05-13-2004, 02:04 AM
Hi, I'm a newbie to the FF universe, having just played FFX on a friend's PS2. I was instantly drawn in and became completely addicted to it. I am now planning to buy a PSone to play VII, VIII, or IX, but I don't have enough money or time to buy and play them all, but I may have just enough for two.

I was wondering which two you would suggest I get. My taste may be different to yours, so I would appreciate it if you would explain why you think I should play those two, but please refrain from spoiling anything.

Here is what I am looking for, ranked from top to bottom in importance:

An emotional story � I really want the game to bring out the emotion, and rock my world from the foundations up. I really liked the epic and tragic love theme in X (I'm a sucker for tragic love stories), though I would have liked a happier ending. So in any FF I play, I would look for an emotional story above anything else.

Good Characters � Tidus, while kind of flat, was likeable, Lulu and Auron were plain cool all the way through, The bouncing of personalities between Wakka and Rikku was fun to watch, and ofcourse, Yuna was just the most perfect game chracter ever. (That I know of) Oh, and I hated Kimahri. The reason I really got into X was these characters � in any other FF I would play, I would like to enjoy such diverse charcters as well. The relationship between Tidus and Yuna, Auron and Tidus, were done great, and I would like to see something on par, if not beyond that.

Battle System/Fight Sequences � If I'm gonna spend 40 hours of my life fighting little digital monsters trying to lvl up, it darn well better be fun. FFX was great, as it became quite tactical toward the end, and required alot of thought. The Sphere Grid was pure genius, too. There were cool sequences in FFX like when you fought Sin from the boat and when you fought the dragon from the deck of the flying ship, or when you try to help the army that tries to kill sin by drawing him into a trap. These sequences were what made my experience so exciting, so I would hope other FF's have something like them too.

Movies � I love movies. In X I found myself saving after every major movie so I could watch it over and over. In FFX, I was fighting back tears during the ending, and was shaking with anger during the Seymour/Yuna wedding scene, and gaping in awe at Yuna dancing over the water. I want to be able to enjoy moments like these in any other FF games I play. (NOTE: I don't care so much about the graphics in movies, just the content and emotional factor.)

Yeah, thats all. The above are what I look for in a game, ranked highest at the top and least important at the bottom. Please give me some in depth replies, if you can, cause I am really having a tough time deciding. Tell me why I might like it, why you liked it, and why it is good. Remember not to spoil anything! Thanks so much!


05-13-2004, 02:34 AM
Story would have to go for FF6 and FF7

Characters would be FF6 and FF9

Battle would be either FF6, FF7 or FF4... I can't decide :o

Movies... well... everything after FF7 since FF6 and before were just re-releases of the old SNES games.

The only problem here is actually liking the 2D game system. That can be hard if you're too influenced to today's standards. FF7 you might have a VERY hard time getting attached to it if you expect great graphics and might not be able to enjoy it if you are picky about many things.

So if limited to the PSX FFs, in order, 7 9 then 8. If allowed to expand to the releases then 7, 6, then 9.

Of course you can play 6 via Emulator and Rom.... but I can't say much on that. ^_^

Bahamut ZERO
05-13-2004, 02:52 AM
If you want a good example as to how the template of Final Fantasy developed, grab hold of Final Fantasy IV. The ideals in the storyline there kind of get mirrored in every other game. Plus if you're in the US, buying FF4 as part of Chronicles will get you Chrono Trigger too~

I would recommend playing Final Fantasy VII at some point. Like it or not, it's the game that got everyone talking about the series as a whole.

And the only thing you really need to invest in is a PS1 memory card and the games. Your PS2 can handle PSX games such as VII, VIII and IX. :)

05-13-2004, 03:22 AM
As one of FF fans, I have to help you, Ziggypop.

I definitely think FF7 is the best and I think you will like it too.
The story is awesome as well as its atmosphere.

You can read sroryline on the other websites so I'm not going to explain details but what I think of it. ( you may have already read its storyline, no?)
You play as a character named Cloud ( ofcourse you know him, don't you?) who used to be a soldier employed by the coorporation called Shinra which kind of rules over the one whole city and he works as an utility man. There is the resistance called ".........I forgot sorry, actually I played Japanese one, the resistance was perhaps called "Avalanche", correct?
Anyway, you are going to be hired by the group so you are going to join this battle between them. During accompanying with them and the battle against "Shinra" there will be factors which stimulate your all emotion such as mysteries, love, sadness, anger. Hmmm, I can't write from now cause everything I want to say about this game can be spoiling.....

Jeez...., what I wrote sounds so clap,,,,,but what I'm trying to say is this game has a deep story, I don't say other FF 10 or 8 have just love stories but FF7's story is deeper than them, FF 7 rocks your entire world upside down over and over again.

Since you said you are a sucker for tragic love story, I think FF8 will get you as well, but why don't you try other thing. I don't personally suggest that you paly FF9 because it's kind of different from others however I liked it very much till the last fight.

05-13-2004, 03:25 AM
Its Better to you to buy PS2 cause PSX games can played on PS2 so you can play FF VII,VIII,IX.
and there also a collection CD For FF 6&5.
So Buy PS2 and have fun.

05-13-2004, 09:11 AM
Good luck finding a copy of final fantasy 7 or most of the early ps1 final fantasys for that matter, it took me a year to find my 2nd copy of final fantasy 7