05-10-2004, 09:56 PM
Like mythagoh's issue with the clothes how do the characters go for hours of gaming with out going to the bathroom or sleeping ( besides the inn)?

hb smokey
05-10-2004, 10:06 PM
Thats like asking where they keep all the supplies, such as gil, items, weapons, etc.

05-10-2004, 10:09 PM
so where do they store that i mean you cant have all those items

No offense but Square you shoulda thought more like have a limited supply of stuff wallet thing

hb smokey
05-10-2004, 10:09 PM
Well obviously you can, because somehow all those items are with you on the menu. In old FF games, you could store extra items with Chocobos, but in the new FF games, you ride the Chocobos. But, where do they put all the items now?

Hmm...probably in Lulu's coat-like thingy.

Stuff wallet-like thing? Right. Well wouldn't it be kind of weird if FF characters had to carry luggage with them on their adventures? And I mean carry it wherever they needed to, because only a few items could fit into their pockets or wherever they find room to fit it.

Yeah, it's not realistic, but i'm sure that explaining where all the items are held is not too high on Square-Enix's to-do list. Most people are so enthralled with the game itself that they never even really care about where items are stored

05-11-2004, 04:49 AM
Yes, I am offended. I wish Square and the rest of the video game programmers would finally give us a realistic game. Where you need to eat, drink and sleep, go to the toilet and take your medicine regularily, else it's just no fun.

I also noticed something odd in FFV. The characters never blink! Now that's so unrealistic, I think I should open a thread about this asking why they don't blink.

In other words... Answer is "It's a game, it's not a 100% correct simulation of life. Please don't open a thread for every "mistake" like this...

05-11-2004, 06:41 AM
Did you actually see some of the characters in final fantasy games bring a spare set of clothing? if no then they have nothing to change into anyway.

Another thing being, what would be the point in every now and then you have to make your character use the toilet? boring? yes there is that factor, hence there not being that ability in the game.

Characters not being able to blink in final fantasy V? well i dont know about you, but during my times playing the original final fantasy I,II,III,IV ive never seen them blink in parts other than cut scenes..

Just my view on things..

Thanks for listening.

05-11-2004, 10:22 AM
Alpott... are you familiar with the concept of sarcasm? My post was not serious, and when I picked FFV it was because I had to pick SOME game, now. I really didn't intend to sacrifice that much typing time for this ridiculous stuff.... X_x