05-14-2004, 09:42 AM

Like what MMM said, this isn't your normal FF VIII/IX/X type of Battle system. It is instead something like that of FF XI. It's taken from a handcam, quality is soso. However, I'm sure the content makes up for it! ^^

05-14-2004, 09:38 PM
I'm actually a bit disturbed by these recent events... if I wanted to play .hack//, i'd play .hack//. The whole 'simulated online rpg' doesn't really appeal to me - once I get broadband, i'll be playing real online rpgs, with real people. I don't need sims.

Hopefully, the only changes are the battle system, and the story remains intact. Not being able to control the other members of your party is a bit of a blow, though. Hopefully it will have a KOTOR like system where you can switch party members on the fly.

05-17-2004, 07:26 AM
.hack was completely different in battle system... the fact that it was pretty simplified to the point where it's not really fun kinda brought it down.

05-17-2004, 11:36 PM
I've just read Penny Arcade's overview of FF12 - and from the sounds of it, it will have more in common with KOTOR than I dreaded.

For instance, being able to pause and choose actions, then unpausing the action - as well as being able to do the same for the other characters. 'Gambit' seems more of an optional extra for the people who don't want to micromanage.

I love KOTOR, and FF adopting a similar battle system can only be a good thing - hopefully they'll adopt a similar experience system.