05-09-2004, 12:08 PM
Yo, ff8 is one of the best games ever, as is ff7, occasionally u get nobheads saying that 10 and 10-2 are better but thats a lie.
Whats the point of aeons? And dark aeons?, summons are meant to help, this aint pokemon!
Any way i did think that junction mode was very good, although when you removed a GF from someone, you'd find that their stats would go down considerably but i aint complaining!
Don't ya think that GF's look better as the ff hames move on, there attcks and sequences rock on 8, 7 there a bit crap, but there ya go.
I think a problem that alot of people had was the fmv's tended to crash, n i don't know why that was but when they didn't they were damn good looking.
Whats your fave summon in 7 and eight, by the way, mine in seven are knights of the round and typoon, and for 8, bahamut and cactaur!
And my last question is who d'ya thinks the sauciest character, rinoa, selphie, quistis, aeris, tifa or yuffie.
Cough cough rinoa cough cough

Neo Xzhan
05-09-2004, 02:01 PM
Thanks for sharing that with us. If you want to discus about all FFs (clearly you did with this post stating why FF8 is the best) I suggest you go to general FF and go discuss about it there.