Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-12-2004, 05:42 AM
Who loves this show?? It is the world's greatest show. If you love it too post here talking about why you love it, who's your fave character etc. Enjoy!

Himeno Awayuki
05-12-2004, 09:47 AM
Its a cool new series. I like it a lot. I don't know how to spell Yo's spirtual thing but he and Yo are my definate faves..


And the Beyblade Kenny - wannabe friend hes cool too..

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-12-2004, 04:52 PM
I know how to spell it. It's there sometimes on the sky synopsis. Its: amidamaru. Oh and kenny is cool too.

05-12-2004, 06:02 PM

Anyway, I never watched the anime, it should be relatively different - and much shorter! - than the manga, but I'll just go with my favourite character there...

Wait, who is my favourite character...? Ah, yes... Hao... Hao should rule the world. :D

05-12-2004, 10:09 PM
My fav has to be either Ren( manga) or Amidamaru.

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-13-2004, 04:23 PM
Cool! I never knew there was manga version! Tell me all about it!

05-13-2004, 06:41 PM
Tell you about the manga version?
Well, considering that it's still going in Japan, has now reached almost 30 volumes, and considering that the TV series ended an awful long time ago, I suspect that it GREAAAAAAAATLY differs from the anime. ^^
It's being released in the USA, too, if I'm not totally mistaken. I'm reading the French version, it's quite advanced compared to the English or German versions (and those would be all I'd be able to read), volume 17 or 18, I don't really know...

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-14-2004, 08:51 AM
Whoa cool! How's the story different?

05-14-2004, 08:53 AM
I didn't watch the anime, so I have no idea. I just suppose that the Shaman Fight is a lot shorter, less matches, less characters etc, less plot twists most likely.

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-19-2004, 05:09 AM
Well, in the anime the fights take one or two episodes (25 minutes each) and there havent been any plot twists so far as I know.

05-19-2004, 08:49 AM
And what does "so far" mean?
Shaman King is a slowly developing series. It starts out with short episodes, each chapter dealing with one problem, at least during the first volume or volumes... Talking about the manga now.
It takes them a while to actually begin their Shaman Fight, for example. If you don't count the qualifications, this starts in volume 8. Before that it's more or less shorter stories.

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-19-2004, 04:49 PM
I meant as far as fox kids have shown them. (i live in england and it's only on fox kids) If anyone else watches the anime in enlgand, please state your annoynace that they restarted the series, just when it was getting good,here

05-19-2004, 04:54 PM
And that was why I was asking. How far did they show it in England...?

Ultimate Fish Warrior
05-20-2004, 04:50 PM
They got up to this bit when len, rio, tray and yoh were going to the second round of the tournament and they stopped.

06-03-2004, 10:00 AM
That would be the end of season 1. Yeah, can't wait for season 2 and see Yoh fight Zeke! OH YEAH!!!

06-03-2004, 12:15 PM
They got up to this bit when len, rio, tray and yoh were going to the second round of the tournament and they stopped.
*winces* So... yeah. they really changed names, that hurts. Hurts. So, "Len" is Ren, but who the HECK is "Tray"?

Ultimate Fish Warrior
06-07-2004, 05:13 AM
He's this guy with blue spiky hair and he uses a minutian as his guardian ghost. He uses ice element.

06-07-2004, 03:54 PM
Okay. Horohoro. His name's Horohoro. :(

06-08-2004, 04:19 PM
Yeah the guy that farts and is always on the loo is Horo Horo
the guy who also got his things stolen.

I think that Anna is really cool with her necklace and her headband.

06-27-2004, 09:17 AM
Do I love Shaman King? *points to sig and avy*

Hmmm...what say you? XD

I must say this is one of the most greatest animes I have ever seen. Yes, I knew of the mangas but could never get myself any (alas I live in the UK too). Oh well...there's always ebay lol.

I love Shaman King because of it's 'Spiritual' Theme, and the fact it flows so well. If the anime's this good, the manga must be better.

I have a 'thing' for Samurai's too, so that was a great bonus for me. I like North American/Red Indian culture so that was really cool how they blended that in.

My favourite character is obviously Amidamaru. I think Silva is cool too.

06-28-2004, 09:53 PM
anna is cool

Ultimate Fish Warrior
06-29-2004, 05:09 PM
Who is Silva? I havent watched it in a while cos they keep repeating episodes so i cant remember what i probably once knew.

07-13-2004, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Ultimate Fish Warrior
Who is Silva? I havent watched it in a while cos they keep repeating episodes so i cant remember what i probably once knew.

Silva is the one with 5 guardian ghosts, you know with the animals? He is also a referee for the Shaman King tournament.

He's the gorgeous looking guy with the large red head band and long dark hair!

07-20-2004, 12:59 PM
Oh I remember. The guy who taught Yoh Oversoul.

I like the eagle spirit.