05-11-2004, 01:35 AM

05-11-2004, 04:53 AM
I was so free as to put a spoiler warning there...
Anyway. I think the scene is overly used in AMVs. Especially because Aeris has a weird way of dying, and there being no blood at all... It is odd. :)

*looks at the piccie*
Must have hurt.

Bahamut ZERO
05-11-2004, 08:02 AM
Oh yeah... No blood...

Dammit, and I thought Final Fantasy 7 was really realistic as well... Even Squall bled a bit in Final Fantasy 8...

A "look behind you" shout from Cloud would've added a panto theme to it too.

05-11-2004, 10:29 AM
Actually... I never understood why everything everyone was doing in that scene was:


You see Cloud pause, stare at Aeris. You see Sephiroth. You watch him descend. I suspect Cloud watches him descend...


Cloud watches Sephiroth jump from the ceiling with his Masamune raised. He stares. Probably thinking: Right, now's the scene when Sephiroth kills Aeris. Important scene, let's watch closely.

And he stares.

Oh, but then, when it's too late, he's like "Oh my god, what have you done, you killed Aeris?!" and Sephiroth looks at him coolly and shakes his head and says: Well, how was I supposed to know you'd just stand there and let her be killed? There I was trying to give you a dramatic scene where you rescue the girl and she admits that she needs your help... And you just stand there twiddling your thumbs! A fine hero you are."

Bahamut ZERO
05-11-2004, 11:45 AM
I guess Sephiroth's "control" over Cloud prevented him from rescuing her... But he could've at least made an effort to do so...

I mean, you could tell she really wasn't expecting it... Him not trying to save her, that is...

Damn, no blood...

05-11-2004, 02:07 PM
cloud was too busy thinking about tifa ^.^ lol. Aeris was a waste of time as a c for the most part I've found.. and I didn't mourn when she died besides the fact I had just gotten her new equipment..grr

05-11-2004, 05:17 PM
seeing it over and over again i cant stop looking at it is so weird looking.

Ark Mune
05-11-2004, 05:53 PM
ROFl. Watching that loop is funny as hell.
Cloud was going to kill Aeris, remember, he came at her with his word. then backed away. Sephiroth was prolly some how controlling or preventing him to stop it. No blood means Square was able to release it as 'E' for everyone, bringing in more sales due to a younger audience. If they had blood, game becomes a 'T' teen, causing parents to not buy it because they think there child can't handle it.

I think the ranking system changed a bit to allow low levels of blood to be rated as 'E'.

05-11-2004, 07:18 PM
i don't wanna say what i think it looks like, but to help, just get your mind in the gutter!

05-12-2004, 05:05 AM
As you can see, she's having a rather fun time with it. <3

Tifa Lockheart
05-15-2004, 08:51 AM
MogKnight your sick...u now that your sick......