because they wanted to pick up a shiny new PS2...

...This is nowhere near being officialized, it's just been disucussed...


Everyone, ready to say it with me?

BULL S***!

I'm closing this >:O