Leon Scott Kennedy
08-18-2013, 08:05 PM
http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj10/Makoed/SFxT_JinandXiaoyuPandoraHandjobready_zps2820167f.p ng

My knowledge of Google-Fu, though nothing to wrinkle my nose at, only lead me to discover this piece of awesomesauce is also known as the "I'm totally giving Jin a handjob http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj10/Makoed/emoticonstare_zps1e94b610.gif" BGM. Is this track part of the official soundtrack release? (I tried to take a look at the tracklist, but titles seemed a bit too generic)
Or do I have to rip it?

Thanks in advance for any help. Stay safe, and remember... He belongs to her.

Managed to rip it from the game.