08-12-2013, 11:33 PM
Whew... now here's one I didn't see coming. And it's seven years old. I bet you didn't know Taku Iwasaki did a Warsaw score... I didn't until about an hour ago, when a lucky search turned up this...

TAKU IWASAKI (yes, really...)
Gin'Iro no Kami no Agito (2006)
performed by the
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
conductor unknown

Not my rip. Courtesy of MetalGear25 at BakaBT. FLAC. No booklet. Romaji track titles.


So... Taku Iwasaki, eh? I actually really like Iwasaki - and I think he's far, far smarter than anybody's really given him credit for... not to mention smarter than his recent scores would suggest. He's got himself stuck in a rut. I've always believed he had within him the ability to write great orchestral scores... but I wasn't quite prepared for the maturity and assuredness of his orchestral writing here! There's something about overseas recordings that make Japanese composers give just a little bit extra. Never have I known a composer to step up quite as proudly as Iwasaki has done in this score. Every note is still unmistakeably Iwasaki... but it's bathed in an almost Kanno-esque symphonic sheen... and it also just feels like symphonic music. We've all heard plenty of scores where a crappy composer does a big expensive sounding score and you listen to it thinking that it sounds like a load of nicely arranged trash... This is different. This is a score which belongs in the medium. There are electronics and "typical Iwasaki" in a handful of tracks, of course, but this is basically a grand old symphonic score like you never, EVER thought you'd hear from the likes of Taku Iwasaki in a million years.

About half way through, the orchestral cues suddenly start sounding like a domestic Japanese session (albeit a very well-recorded one with a decent size orchestra) and less like Warsaw. I haven't the foggiest idea why - maybe they ran out of session time and had to finish the score in Tokyo... who knows? If the session was an unmitigated balls-up it may explain why this was Iwasaki's first and last (to date) outing with a full symphony orchestra... But the music is uniformly excellent. The style or flair doesn't vary... but I suspect a significant portion of this score wasn't recorded in Warsaw.

Anyway... Enjoy! Taku Iwasaki does a completely straight symphonic score... and does it very, VERY well indeed!

08-13-2013, 04:10 AM
Thanks! Look forward to give it a try!

08-13-2013, 05:12 AM
This is a movie better known to Westerners as "Origin: Spirits of the Past" which was Gonzo's attempt to ape Studio Ghibli, released at the height of Gonzo Digimation before several series, starting with Dragonaut and Blassreiter, bombed critically and commercially, resulting in Gonzo falling apart (and even losing its sole hit series of the time period, Strike Witches, to another studio).

The soundtrack is not as big of a mystery as you may think it is considering Origin got a pretty big push by FUNimation when it was released here a few years ago. But the film is not known by its Japanese name here so that may be a reason why you never found it before. That being said, the music is indeed quite beautiful. Shame Iwasaki has never had the budget to continue such magic.

Herr Salat
08-19-2013, 10:49 PM
English Tracklist for Origin (Gin Iro no Kami to Agito), in case anybody wanted it.

1. Memories of the Forest
2. Harmonized Sound ~ with Reflection
3. Agito and Kain
4. Druids
5. Toola
6. Cataclysm
7. Neutral City
8. The Right to Stay
9. Ragna Gun
10. Helping Out Around Town
11. Agito and Toola
12. Agashi
13. A Man from Long Ago
14. Leaving Home
15. Toria City
16. Minka's Sorrow
17. The Temple in the Canopy
18. Strengthening the Core
19. Agito and Toola II
20. Uncontrollable Power
21. Yolda's Thoughts
22. The Day the Moon Breaks
23. Project Green Earth
24. Istolk Starts
25. General Attack
26. Istolk, Stop!
27. Great Eruption ~Agito and Toola III
28. For Our Future
29. That Which Connects Us to the Forest
30. Melody of Love

01-18-2014, 06:46 AM
Thank you

01-19-2014, 04:43 AM
thanks guys

11-13-2016, 06:36 PM
Any chance to reup
Links was down
Thanks in advance

04-12-2017, 05:59 PM
Could you re-upload it, please? This is a wonderful soundtrack. Thank you in advance.

04-23-2018, 01:32 AM
I re-uploaded: FileFactory (http://filefactory.com/file/74h14o0qvogh/Nipponsei_Giniro_no_Kami_no_Agito.rar) - Rapidgator (https://rapidgator.net/file/4cf744c324f4a01d61854924a4331875/Nipponsei_Giniro_no_Kami_no_Agito.rar.html) - 1Fichier (https://1fichier.com/?jkr9nb39ag) - Share-Online (http://www.share-online.biz/dl/WFBW3M7PTO)